Speaker denies opposition’s move to unseat Sir Robin Yearwood


POINTE XPRESS: The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sir Gerald Watt has made a ruling

on an issue raised by the Leader of the Opposition, Jamale Pringle, over the

validity of Sir Robin Yearwood’s presence in the House.

Pringle has made the point on more than one occasion, that during the swearing in

ceremony in February, Sir Robin, who was elected as Deputy Speaker of the House

swore the Oath as required, but that he failed to sign his name to the document as

the Standing Orders dictate.

The Opposition Leader first raised it when he delivered his Budget Presentation on

March 9 and he again raised it prior to the close of Wednesday’s proceedings.

At that time, both the Attorney General and the Speaker refuted the claim and it

was even indicated by the Clerk of Parliament that the member did in fact sign the

book as was the requirement.

The matter seemed not to have satisfied Pringle, so when the House resumed its

sitting on Thursday morning, the Speaker sought to give a final ruling on the

matter. He asked Pringle to restate his claim and asked the AG to respond before

he made his ruling.

The Opposition Leader repeated the assertion that Sir Robin said the oath, but that

he failed to subscribe (sign). “For any member to participate in any business of the

house, they must not only take the oath, according to Section 6 of the Standing

Orders, the member must do both things. This is not a matter of merely wanting to

be contentious, because if we are going to be doing things in this honourable

House, it must be done properly. Just simply to acknowledge an error and correct

it, you, Mr. Speaker, were sitting right there when the AG went off. I simply came

here to inquire, where do we go from here with that matter. I asked you to do your

investigations and get back to me,” he stated.

The Speaker then turned to Pringle and asked, “If it is, that what you are saying is

right, what turns on that, how can it be remedied?” In response, the Opposition

Leader said his understanding of the rules is that the member cannot participate in

any business of the House.

Called to respond, Benjamin stated that after considering the points made by

Pringle, he found that they were without merit. He explained, utilizing the Standing


Orders, that the first Order of Business is the election of the Speaker and a Deputy

Speaker, and in order for one to be deputy speaker, that person must first be a

member of the House. He then went into detail to explain that the opposition

member’s claims were not grounded on sound arguments.

In his ruling, The Speaker consulted the register where Dean Jonas signed in 2014,

Londel Benjamin signed in 2018 and he added that he even checked a video

recording of the matter and that he was satisfied that Sir Robin did sign. Further, he

noted that all the members of the opposition debated the budget and at no time

objected to the presence of Sir Robin in the House. “Consequently, the budget

completed and the legal principle applies here, you cannot approbate and

reprobate, that is, you cannot accept the he was right to participate in the budget

debate, voted on the budget and now want to raise this matter at the end. I rule that

Sir Robin did what was required and that the matter is now settled and to be

recorded in Hansard,” the Speaker declared.

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  1. The writer of this article got it all wrong. It was discovered that Sir Robin Yearwood did not sign as a member of her house but as the Deputy Speaker. The Speaker of the house then drew the attention of the house that this has happened before in 2018 with Dean Jonas as Deputy Speaker and Londel Benjamin ss Deputy Speaker in 2014. Now to me if mistakes were made in the past then now is the time to correct it not to maintain the status quo. Come writer get it right!!!

  2. The writer of this article got it all wrong. It was discovered that Sir Robin Yearwood did not sign as a member of her house but as the Deputy Speaker. The Speaker of the house then drew the attention of the house that this has happened before in 2018 with Dean Jonas as Deputy Speaker and Londel Benjamin ss Deputy Speaker in 2014. Now to me if mistakes were made in the past then now is the time to correct it not to maintain the status quo. Come writer get it right!!!

  3. Duncey Bat Pringle finally grew up and is making frivolous points of order, appeals & has the most dumb questions. It’s not an over sight Pringle. It’s you trying a one hat pony show to appear relevant. Why don’t you go sit down and suck a rock. Your observations aren’t warranted.

    • @ Springle

      I do not know which debate or parliamentary session you were listening to, obviously not the same one like the rest of us, for Pringle clearly embarrassed the Speaker and the member for City South showing up their ignorance with the standing orders AND procedures which caused them to capitulate.
      Well done Pringle, you represented us well. Maybe Collin and the acolytes from the ABLP whom you have embarrassed are simply jealous of you.

  4. This old f**t is full of s**t.

    The world sees his bias.

    To hell with him and his constitution.

  5. When is the speaker of the house to old to serve?
    The speaker seems to me to be very miserable, and grumpy which are classic symptoms of old age.
    Even if he was asked to serve he could have send no!!
    Shouldn’t a younger person be taking over at some point?
    Time to retire, you old geeezer!!

  6. When is a person to old to serve?
    It’s obvious that the speaker is too old to serve!
    He’s grumpy, has a short temper,
    And quite miserable in my opinion.
    It’s time for you to retire, and give a younger person a chance.
    Even if you were asked to serve,
    Even if you were begged to serve,
    You could have respectfully declined.
    I think you like the power, and you like to be on tv📺.
    You old geezer!!
    It’s time for you to go…geeez!!

    • The Speaker probably needs a reason to get out of his bed and house. I think I heard his wife died so he must be lonely. Don’t blame him, it is the Labour Party that nominated him the eighteenth candidate.

  7. desperate UPP and Dry Hill trying all sorts a things, but Sir Robin nar tek dem on.

    bunch a clowns for real

    • Sir Robin, does not have a clue
      As to what’s going on..smh.
      Don’t put politics into everything!
      Look at everything issue objectively.

    • You are so very dishonest. I can see a price tag on your forehead. Since when Asot is a clown? People like you have benefitted from his largesse while he was with your tiefing cult but now he’s not towing the line and decided to challenge king thief, you see it fit to attack him. Grow some conscience.

  8. @ Springle
    The Opposition Leader Pringle along with his other colleagues including the MP from Barbuda and Independent MP from St Peter have turned the whole House of Parliament on its head with valid questions in the conduct of business with the rules and proceedures in Parliament. Thus as a result having both the Speaker of the House and AG baffled!!! Keep it up guys. ‘NO MORE BUSINESS AS USUAL’

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