At its Annual General Meeting and Elections held at Government House on Thursday February 28, 2019, the Antigua and Barbuda Scout Association elected a new body to serve for the period 2019/2020.
Following remarks from the Chief Scout, Governor General, His Excellency Sir Rodney Williams KGN, GCMG, KSt.J, MBBS, reports from the leadership and a minute’s silence in remembrance of the Scout Leader, the late Ivan Rodrigues, general elections were held.
The following persons were elected to the Council:
Mr. Vinema Jarvis – Chairman of the Council
Mr. Cordel Josiah – Vice-Chairman of the Council
Ms. Morjavé Michael – Honorary Treasurer
Dr. Janil Gore-Francis – Honorary Secretary
Ms. Ronel Anthony – Leader Representative
Mr. KibweVaughn Harris – Leader Representative
Mr. Kenny Richards – Leader Representative
Mr. Paget Terry – Leader Representative
Mr. R.Anderson Edghill – Lay Member (Public Relations Officer)
Mr. Thomas Bell – Lay Member
Mr. Phillip Isaacs Sr. – Lay Member
Also nominated to serve are the following persons:
Dame Eusalyn Lewis – Trustee
Dr. Hayden Thomas – Trustee
Mr. Clarence Pilgrim – Trustee
Mrs. Patricia Salmon serves as Ex Officio Member in the capacity of Chief Commissioner.
The elections were conducted by representatives from the JCI Antigua.
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