Senator Dwayne George Denounces “Deceitful” and “Misleading” Statements by MP Kelvin “Shugy” Simon Regarding Bolans Police Station


Antigua Barbuda Labour Party candidate for the St. Mary’s South Constituency Senator Dwayne George has described as “deceitful” and “misleading” statements made by the present Member of Parliament Kelvin “Shugy” Simon regarding the current fate of police officers who are attached to the Bolans Police Station, which was temporarily housed in the Jolly Harbour vicinity, pending construction of a new home a few feet away.

In a Facebook rant posted on Wednesday captioned, “Police Officers booted out of temporary Bolans station”, Simon blamed the government’s failure to pay rent , which he stated resulted in barriers being erected preventing the officers from utilizing the space.

Senator George clarified that in 2017, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda and the Royal Police Force entered into a partnership with Caribbean Development Antigua, (CDAL), to temporarily house the Bolans station on the Jolly Harbour compound free of charge with utilities also paid for.

He further stated that it is quite clear that neither Simon nor his colleagues did their research and are on a campaign to mislead the good people of St. Mary’s South and by extension the people of Antigua and Barbuda.

“How can you want to manage a place and still want to destroy it by spewing lies?” That’s counterproductive, George added calling this form of politicking by the MP “lazy”.

“It is quite clear that the MP and his counterparts are very uneasy with the level of development that has been taking place under the Gaston Browne led administration and will stop at nothing to try and discredit such by spreading propaganda. However, the people of Antigua and Barbuda will not be fooled”, Senator George noted.

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  1. So Dwayne why exactly where they evicted if not for none payment?

    I mean! Let’s face it! Clearly they been evicted. I suggest you come with solid rebuttals to inform follows rather than writing pointless trash aimed at smearing Sir Shuggy.

    Tell us Dwayne “Wrenk de police an dem get throw out”

  2. Senator George’s statement about CDAL and the Government having an arrangement in place is factual. The UPP’s research may in fact be lazy therefore MP Shuggy’s statements untrue and an attempt to deceive the population. Pay attention more closely my peoples.

    • @ Sharon Lycorish

      Oh please Sharon, lie like how Gaston claimed to have never gotten the million $1,000,000 charitable gift from the Jumby Bay member. Gimme a break.
      And look who’s talking about deceit? MR DECEITFUL JUDAS ISCARIOT. If I was him I would be hiding in a crab hole up to now.
      All you and him do on here is spread propaganda in a sly way concerning the UPP, but U NEVER CRITICISE THE ALP nor Gaston.
      Go and comment on the theft of Barbudas charity money.

  3. So exactly what’s the true story cause clearly the not in the building so what exactly happen!!! As usual 3 to 4 paragraph of nothing. Give me a break

  4. What a bad loser!

    Poor Dwayne ‘The Muscle’ George is still reeling from his defeat by the Most Honourable Kelvin Shugy Simon in St Mary’s South. Poor ting!

    He’s now taking a page out of Gaston Browne’s play-book by using deflectionary tactics instead of sorting out the country at large.

    BTW, muscle 💪🏾 man, did you manage to make good and put right all your pre by-election promises to your constituents?

    I actually feel sorry for you Dwayne, because you deserted the up and coming UPP, for the ABLP that is falling faster than an avalanche in the Alps!

      • @ bertaboi

        included in the Charity gift of $1,000,000.00 the Jumby Bay member gave for the Barbuda Hurricane relief that never got to them.

        Once you can tell me where the million dollar went then I will disclose where Shuggy’s $15 million dollar investment went- deal?

      • @ bertaboi, how many times must we tell you ABLP acolytes and Gastonites to explain you all selves properly, and stop throwing out meaningless SOUNDBITES that convey absolutely nothing to the critical or independent thinkers.

        TELL US MORE …


      Shugy is a DAMN Liar. UPP and Their Operatives likewise. BRIXTONIAN talk to your people. Stop telling lies UPP.

      • Oh please GILES, lie like how Gaston claimed to have never gotten the million $1,000,000 charitable gift from the Jumby Bay member. Gimme a break.

        Obviously that passed you by.

        • A&B why do you need to believe a lie? Government makes clear it did not receive the moneys, yet you need to believe they are being untruthful. These were moneys which were to be sent over some 5 years ago, UPP well knows the moneys were never turned over to the government

          • UPP is a political party, so are you supposing that ordinary citizens have no interest in this matter and others? It could be construed that all supporters of the ALP always in agreement with the party, irrespective of what ever the party decides or the members are involved in.

