The Cabinet determined that retail and variety stores across the nation may open to the public from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm daily.
The retail and variety stores are also encouraged to deliver at curbside and to customers’ homes, in order to reduce the likelihood of crowding and bunching of customers—inside and outside of the establishment.
Social distancing and all other protocols continue to be in force, and are subject to the $5,000 fine and/or six months’ imprisonment.
Store employees and customers are compelled to adopt the established Covid-19 protocols.
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Oh my my! All will now be dead in poor Antigua! Since COVID deaths started to increase in March only 9 million deaths have occurred globally while a massive 227K or a mind-numbing 2.5% of all deaths in Mar and April have been due to Covid with almost 200K in Europe and North America.
Now over to the paranoid, political opportunists (just doing their jobs!), misinformed and COVIDIOTS……
Yeah, but that would be 9 million deaths -from everything from old age to car accidents to cancer – out of the entire global population of 7.7 billion, which is just 0.1% of the global population. That’s mostly expected losses. Covid-19 has not even infected 2.5 % of the global population yet so you’re not going to see its full impact in just the first wave of infection. But if it is allowed to infect as many as 10% or more of the global population at once, it won’t just be Covid-19 patients dying. Doctors would be so overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients that sick patients who would have survived things like car accident trauma, or survived cancer would succumb simply because they couldn’t get adequate and timely medical treatment due to the acute shortage of medical staff created by the pandemic disease. And they would be more susceptible to respiratory infection while receiving ICU care. Lack of medical intervention will kill every kind of patient that needs care.
And then you have flu season no longer being flu season. Instead it’s the season where you can be a healthy but unlucky person whether young or old who catches both the flu and the coronavirus at the same time and dies. Co-infection is not a joke. It’s the most dangerous kind of respiratory infection you can get. We still have the new version of H1N1 from 2009 that billions of people have not been exposed to yet that’s still killing people up to last year. There’s no asymptomatic anything, there’s no safe age groups when you get hit with multiple infections, and everything you’ve heard about the mortality rates for either of these viruses goes out the window.
You can laugh at this all you want. Just remember you can’t laugh while hooked up to a ventilator.
Open up the economy, like Sweden. They never closed theirs because herd immunity is better for all, instead of staying indoors, which compromises your immune system, and is considered unhealthy in the long run. Sweden is looking at long term immunity. We should do the same as well.
This is nonsense. It’s still too early to know how Sweden’s plans will work in the long term. Staying indoors doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to exercise or you can’t go for a jog. This is the kind of nonsense American Trump supporters have been repeating and we see how well these ideas work in conservative American states. States in America that were slow to shut down and stay home have been hit harder than the states that shut down sooner.
And as for ‘herd immunity,’ Sweden isn’t even close to the percentage you need to get there. Nursing homes in Sweden have been ravaged by the virus. But long term it remains to be seen what will happen in Sweden. When more Antiguans start dying from the virus, I hope people who support these views will own up and take responsibility.
Are you crazy? Sweden is a deathtrap compared to it’s neighbors. Stop quoting stupid people and look at the stats. A month ago Sweden had just 180 deaths. Today it’s 2,462 dead and the number of infected are rising every week. On March 22nd Sweden had just over 1900 cases. Today? Over 20,000. They’re in the top twenty worst infected countries in the world.
Herd immunity has never truly happened with coronaviruses. Including the new coronavirus, there are now seven coronaviruses that infect humans. Four of them are part of the collection of viruses that cause the common cold. The remaining two are the original SARS virus and MERS. Every single attempt in the past to make a vaccine for coronaviruses has failed. Immunity for the four cold viruses only lasts 1 to 2 years but they mutate even faster than that. The same immunity timeframe was found with SARS and MERS. This is not the flu virus. We don’t know anything about the long term consequences of getting it. Being asymptomatic with a viral infection is not actually a good and healthy thing…. just ask anyone with HIV.
The last attempt to make a coronavirus vaccine (against SARS) didn’t just fail. The vaccine was found to make actually make the infection more lethal, so if you took the vaccine and got the virus, it was pretty much a death sentence. Which is why they abandoned the that SARS vaccine attempt when they found this out.
Thank you for that information AJ
And I agree with you and Bill
You are correct. Unfortunately, because of the way it spreads, COVID is here to stay, like the Influenza from a century ago that still kills tens of thousands annually or swine flu which has infected over 1 billion in the last decade.
The spread just needs to be managed so as not to overwhelm the health care systems. The more persons infected in the long run will provide the herd immunity but like the flu, many experts feel that the immunity may not be long lasting as it is for smallpox, measles etc. Hence, any vaccine may have to be seasonal.
get you’re facts right please the number of deaths due to covid 19 globally is no where near 9 million
It is estimated around 250, 000 total worldwide deaths and about 900, 000 recovered with a total of 3, 000, 000 infected. The thing is the world cannot remain on lockdown for a year and a half while they work on a vaccine. We as a people must play our part in curving the infection rate. That is adhearing to the guidelines set out. practicing good hygiene and social distancing. Wearing our face mask while out in the public. And most importantly TAP AH YA YARD. Only leave home to unless we absolutly must.
Easy for some of you folks here to say “stay at home” “lockdown till a vaccine is found” “it is to soon to re-open”. Some of you folks work for the very government you stay on social median cussing everyday so your pay is garteened. However for small business owners like myself our bills are piling up employees to be paid and no assistance what so ever. Maybe the government should cut your pay and assist the small business community then we can remain closed.
@small business owner this is why india donated 1 million usd to us this should be going to persons who need help cause my dear if nobody decide to buy nada at your establishment youre still screwed cause its not small business owners alone are affected alot of us are not working and receiving a pay check so we cant purchase anything but food. i feel your pain though i really do because im not seeing any help from the govt just pictures with bags but i dont see this in reality. the other caribbean countries are doing way more for their pple.
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