The Antigua and Barbuda Customs and Excise Division wishes to inform the public that it has received reports that members of the public are in receipt of a document purporting to be a “Customs Clearance Certificate” asking for the remittance of funds to clear packages.
The Customs and Excise Division takes these reports seriously and is fully co-operating with the authorities to ensure that the fraudulent and unscrupulous actions of certain members of the community is brought to a stop as soon as possible.
Should any member of the public receive a phone call from anyone purporting to be a member of the Antigua and Barbuda Customs and Excise Division and is unsure about their identity and legitimacy of their claim, please contact our headquarters at 268-462-0028 for verification.
If you believe that you have been targeted or fallen victim to this scheme, immediately contact the Criminal Investigations Department of the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda at 268-462-3913 to make a report.
The Customs and Excise Division wishes to remind the public that it is an offence to impersonate an officer which carries a fine of $100,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 2 years.
The Customs and Excise Division is resolved to operate at the highest levels of professionalism and integrity as it remains steadfast in its overall mission to secure and serve, collect revenue, and protect our borders.
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Why would anyone want to do.What is in the above story.All they should do,dress in Red and forge Gaston Browne’s signature.For as a COMRADE,you could do almost anything and get away with it.Like he did say someone forged his signature and short changed the Peoples Purse at Customs. What has become of that matter? Why the Police did not investigate that matter.Then present their findings to the DPP for Prosecution.According to one named Lie No Hell.They just wanted that person to repay the monies,not to name and shamed.They make the Laws and they think they are above those Laws made by them. What a damn shame!!
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