  5. Dwayne George say a bunch of nothing to say what? I actually thought the mam was going to give a reason why is the station close? Especially if it’s for free.
    Do you and Gaston Browne realize that some civil servants still have not gotten backpay from 2018? Time for people to stand up against the bull shit.

    • @Just to fri.. Don’t blame George if you have comprehension problems. The move was temporary (time up) in addition there was no rent charged.

  6. The Poodle found his voice.You are going to get your arse whipped again in the next election,Gaston Browne’s side kick.

  7. Wait, this Judas has no shame? Boy George, just crawl back into the hole you crawled out of. The DAWG put you up to this didn’t he? That’s why Giles is on here to hold you up in case you blundered like you did on ABS.
    Giles, unless its LIEnoHell Hurst, we all know who the biggest liard is in Antigua and Barbuda.

  8. I hate all this politics in everything. The place is too small to be at each others’ throats over it. It must be the $$$ talking. Politicians are scamp’s and are best kept at arm’s length.

  9. Where was this guy in 2017,why did he allow himself to be used again? He has nerves to be using the kind of words that describe him. I think that
    Gaston only wants winners so we will see what happens in the next elections but then, Gaston is a prolific liar too.

  10. ANTIGUA is the only country I know where a private entity houses a police station and picks up all the bills.
    Really? So if the owner of the business commits a crime, does this mean the police looks away?
    People, you all don’t see anything wrong with the government that they are housing the police stations in private citizens’ homes?


  11. @ Our police stations housed in people’s private places?

    YES! They are housed in private properties, and in the case of Barbuda the Development Company finance the construction of the new Police Station. When there is a conflict or confrontations between Barbudans and Developers whose side will The Royal Police be on?

    Many who support the ABLP do so for the ability to acquires the everyday trinkets and ornaments which are used to validate themselves. And they are validated; for we are a community which places value in mediocrity.
    Once they have the trinkets they separate themselves and look down on others who were not as successful in getting in the trinkets train.
    We are a people of low esteem which enables others to take advantage of us.
    Most of Antigua lives in a world that was left by the Colonialism. Think about the fact that The Police Agency are still the Royal Police.
    Their role is to protect the monied business interest and not one of law and older of the general population.

  12. Georghy, porghy!
    You judas, just hush!
    You kinda funny looking!🤫
    Be quiet!
    Hush up!!
    You talking for your supper!

  13. @Sandra clarke
    This is like those cartoons with goats wearing botton down shirts. Damage control at its worse.
    It would have been better to send out corpse to make their case, if they could not get a better profile picture and make a more credible statement

  14. As an expert and behavior and society, Mr. George nay be right but strategically for ABLP and for his career it was highly dumb and uninformed to have him be the one to say what he just said after recently, this year, expressed all the negatives he expressed about ABLP, but now he was given a position/job/Money, he is now implying ABLP are saints and that his former party is instead the liars and deceivers.

    This action, as it is to early to put him in such position to speak on such matters, will ruin his credibility. Making him not electable.

    I am not saying he may not be right but how humans being work in Antigua is that they will not focus on the facts but who is saying it, and the purpose. That will immediately bring attention to what most will consider to be his flipflop, and his disloyalty.

    Are there any kind of political, social and behavioral experts being used for anything in Antigua and Barbuda?

    Strategically, UPP need to strategically put Mr. George in a position to continue to speak upon matters about credibility and honesty, that will make his switch from one party to another lingers longer, causing more damage to his electability.

    Advise to ABLP, let him work, speak less, and focus on winning people over by actions. No amount of words will get him elected based on how he got to ABLP. For him to win one or both mentioned here must occur. Simon screw-up tremendously, which will be near impossible, as his party is not in power, and he can always say he can not do much as his party is not running the country and the other is, George’s perform substantial actions that is unique, convincing and substantial. In fact, I have the exact things he can do strategically to change the mental, behavioral and social dynamics of the constituency to get them to vote for him.

    Social and behavior sciences are the best chances to progress in a country that is not really focus on the pith of things, not too intelligent snd logical.

    They are all predictable. Use that and apply other stimulus and you are able to let them see. Hopefully the person uses this knowledge for good and be good to the people.

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