Managing Director of Observer Radio and the host of its Snake Pit programme, Algernon “Serpent” Watts said he felt “shock and embarrassment” after learning about fraud charges against his co-host, Janice Samuel.
Samuel was granted bail to the tune of $200,000 on Thursday when she appeared in the Magistrates Court on 14 counts of obtaining money by false pretenses.
However, the media personality was remanded to prison after failing to come up with the $50,000 cash component required as part of her bail conditions.
The woman who was jailed in 1997 for similar offences, received a two-year-suspended sentence last week after pleading guilty to stealing from Connies Comfort Suites in 2016.
An article in the Daily Observer, of which Watts is also the Managing Director, stated during an interview, the Snake pit host claimed he was “completely unaware of Janice Samuel’s unsavory past and “other side”.
In the interview, which the newspaper stated will be published in full, Watts reportedly detailed why he was ignorant of his co-hosts past and what actions he took after verifying the truth of the reports.
He admits this is “one of the most rattling experiences and episodes he has faced in his 18 years as Snake Pit’s producer/host”, the newspaper stated.
Watts believes “the integrity of OBSERVER and the Snake Pit program remain intact despite the legal woes of his co-host.
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Again, she was a guest of the host and not a co host. Snake pit was there more than a decade and a half before she started coming on
Have you listened to any of the news bulletins or serpent and Knight addressing the issue?
They all refer to Janice as a co host…
Listen this is a petty weak point. The managing director already took full responsibility.
Recover and move on mode. We live we learn, it’s life.
Really hard for her to accept this truth. What’s glaring is the 1997 conviction that OMG missed. Tellingly they attack government for not spotting persons who were neither charged at the time or convicted yet their opened their doors wide to a criminal.
Well ladies can be decieving … this happens every day
He may not be realizing that there are those unfairly trying their best to peg him to this just-come woman.
Mel, She was listed as a co-host because she was a co-host. What a tragedy. The hosts were very close, which was obvious by listening to them chat. Yes, a terrible tragedy!!!
“The woman who was JAILED in 1997 for similar offences…” If it was an ABLP politician he would have known if they were jailed in 1834.
Reminds me of a headline in his newspaper not too long ago: “SPENCER SAID ASHE LIED”
Be a good co host and go and bail the ooman!
why a pic of him on a upp platform? lol
@juju beard
Since you brought politics into it by suggesting the top dawg sent her to discredit the snake pit.
You should be quiet and let Me Lovell address the public about their mouth piece.
A ha a ketch dem a lie. Pointe fm has been talking about this thing long before it was reported in the media.
Shock suggest you had absolutely no knowledge.
ah ah hard one to swallow when even the PM mentioned it on several of the Brown and Brown show, which Mr Knight replays nightly until the next episode.
So how could they be shocked? they conveniently did not hear the accusations about the female snake pit host. Beef touched it on his show also long before it was in the public.
Not shock Serpent perhaps disappointed after she told you she was innocent just to go and plead guilty afterwards. But certainly not shocked.
The thing is as a boss you now understand there are some things in life that you really have no authority over.
We live and we learn. Maybe this experience will HUMBLE him a tad bit. If the shoe was on the other foot the snakepit host would have been shouting CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM!
There are a lot of people who do not listen to pointe fm and/or beef. To the best of my listening knowledge Mr. Knight does NOT play the Brown and Brown show every night on Snake pit and I doubt he would play any accusations about anyone (and run the risk of a lawsuit) without proof. Janice appears to have had many years to master the art of habitual lying and being very convincing in the process. Why are you so desperate to criticize Serpent and Knight?…look at Janice’s criminal background, rational thinking would have to conclude that the victims of her theft in the past must have been hoodwinked by this woman also. Bad stuff happens, we all get duped at some point in our lives.
Actually, Pointe FM is now the most popular radio station in Antigua. Just wait until they get their new TV station on the air. Whew!
Never really thought of Janice as a “co-host” any more than I could ever think of Dane Knight or even Gladys Potter as ” co-hosts”. Various other persons have also been regular contributors to the Snakepit from time to time but not any were co-hosts.
It is really shameful that all the so called knowledgeable persons didn’t bother to clue Serpent in on Janice. Apparently she rode around with Dane for weeks during the election and he was none the wiser either. So much for taking people at face value. So let this be a lesson on so many levels.
Are you aware how many times Janice warned him about promoting the Brown and Brown show on Newsco?
Even Serpent got annoyed whenever he played the clips from the Brown and Brown show.
Notice how silent Knight in shining armor is on this issue. He must have a reason….
I am very surprised of the comments I am hearing. Let Us look at the situation through an objective eye. How would Someone with such a CRIMINAL character sail through the eyes of Serpent and the Snakepit Crew. I heard of this boiling situation months ago. Still Serpent , Knight , Potter ,Janice and Others called People CORRUPT, THIEF and many other adjectives. I would prefer They come clean and admit that They dropped the ball.This is a BLACK eye against the Snakepit. I would NOT believe anything …furthermore I would not listen the programme anymore. Yours FANS fell cheated.
No matter what may happened, I will always be a SnakePit fan.
The lady just start coming around but she is the reflection of the alp government… she came to antigua saw what the head was doing and just follow suit ….school/university teaches u 2 follow suit
@ johnny harris
The Snake Pit rules with or without you…
You cannot stop listen to the snake pit. You are a snake pit junky.
