CABINET NOTES: The Cabinet invited the Chief Medical Director and four (4) other management officials of the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC) to provide an update on the several improvements that are taking place at the country’s premiere medical center.
For more than an hour the officials answered piercing and probing questions of the Cabinet ministers. The members focused upon the Emergency Room Care, Hospital Care, Medication availability, and the central air conditioning system.
He pointed out that 35 medical practitioners are employed by the SLBMC in addition to 14 consultants, 12 interns, and 6 student interns.
There is no shortage of doctors; however, there is a shortage of nurses. 19 physicians and 3 nurses serve the Emergency Room 24 hours daily; but, the ER is perpetually busy especially during peak hours from 5am to 7pm.
The IT Department in the hospital proposes an electronic system to count the actual number of persons using the ER operations daily.
The UWI Five Islands Campus Nursing programme is training a cadre of nurses every year who will find employment at the SLBMC to address the shortage of nurses.
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Will this ever end?
Answering my own question, NOOOOO
Is SLBMC the only place suffering from a shortage of nurses? What about the Clarevue Psychiatric Hospital? They’re short staffed too or they don’t matter? Nurses are working double shifts there because of it and then on top of that the nursing management is just demoralising. Whole system needs to be thrown away and redone.
Lady with white facemask: “Anybaddy got 2 binder sheet can lend me”
Class: **Silence**
There are tons of night nurses on Popeshead street. Get them properly trained.
Nurses stay where they are valued…respected…and well paid.
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