Ounces owner granted bail in the High Court

Bertsfield Smitten

Bertsfield Smitten, the businessman who was charged with “shooting with intent to murder” is out on bail.

On Wednesday, Smitten was brought to the All Saints Magistrate’s court to hear his case for the first time since the incident. He could not be granted bail in that court.

His lawyer therefore had to apply to the High Court for bail and that was granted to him on Thursday.

As part of his bail conditions Smitten was required to provide one surety and pay $10,000 cash to secure his $60,000 bail.

He also had to hand over his travel documents and to sign in to the Wilikies Police Station every Tuesday.

The weapon which he allegedly used was also seized pending the court case.

On Friday, Smitten was arrested for shooting Aiden “Muscle” Russell in the stomach.

It is alleged that Russell entered the man’s business place at the Ounces Ice-cream Pallor and Grill and was threatening his life.

It was during a scuffle that Russell was shot twice in the stomach.

Russell, who is said to be mentally unstable, is presently being treated at the ICU at the MSJMC.

Meanwhile, the defendant, Bertsfield Smitten will have to go back to court on January 9th 2019, where he will answer for his charges.

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  1. It is a ridiculous charge and really unfortunate that he could not have received bail from the High Court immediately. All licensed gun owners will be watching this one. Defending yourself shoudn’t require you to spend 1 minute in 1735.

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