Randy Baltimore Wins ABLP Caretaker Primary for St. Phillip North


Randy Baltimore emerged victorious in the ABLP caretaker election for St. Phillip North, defeating Robin Yearwood Jr., Dr. Oswald Thomas, and Telly Cornelius.

He secured 424 votes.

Telly Cornelius with 164 votes, Robin Yearwood Jr with 50 and Dr Oswald Thomas with 20.

A passionate community advocate, Randy’s dedication to improving the lives of his neighbors has made him an inspiring figure.

He is committed to social justice and community development, tirelessly working to uplift and empower those around him.

Randy’s key issues and policies focus on the environment and self-development.

He advocates for sustainable practices and environmental preservation, believing in the importance of a healthy planet for future generations.

Additionally, he promotes self-development programs that equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive. Randy’s holistic approach ensures the community and the environment flourish together, creating a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

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  1. Congratulations Randy !!!!!!
    Now change the trajectory of st Phillip be not another run dung constituency and over lining ur pockets with the get rich quik enrichment program ALP



  2. Robin Yearwood Jr and Dr. Oswald Thomas would be very disappointed with their overall showing. Name recognition was not enough to carry Robin Yearwood Jr over the mark, and for someone who has worked tirelessly for Sir Robin Yearwood Snr , Dr Oswald Thomas showing was particularly disappointing.

  3. Is this the same man they had to transfer from national housing, because of irregularities? Asking for a friend!

  4. Congratulations Mr Baltimore as caretaker of St Philip’s North, especially after defeating Robin Yearwood Jr and STYMIEING the grip of nepotism that’s stunted the growth of this great country. 🇦🇬

    BTW, UPP all the way for 2028 …


  5. Congratulation Comrade Baltimore. You have been working and trained and mentored right next to Robin for all these years and now the fruits of your labour has come. Robin must be very proud of you. This is what should happen in ASW. Regis was their all the time and will get the nods from True Laborites. Not phony labourites like Lamin. The Prime Minister like to say that the members from the UPP are all for it to get money, because they are broke. Well he needs to look at Lamin. The man is broke. He is in it for the money. If Gaston/Chet did not give him a job. Actually its two jobs he has. One at Agriculture and another at CMC. So he is getting two paychecks and Both from Government. Regis Burton is a proud member of the APUA Family but currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Antigua and Barbuda Medicinal Cannabis Authority, a Commissioner on the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda Police Service Commission, a Director of the Antigua Barbuda Cricket. He doesn’t need money he comes with lots of credential as you can read on LinkedIn. A sound foundation. And therefore he has much more to offer.

  6. This was totally expected based on the May polling in the constituency. Sir Robin attempted vehemently to dissuade his son from entering the race as he told him that he would not have the privilege of his endorsement.
    The young barrister promised to support the victor should he be defeated.

    Dr. Oswald Thomas, though determined to serve, was at a disadvantage as he is not a resident in Antigua and his age bracket worked against him as the younger voters would choose a much younger candidate.

    Therefore, Alex Browne will have an uphill battle to defeat this newcomer to the elective landscape.

    907 eligible registered voters
    424 for RB
    164 for TC
    50 for RW Jr
    20 for OT
    Total votes casted 658
    Quite a sizeable turnout and a rather decisive victory.
    Congrats to the young Randy Baltimore.

  7. A son asked his father ” Daddy, what’s the qualification of a politician?” He continues ” Daddy i know to become a doctor or a lawyer you have to go to university and study…daddy what do you have to do to become a politician?” The father went to tell his son….” Son you have to learn to……

  8. Mr. Baltimore, so you are an environmentalist. Hope you will support the people of Barbuda in their quest to preserve their environment. Also. What will you do to try to reverse the wanton destruction caused by Gaston’s folly with regards to the Yeda project?

  9. C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S Randy Baltimore!!!!





  10. Dave Ray you know it all ,pay the people and organizations you owe. You had 2 candidates who didn’t reside in Antigua but you focused on one . Did Robin Snr. endorse any candidate, instead his son said he stayed in the UK to experience the elections there, how dumb of a reason . None of them give a damn about the people of that constituency and soon they will wake up slowly . Talk about the expected 900 voters where only 2/3 showed up. Go try and reconcile with your family and stay out of St. Phillips North, we don’t need your comments.

  11. Something great is happening for one of the largest family in willikies, the ascension of the Baltimore’s, that started in the quality of Alex brown who is really a Baltimore ascension that came the closest to unseating a man who I say is a product of the 50’s white privilege colonial era, now another Baltimore in randy Baltimore, this family has been kept fragmented purposely by the then robin to maintain his control of the community for five decades, that’s the lifetime of our fore parents and the millennials, the Baltimore family has come to ascension even in the BVI. But the jubilation will be short when you look at Gaston ideological projection, starting with his son buying a property at ling bay of a former racist apartheid style white family that use to fence the beach Jim crow style with white bathing area and black section, the people of willikies fought and tore down that fence, so it was kind of a scintillating to hear it been purchased by a black person regardless to political affiliation, but to see it has been speculated into white monopoly capital domination again it’s hurtful, randy will have political power but not institutional power under Gaston, because a lot of redress need to be done up in willikies for all the injustices robin brought to the area especially in lands, so Alex brown on the other hand is more able to address these area under a different political party and ideology, the Baltimore family will have to recognize that we are one and it’s our village and constituency time, since robin only represented white interest and himself, none of the ALP runners mention any of the injustices committed by robin in the constituency, so it’s cheese in their mouth to get along with Gaston, big up to the Baltimore’s in Alex & Randy.

  12. @East Me From:
    You live in the east but not from the east. TSH, we know who you are. With your brevity, you’re still afraid to use your name. I have a broad back. So continue to eat up yourself. You give me a good chuckle.


    Please note, that blocking a comment will not, and cannot stop the inevitable.

    A…A By_Election will happen in less than a year in St. Philips North.

    B…ABLP will lose this seat giving Asot Michael and Trevor Walker great leverage, as swing votes in the Parliament.

    C…Gaston Browne, PM, #Top_Dawg at ABLP may have to eat his own vomit [treatment], of Asot and beg for Asot’s forgiveness.
    Politics make #Strange_Bedfellows.

    D…Asot may get his “revenge is mine,” said, the Lord!

    The one seat majority is thin, and getting thinner and thinner for Labour

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

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