Red Cross President Elvis Murray remanded to prison for allegedly striking woman with his fist


While information is still sketchy as to what instigated a conflict between an unnamed woman and Elvis Murray Watkins, the President of the Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross, he will be spending the next 10 days at Her Majesty’s Prison.

Murray Watkins appeared in the St. John’s Magistrates Court on Monday morning, March 28, and was remanded to prison by Acting Chief Magistrate Dexter Wason.

He will remain at the penal facility until April 6, at which time Wason will review his matter and decide whether to grant bail.

Allegations are that he and the female were in an altercation during which he used his fist on her.

The matter was reported to the Police and Murray Watkins was taken into custody and now faces serious charges.



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    • Women are also violent towards our men but nobody wants to talk about it PLEASE STOP the violence towards each other

    • It is ironic that Physical abuse has consequences and verbal abuse does not….. When Croif verbally abuse the PM’s wife who holding high office this country, nothing was done by the… Sad!!

      • BLUDDY BLOKE verbal abuse also has consequences. One such consequence is being sued for defamation. If Maria Browne felt that she was defamed she could have sued and knowing how her husband like to sue I guess she did not think it was necessary.


  1. But if Will Smith can punch Chris Rock and then go back to his seat and watch the rest of the Oscars and then party the rest of the night away without incident and without arrest, why this?

  2. IF this is proven to be true, this misfit needs to be locked up for a long time, for the safety of the girls and women of Antigua and Barbuda. AGAIN, IF he is guilty, he needs to be kicked out of the Red Cross, an organization that works against violence on every level. We are not in the dark ages. I don’t know the circumstances, but there is no excuse for hitting a woman, any woman. People who do that are usually acting out on what has been done to them in their past, and are dealing with mental issues, a deeply troubled individual. Nevertheless, this is disgusting. It’s in the process now and we’ll let the court decide.

    • Y’all are always ready to throw us men in jail whenever a woman cry foul, but whenever the table turn y’all find all the excuses in the world to back what a woman does like women are all so innocent of committing violent act without been provoked

      • And what kind of woman raised you Blade? Tell us how she beat the sh** out of you, and what’s that woman you’re with now doing TO you big shot? You are really mixed up. Get some help. Chuptz.

        • @Carolyn and Betty’s Hope, not sure what age you guys are from but it certainly is not current. In this day and age, you have skilled women fighters in military, gangs etc. So in some cases, the men might be at a disadvantage.

          I don’t know the particular circumstances surrounding this case and so it would be unfair to judge. But what you should be preaching is that NO form of domestic violence should be tolerate, regardless to gender.

  3. I wonder what if this is found out to be false accusations what will happen ?? His character is being tarnished as we speak and woman always get away with shit .. y’all always want equal rights and justice until it comes with a territory… women like to provoke men to a point then cry foul when shit hit the fan .. just stay strong my brother .. there 3 sides to the story .. theirs , yours and what really happen

    • You sound like some kind of a weak man. Chuups. Man up, and show the ladies some respect. Do you understand!

  4. And what kind of woman raised you Blade? Tell us how she beat the sh** out of you, and what’s that woman you’re with now doing TO you big shot? You are really mixed up. Get some help. Chuptz.

  5. BLUDDY BLOKE verbal abuse also has consequences. One such consequence is being sued for defamation. If Maria Browne felt that she was defamed she could have sued and knowing how her husband like to sue I guess she did not think it was necessary.

    • Yes bail was an option but I understand he stood in the box and said nothing on his behalf. He was unrepresented. The least he could have done is to give his side of what transpired and at least apologize for his behavior. Seems a little harsh though.

  6. …your honor! I was inside the closet, minding my own business.
    …your Honor! It was her long time lover, causing these disturbances!
    …she, claim say, that I punched her too
    …but, that’s really untrue⁉️
    …‘ cause, me shirt was in my left
    …and, me pants in my right,
    …and, just like Hussein Bolt
    …I’m not saying, that I don’t sin
    …but, I jumped over the cliff
    …and, took off In The Heat Of The Night.
    …so, please show me the proof
    …if you want to convict me like Dylan Roof
    …and, produce the evidence
    …by proving it, with #Forensics!

  7. Elvis, what is going on with you??? We need some clarification. The name of the Red Cross is being tarnished.

  8. Up to now we haven’t heard his side of the story, but he is already guilty according to many. I want to hear both sides.

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