Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC) wishes to express its deep dissatisfaction following the publication of the article: Family Complains They Cannot Find Body of COVID Victim Who Died Since September 25 And Hospital Director is Saying Nothing.
We find this erroneous and egregious charge leveled against our hospital—which has gained significant attention—disturbing.
“At no time was any member of the hospital’s management team contacted by the author or media outlets to check the veracity of the report being made,” said Dr. Albert Duncan, SLBMC Medical Director.
“This news article, which baselessly suggested that our hospital had misplaced a body, is reckless and irresponsible journalism and fear mongering by these media outlets—and does nothing but serve to undermine the public’s trust in our hospital. We also have no record of being contacted by any member of the deceased’s family inquiring about their loved-one, after following up with the funeral home of their choice—which would have been the first place to start since the body of the deceased was released in their care.”
There are certain procedures which are followed shortly after a patient dies at our hospital.
A part of this involves the next-of kin being notified of the death and being asked to confirm their preferred choice for funeral home. Once this decision is made, either the hospital or a family member will call the selected funeral home and make arrangements for the body to be transported.
This is a decision that is made by the family and not the hospital. In this instance, the appropriate family member was duly notified when their loved one died, and the Barnes Funeral Home was selected for burial arrangements. The family was also in contact with the funeral home about said arrangements.
As we’ve said before, we cannot respond to every attention-grabbing headline, news article or social media post. The professionals of the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre are focused on saving lives and keeping people well—and that precious time should not be wasted on addressing stories which are offensive and unfounded.
We realize we are accountable to the public and constantly work hard to live up to that responsibility. However, in the midst of so much other misinformation our communities are struggling to make sense of, the least this journalist and media outlets can do is not add to it.
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That hospital needs a revamp
and a wheelchair ramp at the back parking lot
That sounds like the Pm words in the article, too many lies with simple things that it makes the public hard to trust
Can some one simplify what the response is saying.
But never actually said “the body isn’t missing. It was picked up at such and such a date and time and it is at location XYZ”
He never simply said the body went to the funeral him.
It really sounds like faux outrage to cover up something… possibly that they actually did misplace a body for some time period
Where is the body,Dr.Albert Duncan?
At the funeral home aa family member had asked for it to be
“In this instance, the appropriate family member was duly notified when their loved one died, and the Barnes Funeral Home was selected for burial arrangements. The family was also in contact with the funeral home about said arrangements.”
The government has a refrigerated ,tractor trailer type container,,that sits in the morgue parking lot at the old Holberton Hospital.
In said trailer,one will find bodies of alleged Covid victims whether assigned to Barnes or Straffies.
Once arrangements are made,by FAMILY,,the body is retrieved and taken for burial.
This family and the initial “Lost “story is very questionable.
So sorry,, Male Bovine EXCREMENT
This is all theses people do just try and cover up everything .. y not just come out with the truth for once.
Address the issue and not the Media. Where is the body?
When you find the body put a ramp at the back parking lot for wheelchair access. I got stuck back there. I was very sick so I decided to fly to Miami instead. Thanks
Where is the clarity?
I am no wiser by that statement from the hospital as to whether or not we may or may not have a dead man walking.
I find it very strange that a family member died, and the family cannot see the remains at the hospital to verify it is their loved one before sent to the funeral home? In that case, any dead body can be sent. And if we are burying Covid victims in sealed coffins, who is to say that the body sent is your loved one?
Confirming a death is necessary since it has all kinds of implications to numerous to put here. Look at Law and Order. The family is called to identify the body before it is put in the fridge. Are you saying that Covid death is so vile that not even the family could make an ID, even from behind a glass window?
Sum tin wang!
Just tell us the deceased is where ever
When will persons in Authority especially those who have been around the mill for the last 30-40 years realise times have changed and what you could have gotten away with in the past is no longer the case today.
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