Redz takes Protest To Football Game To Highlight Displeasure with ABFA


Protest at National Team Game Highlights Player’s Displeasure with ABFA

During the highly anticipated match of Antigua and Barbuda’s senior national team, Tevaughn Peter Redz Hariette took a stand against the Antigua and Barbuda Football Association (ABFA).

Redz’s protest stemmed from his frustration over the lack of financial assistance for his knee injury, an issue he believes the ABFA has been silent and unresponsive about.

Redz attended the game wearing a t-shirt that bore a powerful message: “To: ABFA ‘Injured Players Should Be a Priority, Timeliness of Assistance IS IMPORTANT TO THEM NOT YOU!'”. His name and number were displayed on the back, making it clear who was behind the protest.

The match, which drew a large crowd, was overshadowed by Redz’s visible demonstration of displeasure.

His actions highlighted the broader issue of player welfare and the need for timely support for injured athletes.

Spectators and fellow players noted the tension his protest brought to the game, sparking discussions about the ABFA’s responsibility towards its players.

As the situation gains more attention, it remains to be seen how the ABFA will respond to these accusations and whether any steps will be taken to address the concerns raised by Redz and potentially other players facing similar challenges.

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  1. They should at minimum offer insurance coverage for players. Since players are not being paid.

    I would strongly suggest that teams register as an organization, get bank accounts for the team, and regularly participate in activities that will bring in income for the organization in which players can be paid something.

    Also, star players, need to be elevated locally, by having them endorse products and services, as the celebrity they should be.

    A lot of local TV and radio commercials could include star soccer/football players, cricketers, netballers, marble-players (joking and serious at the same time for this one), basketball, etcetera.

    We can learn to uplift each other through innovation, creativity, and giving folks the chance who are clearly well-positioned to advance whatever endeavor they are suited for.

    I really want to own an Antigua soccer team, in which I own the rights, to broadcast and any revenue acquired by ABS (who must now have a team to broadcast all games or at least, the semi-finals and or final games) from commercials agree during games.

    It is time we innovate. Have the government start doing basic things, air games on local TV. We can even expand internationally to soccer lovers. Assign a youtube channel within ABS and where the game is played, such revenue acquired during the games are shared with both team and ABS (THE PEOPLE/GOVERNMENT).

  2. I absolutely stand behind REDZ in this!!! I feel sorry for the ABFA Players, and even those in First Division with injuries that require surgery and/or atleast physiotherapy are NOT receiving either. 😢 The players are forced through contracts to uphold their end of the agreement but they’re not being taken care of in return!

    Injuries ignored, monthly payment delays, this is *bordering* human trafficking (which does not have to involve sex workers), it can be those forced to work with little reward or no pay! And now not even proper care!! 😒

    Directors and managers must take action to put players and their Healthcare FIRST! As they are the true assets!! Without good players what’s the point in playing?! And many of these talented guys are hurt, pushing through injuries!! Unacceptable!! *Act* or I will!

    You don’t know who I am OR who I know but I guarantee the result will not be pleasant! I wish I knew how to contact REDZ so I can reach out in support. I will find it though. Let’s hope they move to have a proper physical and imaging by orthopedics and payments made for regular physiotherapy. Let’s just see… 🧐 or an inquest will be initiated.

  3. All players in antigua should boycott playing in Antigua or elsewhere til their colleagues situation is addressed . They could be next and they have hindsight how they can end up in the future, like a piece a rag that is.

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