Sean Bird Concerned LIAT 2020 Project Could Be Shelved, Blames PM Browne for Stagnation


REAL NEWS – United Progressive Party (UPP) caretaker Sean Bird is asking about the status of the proposed LIAT 2020 project, since several conflicting reports about the airline and its viability are in circulation.


The region is now experiencing serious issues with intra-regional travel, despite the efforts of other well-established carriers, including Caribbean Airlines and InterCaribbean Airlines.


This has prompted frustrated and dissatisfied travelers to call for LIAT to be fully resuscitated in order to close the transportation gap.


But, based on recent statements by a regional political analyst, it appears that there are plans afoot to shelve the LIAT 2020 project, says Sean Bird, the UPP’s Rural East candidate.


Bird says he has read a number of articles in the local media, and each seems to be sending mixed messages about regional travel and LIAT.


He understands that there is, indeed, a plan for LIAT – but, in his opinion, that plan has not been made clear to the public.


The regional carrier has not been able to make headway following the COVID-19 pandemic, and Bird is blaming the behaviour of Prime Minister Gaston Browne for LIAT’s current stagnation.


He notes that many other countries want to see the airline fully operational, but there continue to be serious impediments to realizing this.

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  1. “He notes that many other countries want to see the airline fully operational, but there continue to be serious impediments to realizing this.”

    …..such as?

    • Being base in Antigua is the number one problem nobody is willing to invest millions again in liat base in Antigua, until that’s realized is the problem we will be talking till some outsiders come along with unlimited $$$$$$ and setup a new airline and run it as a business to make money.

  2. Sean MARRIED??? As the self-proclaimed “PRIEST OF RURAL EAST” he ok with “priests” engaging in fornication??

  3. STROKE-stricken brodda B vowed to end BIRDISM once and for all. Ah you he mean day tark bout Sharn???

    Ivor Glenville Theophilis Bird happy with you at ZDK?

  4. Is this a public statement being made to appear relevant.
    Any good opposition politician would say. Here are the plans I’m told is in the making. If true this is my analysis.
    It appears he is not aware that pilots of Caribbean Airlines attempted a squeeze play and were forced to go back to work by the industrial court.
    The pilots choose to act at this time for they were aware InterCaribbean is having trouble; and with LIAT limping along; they saw strong position as the only dependable air service this was the time to squeeze the Government.

    Gonzales walked away from LIAT. He has little credibility in the issue of reviving LIAT
    It took Gaston 3 years to realize no one in their right mind will invest in LIAT unless the have majority control.
    He seems to have settled for Air Peace taking 75% of LIAT; so he says.
    If this deal with the Africans goes through the Eastern Caribbean is in for some interesting times.
    You are complaining about Inter Caribbean service now. Wait until the Africans take over LIAT.
    Be careful what you wish for.

  5. This is how things stand.

    Ralph Gonzales has no intention of banding together with Gaston Browne’s version of LIAT. What Ralph is not saying, but meaning, is that Gaston Browne does not stand a chance in hell of playing any major role in any resurgence of LIAT.

    Browne has not helped much with his efforts to shop around LIAT- to the Chinese, the Africans, himself…. yes, himself.

    Think he never planned to own LIAT, at least his version of it? Think again. One clue – Alfa Nero.

    Ralph is just saying all this to test the waters, but there is going to be no new LIAT. Maybe a new airline, but, read my lips, no new LIAT. Mia has had enough, Skerritt is busy building his airport. They are not in anything with Gaston Browne.

    Gaston Browne is in their rear view mirror. His LIAT 2020 is a pipe hope.

  6. SEAN BIRD…. Shut you DAMN mouth. You CANNOT manage ZDK but want to be Minister of Government????. I hope you are aware of what happening at ZDK. CUSS pan you Sean. SHUT you DAMN mouth.

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