Residents encouraged to participate in PEARL survey


Residents encouraged to participate in PEARL survey

The Ministry of Education and Sports has announced the commencement of a survey in association with the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States’ Program for Educational Advancement and Relevant Learning (PEARL).

The program was launched recently to create a new educational experience for children of the OECS, creating greater access to quality education for children.

One of the areas of focus for Antigua and Barbuda is Special Educational Needs.

Education Officer Special Needs Education, Joyann-Ann Harrigan, is encouraging administrators, educators, healthcare professionals and parents to participate in the process through Survey Monkey.

“There are seven surveys and each group of persons will answer a survey specific to them. Once they have completed that survey and they click submit on Survey Monkey, it goes directly off to the OECS group,” Harrigan explained.

She detailed that the survey is taking place simultaneously in all OECS territories and once the information is gathered, stakeholders will come together and hold discussions on the way forward.

“We will all meet and have a discussion based on what the data is saying. It is to improve special educational needs services within the OECS for the students, for our teachers, for our educators, for our parents, for the community in all spheres.”

The survey will remain open until the end of October, 2022.

Four main components are contained in the US $ 10 million OECS PEARL program.

They include:

  1. Enhanced quality and equity of access to Early Childhood Education
  2. Enhanced Curriculum and Assessment
  3. Strengthened Leadership and Management
  4. Program Management, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and Evaluation

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    All residents should respond to the survey but first ask yourself these simple questions: Why do we educate our children? What knowledge will our children receive today in the 21st century and beyond that they can apply as a career choice in our economic system and develop entrepreneurship to start and build business enterprises that get things done and produce something of value?
    STEM….STEM….STEM!!! STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. Everything in life is related to STEM and business!
    Pre-K to tertiary! Our education system MUST PRIORITIZE STEM and business curriculum powered by our OECS and Caricom creative Arts (consciousness) in EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL and INSTITUTION year-round, in school, after school activities, summer.
    Our economic growth and social development REQUIRE that transformation from the colonial education for elite management and unskilled labor. In the near future, unskilled labor will be obsolete. Jobs involving repetitive work will be replaced by automation and robotics.
    Move in the right direction!


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