The National Solid Waste Management Authority is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the individual/s who illegally deposited a large quantity of clothing and curtains in the Burma area.
If you have any information that could aid in our investigation please call or whatsapp the Litter Control and Prevention Hotline at 727-2467.
All information relating to the caller will remain anonymous. If the information is used to successfully convict the individual/s, 25% of the amount fined will be rewarded.
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OUT OF ORDER, this seems like a person or persons who doesn’t care about the country or themselves. Dumping seems to becoming a real issue on our green & pleasant island. In the past I have had to call out the authorities because people were throwing out all types of junk near my home; and no-one was caught or prosecuted.
Don’t we have a DNA storage bank in Antigua so that the authority can get samples for the clothing and make a match in the DNA database? This is the twenty-first century, come on Antigua and Barbuda, use our bright minds who returned from university and college, and set up a DNA storage bank database and lab. Come on Gaston Browne administration get to work economic powerhouse!! Such lab will give us the answer in just a week or less.
You mean well but that can be abused very easily. The answer to solving crime is not collecting more information on innocent people. Its in the police using the information they already have and doing their job. I can bet u if they had everyone’s DNA they would still find ways to not solve any important cases.
Such a dunce comment. Where in the world will the authorities use DNA to find a litter bug? This is not a murder. You know how much time and effort that would take. And even if there was DNA how would it prove that person did the actual dumping?
There must be a tag identifying where they came from. Get someone to go through and locate that one evidence and boom you have a guilty verdict. We must keep Antigua clean
Come on people…let’s publicly shame them!
Alie n karine james of Christian hill did that
Ah Gaston Brownie cause ebery thing that happen inna Antigua ah fu he fault!!!
cruella did it
A gaston crown did it changing his wardrobe
Gaston Browne,were you thrown out of the Garden?
I am fully aware,that this matter of the dumped clothing has nothing to do with this other matter.I am referring to the body of that young lady found some weeks ago at Burma.It really amazes me that not one word has been uttered since those two men were released from being questioned. Police Commissioner,we need some updates on that matter.Just hoping it does not go the way of some before this one,still waiting for results.
Garbage is not only what is abandoned on the roadside, it also exists in the ether. When serious issues are brought to the fire it is time to forego the politics and find the culprits.
The issue is that everyone is so focus on Covid and you all forgot about your own country, which one is more important?
Covid IS affecting the Country, so what do you mean?
Both are just as important,at this time.
@Mary-Lee…I’m not laughing at you! But …”DNA samples from a data bank…”
The trash and illegal dumping have being a problem for decades.
Solar Powered equipments from cameras to lights are a better investment. They will monitor other criminal activities as well.
Fine the adults severely once caught , educate the adults and youths as to the importance of keeping our environment clean.
The recycling initiative involving plastic bottles/containers is great. Add other things such as paper, glass, metals.
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