Senator Kiz Johnson Advocates for a solution to Antigua’s Vagrant Dilemma

Independent Senator Johnson

Senator Kiz Johnson Advocates for Specialized Social Program in Budget Debate: “Addressing the Vagrant Dilemma”

During today’s Senate debate on the 2024 budget, Independent Senator Mrs. Kiz Johnson drew attention to a pressing social issue often overlooked—the plight of the vagrant population roaming the streets aimlessly without a presence or purpose.

Senator Johnson emphasized the need for a tailored social program to address their unique challenges and provide them with the care, stability, and rehabilitation necessary to reintegrate into society.

“These individuals don’t fit into the traditional mold,” Senator Johnson declared. “They’re on street corners, begging for help, and it’s clear that the current system isn’t equipped to handle their specific needs. We need a solution that recognizes their humanity and offers them a chance to contribute positively to society.”

Senator Johnson proposed the establishment of a specialized social program designed exclusively for the vagrant population.

This program, she argued, would provide the necessary support to help them receive care, find stable residences, and undergo rehabilitation. The overarching goal is to facilitate their return to society as productive and contributing members.

Highlighting the potential benefits of such a program, Senator Johnson remarked, “These lives matter too. By removing them from the streets, not only do we enhance the aesthetics of our city, but we also give them an opportunity for a better life. It’s a win-win situation—a compassionate approach that addresses a social issue while also contributing to the overall improvement of our urban environment.”

The Senator underscored the importance of a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond mere financial considerations in the budget.

She urged her colleagues to allocate resources towards creating a program that focuses on the unique challenges faced by the vagrant population, emphasizing the potential for positive social change.


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  1. I. total agreement. Since Kennedy’s closed or I should say upgraded and drove them away from between the alley , they found refuge around the market. Then here comes Happy and he set up a feeding program next door to the market. Several other organization , churches and groups joined it . Vagrants mostly alcoholics from all corners of Antigua headed for St. John’s – especially around the market. The will beg money and buy their bottles of run and take it to the and sit there . It started back of VC Bird Bust . They drink, eat , sleep , urinate and defécate at the market. When they cannot get to use the restroom inside the market – closed at nights, or during the day for no running water , the do it anywhere.
    So although I think the feeding program is the humane thing to do, it encourages the vagrant population to gather up around the public market. During the day those that are young or strong walk around St. John’s begging.
    Senator Kiz Johnson you are correct and on point. An holistic approach is needed and I hope you follow through and take on this as a project yourself. You were appointed or chosen by the Governor General. So use his charity to develop and finance a program. As you said it is not just about money; but a social program that would assist those that can back to useful contributors. Great job in bringing this on the front burner. I have been talking about this All the time.

  2. Easy access to drugs,trash food,lazy as hell= VAGRANTS.

    is easy ask for a dollar ( their raising the begging price now ).

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