Sinopharm: Venezuela to transport 20,000 vaccines from China to Antigua


Prime Minister Gaston Browne says Antigua and Barbuda is leading the region in terms of vaccinations with over 35 thousand people already vaccinated.

He says more vaccines are coming from partners around the world including China.

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    • There many persons living in Antigua and Barbuda with Green Cards and US Citizenships. Come up to the US and get the Moderna, Pfizer and or Johnson and Johnson Vaccines. There are Walk In Clinics are over the place to get those shots. I would not put any Chinese made Vaccines into my body. I wondered why Gaston Browne took the Moderna Vaccine. He should have waited and take that Chinese Vaccine publicly.

  1. The Sinovac vaccine is one of the least effective vaccines out there. And I am not even talking about the Indian variant that has come to dominate headlines for, among other things, its vaccine-evasive or -resistant properties.

    There is no way around securing one of the mRNA vaccines, and we should not completely depend on the assumption some of the recently donated vaccines by the US will find their way to us (unless we have inside information confirming that).

  2. We have to take what is available.
    The mRNA vaccines require proper cryogenic shipping and storage which most Third World countries do not have.

    • Then we should make it available.

      The storage requirements were never that extreme for the Moderna, and the ones for Pfizer have been relaxed from what was first thought was needed.

    • @Frank
      The PM said storage is not a problem, freezers were ordered and are on the ground in Antigua. They can be shipped in special freezers as they do to other parts of the world….

      How did the Hardee’s get them to Antigua and kept them here to take the second dose????

      Wake up people time to think and stop follow instructions.

  3. By the time the whole world is vaccinated, wait for it, we will hear that the mRNA vaccines are shedding the virus and we need another Vaccine to counter this. The experts are saying that people who are not vaccinated will definitely get covid. Think about all the new civid vaccine billionaires. Whose interest do they serve?

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