And “Mel” know what he talking about (usually).
Crab in a barrel mentality…typical garrot’s.
The Pointe FM host will be rewarded.
Janice next time thief tax payers money you will be rewarded. On Antigua it’s ok to thief tax payers money like the politicians and their minions. Amen!
Johnny Harris
June 25, 2019 at 6:12 pm
Johnny Harris
June 11, 2019 at 6:14 pm
It is good to go back and read what the garrot’s had to say on other thiefing….Wow!
You could have just postef your ladt sentence. Doubted very much you are any regular listener. You are just trying to woo peope away. Be wise people and reject this wolf in sheep clothing.
He always has DOCKISMENTS on everyone, how come he missed this one.
Was not there not fraud case against him some time ago? Maybe he should have advised her how to beat it.
Because it was a woman doing it these ladies are so sneaky… you know of any woman sleeping with 1 man noooo and if she is she probably had enough or something not working right. So i see with him with this one. The pm said if given the chance 99% of people would steal, and this lady was like what what cant believe he saying that lol. Me nar trust no woman ever ever they are manipulative especially when they believe people want them hen hole.
And what is it they say about birds of a feather? They flock together.
They saying the pm and point fm saying and hinting on it … who the fuc kks listens to that station
Whether you like it or not, Pointe FM now the most popular radio station in Antigua. You behind the times.
Pointe Fm no.1 radio station where? You sound as unintelligent as the hosts they have on their daily. They spread NOTHING but propaganda, they malign, a career criminal and woman beater is the sidekick to the flipflop daytime host. If I could find a way to BLOCK that dial off my Fm search I absolutely would. It could NEVER EVER measure up to blazing track record of the Observer Newsco and by extension the SNAKE PIT. P tief over 240,000 and is said to still be working on that trash radio as though NOTHING happened. Pick the beam out your own eye and ride off observer. The only difference between her and Janice is that she knows people with large pockets who SAVED her from 1735. Point people should have them remove them name off the cooks dump of a radio station. Ebreybady that hosts pon day ah absolute trash from PM to sidekick. TRASH!! big up Serpy and Snake Pit.
Janice is a serial fraudster and clearly good at what she does. To be able to pull off what she allegedly did for so many years and to so many victims, in a small society, shows that she is truly a professional con artist. And something tells me that more revelations about her criminal background and activities are on the horizon. We need to have better electronic access to do background checks, like in the US. Otherwise predators like Janice will continue to spin the rumour mill and beat the system. Con artistry is real and we need public records about previous arrests and convictions like in the US so that we can conduct objective background checks.
Lol look ah excuses for Janice tefing self. The woman ah damn proven teif aru cant accept da factz Serpie and Knight she pull one fast on haha hehe gwan go pay she bail man after all she min b aru cohost maybe so of the Janice supports her can help aru pay she bail
When ya lib inna glass house nah throw tone
Kettle ah call pot black
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Teif nah lub see teif
Doesn’t take away from the fact that the ABLP regime from Captain to Cook are CORRUPT. THEM JUST AS TIEF as Janice. Some r u that ah hahahehe no different is just that your light na shine pon u yet. But wait man, dig fu u hole next to fu she that u dun dig. Damn idiot
That nah change the fact Janice ah one proven teif. Alp upp dna true labour in fact all politcians are thives. But it nar change that Jaince ah one teif. Time ya tek ah relpy to me maybe u should go and pay she bail
@Rejoice…no wonder things are the way they are. Instead of telling Janice she wrong, you tell her there are others just like her so it’s ok. I bet you didn’t give one red cent towards her bail.
Pointe FM 1 – Observer 1. That’s the score right now. You go figure it out if you ain’t know what Duncy Bat alluding to.
This Janice Samuel matter is not an Observer matter.She did what was done on her time.I would be listening to the Snake Pit on Observer,NEWSCO more so now than ever.I would continue to support NEWSCO with my checkbook.You see folks it is my money.And no one tells me what to do with it.I worked and invested my money.I did not steal it from anyone.What is obvious to me.Janice lived a double life.She came across as a very intelligent person in the light.However,in the darkness she turned into another human being,with sticky fingers.She really needs professional help.Those who called her their friend.Should not turned their backs on her at this time of great need.
The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.
I laugh within myself when I hear the excuses that were made and the excuses given by followers to mask their obvious shame and disappointment.
For those who continue to stick their heads in the sand, don’t worry.
You have not said what there is to be ashamed about? We have all been duped in our lives, including YOU. I don’t think it is something to be ashamed about…intelligence says that these sort of incidents should serve as eye-openers and learning lessons. We are never too old to learn…wouldn’t you agree? If a person knows who the liars, thieves and persons suffering from anti-social illnesses are then the benevolent thing to do is to expose the perpetrators NOT laugh at the victims of these crimes.
@ Beef i take Micheal on ABS TV is a dis service to the station? Everybody saying Pointe FM broke the story. Beef a story goes viral on Observer Radio. I tried listening to your show its a difficult listen. In terms of your elocution and your knowledge of current events you can be more effective than Knight but you are intellectually dishonest. You lack Integrity,Dignity,Patriotism and Morality, qualities Mr. K have in abundance.
CHUPZZZZ… YOU & 6 and half dozen ah d same must be Mr Knight.
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