Two men were each sentenced to six years imprisonment this week for their roles in the killing of 28-year-old Sea View Farm resident Shayne James.
James was stabbed to death while he and his mother waited to catch a bus on May 7, 2015.
Last month, Ryan Samuels pleaded guilty to murder while his co-accused, Dane Hart and Lenroy Black both admitted to manslaughter.
When the defendants alighted from the vehicle on the day of the incident, Samuels was armed with a knife, Hart carried a wooden plank and Black had a stone in his hand.
They all attacked the victim with their weapons and Samuels inflicted several stab wounds about his body.
James mother tried to intervene, but the men ignored her pleas to spare her son’s life.
The woman, who took the stand during the sentencing hearing, told the defendants she still cries when she is reminded of son.
The judge began with sentences of 12 years for Hart and Black which were reduced by 1/3 to eight years for their guilty pleas.
The men who, both expressed remorse in court, also got two years removed from their sentence as this was their first offence and they were of previous good character.
In the meantime, co-accused Samuel, who inflicted the fatal wound will be sentenced for murder on August 23.
His sentencing did not take place with his co-accused since his lawyer was not able to make it to the hearing to mitigate on his behalf.
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Lol what kinda kangaroo court system are they running?
Someone getting rape is more hideous than someone who was murdered?
15 years for rape and 6 years for murder?
No… no…no. This is absolutely RIDICULOUS now. Even though the 1/3 rule exists, why did the judge start with 12 years? Date and statutory rapists get 16 years these days.
Those two thugs, armed with weapons, MURDERED the women’s son in front of her in the presence of many. They did not kill him by mistake… as what MANSLAUGHTER means.
No… the judicial system needs to be overhauled. This is absolute madness.
Wow that’s why people not going to stop kill because all they going to do is plea guilty and get less years this is so crazy right infront his mother he was murdered and only get 6 years wow 😮 😮
Frank, know that the judicially used term ‘…Time Served’ is a ‘…Misnomer.’
No convicted prisoner could, in reality, serve a term of imprisonment unless it was judicially imposed by an adjudicator.’
Though the killers had been on prison remand or awaiting trial after committal as provided for in law, they were never tried or sentenced for the crime so remanded or awaiting trial.
It might be a good time to remove this rather ‘…nonsensical judicial term and practice.’
Had that not been the practice, the two prisoners ‘…Dane Hart and Lenroy Black’ would not be on a scheduled flight to Jamaica by next Monday.
With good behavior these guys will be on the streets challlenging and keeping the police busy and to catch them in their criminal activities.
This system seems to be designed to keep the society in fear.
Lawyers will make more money from crime. More taxes will be paid.
Imagine one political term and a year for taking the life of another.
These educated people ever stop and think what did I just do? Would it make sense to the average man?
Please remember that 6 years is actually 48 months (6 x 8) or four years. When you deduct the time served on remand, they are likely to be released by the end of 2019 or very early 2020.
Seems as if these new breed of criminals have done their research on the justice system and they know how to commit their crimes and receive lenient sentencing. What is our bit of Paradise coming to with the Justice system? Needs overhaul…..our criminals are hardcore and so we need to revisit some of these laws and amend them.
I agreed with you @Alex.
This is what you get when you let negroes just two generations from the plantations manage their own national affairs and judiciary. I say we give this branch of government back to the British and let them administrate it.
You get the same amount of prison time for taking a life as in smoking the wrong cigarette/herb.
Just last month a butcher who chopped up his girlfriend like liver despite her screams also got a lenient sentence and will be out of prison just in time for his real life to begin at 40.
Somebody bring back governor Baldwin please
you must be CAUCASIAN then
Oh yes the very same British system that banned hanging and buggery and want us to follow their example. Had we still had the hangman many of these criminals would have not been around today. What we need is the CCJ who understand our culture and know what the people feel and stand for
Agreed. Give us CCJ please. Let hanging resume for These lawless individuals. We are becoming way too mainstream and sensitive like backra. Of good character, so you get a more lenient sentence? We getting soft and sensitive in Antigua. Give us CCJ NOW!
I will never forget a youth said if anybody do him anything he will do what he need to do, sit down in jail for the time and back out cause he know he safe…
This is a bloody joke these judges are making of our courts. I think the DPP should appeal this judgement forthwith, These guys are all guilty of murder. Not just one. They all attacked their victim without mercy. Even as the mother was pleading to them. These judges have really gone crazy. Six year is what you get for stealing and robbery. Murder should be no less than 20 years. and if we have premeditated murder like this they should get the maximum penalty whether or not they plead guilty. Bring back the hangman please
I start to believe that these judges are part of some conspiracy, being envious that Antigua is one of the Islands with the least crime. So they feel by handing out these low sentences the criminals will be back on the street very soon to commit more crimes. Cause be sure none of these judges are Antiguans. They are not related to this country. And perhaps do not care about our safety.
As a native Antiguan born, I will always says NO to CCJ. I can imagined if we the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda would have voted YES to CCJ…very scary.
And since we have not voted for the CCJ are we better off?
I read on another news line that these two guys were handed over to Immigration officials for deportation. They’re are now resting in air condition facility on the former Air Force Base in Coolidge waiting their date to fly back to Jamaican their home land of birth.
Is this what the free movement of skills are? It seems that most of these Jamaican skills, other than barbers and hair dressers, coming out of Jamaica are criminal skills.
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