Simon calls on voters not to be fooled as ABLP ramps up gift giving ahead of elections


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  1. Why that foolish virgin so lie? UPP always running some fraud. He lies about lack of development in that area (eg before 2014 there was no fire station in that area, there now is 2. A newly constructed Administration and Science block at St Mary’s Secondary School was officially opened , February 8th 2022, representing 13,156 square feet of additional space). He lies about GB telling the police to tear gas people. Cutey Benjamin was the Acting PM when that correct decision was made by him. Persons can be heard on tape calling for the burning down of private property. GB at the time was on vacation in SLU. Look I get that he is desperate to get elected but why lie to get the job? Clearly “Suggy” has no respect for the people he wishes to represent, which is why he continues to lie and also why his lamp was found empty during the election earlier this year. The people of St Mary’s south need to say no to this proven fraud.

    • Taxes and COST OF LIVING WILL RISE RIGHT AFTER THE BY-ELECTION, MARK MY WORD. Antigua and Barbuda done under Gaston Brown Taxes and COST OF LIVING WILL RISE RIGHT AFTER THE BY-ELECTION, MARK MY WORD. Antigua and Barbuda done under Gaston Brown

      @ tenman

      I would trust the word of Shuggy any day over you and liard Gaston Brown.
      Whether Gaston was in Antigua or not, all that is required is a telephone call from him to the persons he command. Gaston Brown and Cutie and the entire Cabinet are responsible for tear-GAS-ING the populace and NO matter how you twist and turn it, the blood of people are on their shoulders.
      Gaston lied to the public and promised them increased pensions after the election? Has it come? Has Shuggy lied about him saying that? Maybe, as he probably means the increase coming in 2028 or 2033.
      BTW the St Marys Secondary School was built by the UPP.
      You claiming Shuggy ‘desperate’ to get elected? Shuggy desperate, when the actions of the ABLP show more desperation than anything- including shafting Samantha for someone that will get less votes.
      What about the desperation of your PM admitting to stealing the January 2023 election to save their skin by transferring voters between constituencies to enable his colleagues to win.

      • Taxes and cost.. why you so lie? This is what the PM said:
        ““Therefore, the ABLP government will increase pensions for public servants as soon as possible after the general elections, once the consensus is reached with their [union] representatives,” he said.” see PM pledges increased pensions and speedy resolution to public sector wage negotiations at ABLP manifesto launch
        11 January 2022, Observer

        Negotiations continue

    • Who will trust SHUGGY ? This Guy fooled the People of St. Mary’s South once, not again SHUGGY. You are a LIAR. You know that you must resign before you were nominated . You wanted the money that’s the reason you didn’t resign. You must payback all that cash you corrupt fellow. DWAYNE GEORGE for St. Mary’ South.

      • @ Maple

        @ Maple

        Mouth like yours can say anything, but the polls and people of St Marys DO NOT WANT DWAYNE.

        Who can trust a turncoat Barabas? One minute ‘Shuggy is the best thing for St Mary’s South’, then in the same breath ‘Gaston’ is?
        You think Dwayne and the ABLP fooling us to sell our souls? NUTTEN TALL GO SO.

    • You have to excuse APOSTLE SHUGY SIMON OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH. De time he run from God, lies, deceit and CONFUSUON followeth him wherever he goeth!!!

      A he a de real JUDAS. Admitting to meeting with the “enemy” even after joining UPP in 2017.

      Boy Cortwright Marshall will get the last laugh!!!!

  2. We need help in Swetes Pringle needs to go now!!!! We needq a strong ABLP contender over All Saints East & St. Luke

    • DUNCEY HEAD EMPTY EMPTY DEAD DARG PICK-UP-CORN PRINGLE nah hab nun time fu are you!!

      He need fu go read “SEE SPOT RUN”

      Poor iShorna. She a big teacher and she baby daddy can’t read!!

      Watta calamity!!!!

  3. Beware of Gaston Browne bearing GIFTS 📦 📦 📦

    He and the ABLP did so last time at the General Election. Do you remember bribery with the turkeys🍗🍗🍗 and the hams 🍖🍖🍖?


    If so, me give up!

    • @ BRIXTONIAN….Who will trust SHUGGY ? This Guy fooled the People of St. Mary’s South once, not again SHUGGY. You are a LIAR. You know that you must resign before you were nominated . You wanted the money that’s the reason you didn’t resign. You must payback all that cash you corrupt fellow. DWAYNE GEORGE for St. Mary’ South.

      • @ Maple

        Mouth like yours can say anything, but the polls and people of St Marys DO NOT WANT DWAYNE.

        Who can trust a turncoat Barabas? One minute ‘Shuggy is the best thing for St Mary’s South’, then in the same breath ‘Gaston’ is?
        You think Dwayne and the ABLP fooling us to sell our souls? NUTTEN TALL GO SO.

  4. It’s called bribery and only here in Antigua no body says shit about it.

    Every politician needs to be removed from politics when they bribe people.

    • I am in agreement with you and that means we surely would not have been in such conditions because the ALP would be defunct a long time ago.

    • @its callled … Guy to push a manifesto promise is to bribe? Since election 2014 ABLP made clear one of the ways its wishes to enrich the populace is via land and housing ownership. Implementing that promise calls for bribing persons? In the US when for eg Biden does same eg (debt relief for those owning college loans) that’s bribery? Funny thing is if they did nothing, you would be among those arguing they lied

  5. @BRIXTONIAN…You can write all your STUPID narratives until your fingers drop off. BRIXTONIAN is a Gaston HATER. No Senate seat for BRIXTONIAN. We do not want you back in ABLP. We kicked you out. BRIXTONIAN is an opportunist.

    • GILES, if you hadn’t noticed that in a vibrant DEMOCRACY, just like you I’m entitled to my views and opinions. Simple!

      I myself may not like the fact that people like you view Gaston Browne as some sort of messiah, and you cannot see the lack of proper progress after 40 YEARS OF BIRDISM AND BROWNEISM (however, that’s your prerogative – though wrong).

      But I would never dream of telling you to NOT to write or share your mind-numbingly and ASININE views on this platform.

      Remember, 40 years of ABLP unaccomplishment, with poor roads; poor lightning; irregular electricity; and STILL no island wide water system … I’m glad you happy wid dat @ GILES.

      You don’t really want to see Antigua & Barbuda progress – you want Gaston clown 🤡 to rule as a out and out dictator.

      The Prime Minister love people like you, because you’ll never hold him or the ABLP to account.

  6. Why give away ham and turkey?
    Campaign and let the best man win?
    Why use inducements of tricks and trinkets of different kinds?
    Isn’t that considered a bribe?
    Let the people make their choice.
    What you don’t trust the populace?


    APOSTLE SHUGY SIMON OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH need fu tap show he a panic!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    If he min HONEST FROM THE BEGINNING, all this drama wouldn’t a happen. A who he tink he be dat He nah need fu RESIGN BEFORE NOMINATION???

    Watta pompous LYING SELFISH CROOK a try fool de people fu get full salary!!

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