Dear Editor, I wish to respond to a letter entitled “Possible Ideas To Solve Issues Faced By Social Security Board” by Gerald King.
Dear Mr King, since you mentioned me (not sure why) I must first state I like your passion, but it’s misdirected. I have seen no one via Antigua News Room comments, claiming there is no late payment happening regarding Social Security (SS) penions. The denials have always been regarding the claims of SS being over 4 month in arrears in terms of pension. Social Security has made it clear it’s no more than 2 months behind in payments. I myself have called them (last called Nov 5th) and they (senior management) have assured me they are not in arrears beyond September 2021. It would have been helpful if the writer, especially of the November 4th letter entitled “Fed Up of The Situation At Social Security Board” provided a name. This way the matter could be more properly investigated so we could get to the root of the issue. Help could have also been provided by other entities or persons, if there was indeed a need for such Note also in terms of SS, money’s have been borrowed from the Caribbean Development Bank by the Government,and at least 10 million will be shortly provided to SS so it can work on getting current (see https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=zFZOeMJFaeg )
The idea in your article regarding giving the Sunshine Hub car park to Social Security is possibly workable only if the building is complete. Recall some 7.5 million US being needed to complete said building. SS does not have the cash flow to complete the said building. What SS needs now is cash or something that can quickly be made liquid. CIP and government continues to subsidize SS and once the economy normalizes, SS should be able to fund itself from collections
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Thank you ANR for giving each one a voice. You are indeed the voice of free speech. Thank you for not censoring.
The only problem with that is that the fake news spreaders have a platform just like they had on Facebook to do lots of damage. Cause had the PM not taken note and debunk this, many would believe that myself and other are just party hacks and would just say anything. But I have said it before I will always be here revealing their lies and mis/disinformation. In my opinion it’s the Director that should have penned this response. But we know how our PM is. He will never shy away from confronting these UPP operatives. So now Social Security will finish paying the September pensions and then proceed with October.
Since the author was left off the letter, let me state it was penned by me. When considering solutions you also need to remember the current reality. I get the feeling sometimes that persons forget the negative impact of covid on our economy. Landlords are not doing well during the covid pandemic. Many moratoriums had to be given to renters. Government revenue is significantly down, hence it would be one seeking and getting rental relief. . In the US: “The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on US renter households’ ability to make rent. According to the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, nearly one in five US renter households were behind on rent by late December 2020 (Airgood-Obrycki et al. 2021), fueling a rent arrears crisis estimated to range between $7 billion (Reed & Divringi 2020) and $57 billion (Parrot & Zandi 2021).” It is probably worse in ANU
I thought it was penned by the PM
I hanging out with him too much
CIP. Wasn’t this suppose to be for wealthy people investing in the country? Where are the investments? The government is so desperate for money that they are peddling our passports To all and sundry. How many passports have been sold so far? Maybe one day all of these people will move to Antigua and take over the country. After all you can’t stop them. The are Antiguan citizens.
I’m not all that bright so it is unclear to me why someone who made so much money where they are want to buy a pass port somewhere else and not visit. No Vex wid me, me na get it and something wrong cause the hairs on my neck just stood up. Seems like they are more citizens of Antigua & Barbuda they we who born there. Guess what? that’s the new sweet spot and we will be selling much more
I can say that I am two months behind. My last payment was Oct 12 which was for Aug. I’m missing Sep & Oct at this point.
I am two months behind. My last payment was Oct 12 which was for Aug. I’m missing Sep & Oct at this point.
Where is the solutions Here? There is nothing here. FIRST in arears means IN areas. What the author just admitted is they are not only Bankrupt financially but in Ideas as well. The SS model MUST be changed and I believe it should look more like an investment bank with the primary fiduciary responsibility to pensioners. YES Covid 19 and remember when it was the world financial crisis and I guess a million other excuses. Do ou ever notice that no matter what THER IS ALWAYS A PROBLEM? HERE IS WHY: LIFE is just that way and ALWAYS WILL BE. If men want to lead they MUST come up with valid solutions or they are useless. Solutions come from NEW ideas not hashing over old problems over and over year after year Government after government. FINGER POINTING and more finger pointing by the POLITICAL HACKS will only sew discord. The problem at SS is critical, therefore leadership must engage a “we all in this together” approach instead of doing what Blogger From The Side line is doing, FINGER POINTING and blowing political smoke and so the BS continue and nothing gets solved and PENSIONERS suffer. When mediocracy becomes the standard bearer you get what you getting. Stop pretending that the other side caused this and TAKE SOME DAMM RESPONSIBILITY. I believe if SS is fixed then and only then the economy can be fixed. Use SS as the economic engine to create more jobs and more business and GIVE the same or even more local people the same concession’s you give the CARPET BAGGERS. Partner with the Development Bank and IRD in a coordinated effort to create 15 – 20,000 new registrants. Hell you give MONTZUNGU 30 years concession + 10 you give YIDA the east end, you just created an economic zone for everybody but Locals. Why not create economic zones in villages? These young people have ideas they need technical support, bring them into the SS system $50 a month? $100 a month? Something but not the politically hackery I am hearing here. I’ll bet there are men and women or even a child out there with better Ideas…REACH OUT
Are we still talking about Social Security? Yet the US market is way up and the millionaires made more money than they ever did. US SOCIAL SECURITY and Military pension and retirement programs NEVER STOPPED PAYING. the lights never went out and the water never got cut off. IT’S CALLED DISASTER PREPARDNESS. All you did was show us that even with all those problems the US paid people…WHAT IS YOU POINT??
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