Question of the Day:
If you were Prime Minister for a day, what’s the first change or decision you would make to improve the country? Share your thoughts!
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..that politicians get FULL pension for serving 2 terms. NONSENSE!
I would address the landlords here they doing the tenants to much with the house rent
I would make provisions to return all lands back to the crown so that the lands be communal own rather than free hold! Everyone that is a native of Antigua and Barbuda will be entitled to a house plot of land for each individual and zone all lands to their appropriate use where applicable! You can own your house and your property but the land will be for everyone just like in Barbuda! That’s the way everything should have been done so it benefits everyone not a small minority!
1. Make it compulsory that young people who have a degree get a job within their line of study
2. Place all non-nationals who are not citizens on work contracts
3. Replace the older person with younger persons to be the ” face ” of all organization
4. Discontinue allowing persons to have 2 or 3 jobs within the public sector
5. Gov’t Houses and Lands be sold to residents who do not have and not to those who already have.
6. Chairmanship & membership of Statutory Boards be awarded to young people who are seeking employment
I would do everything Prime Minister Gaston Browne is doing right now. Namely:
1. Resolving the water problem with the necessary investments in RO.
2. Managing public debt with responsible spending and borrowing.
3. Focusing on socultions to fix ALL roads
4. Empowering small businesses with low interest loans and grants.
5. Address the housing crisis with invesments in subsidiesded housing.
6. Developing Barbud to contribute more to the economy.
If I were Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda for a day, I would focus on key initiatives to immediately set the country on a path toward growth and prosperity. My priorities would include education, agriculture, tourism, public safety, governance reform, water management, and the revitalization of public works.
1. Education:
I would prioritize enhancing the education system by increasing funding for schools, integrating technology, and expanding vocational and entrepreneurial training programs. This would prepare our youth for diverse career opportunities and reduce unemployment while promoting innovation and self-sufficiency.
2. Agriculture:
I would invest in modernizing the agricultural sector, providing subsidies and training for farmers, and encouraging youth involvement in farming. This would boost food security, reduce dependency on imports, and create sustainable economic growth through agri-business ventures.
3. Tourism:
Antigua and Barbuda’s tourism potential is vast. I would push for diversifying tourism offerings by promoting eco-tourism, cultural heritage tourism, and community-based tourism. This would ensure that the benefits of tourism reach every citizen while preserving our natural and cultural assets.
4. Better Policing System:
To ensure public safety, I would reform the policing system by investing in training, technology, and infrastructure for law enforcement. This would help combat crime effectively, restore public trust in law enforcement, and create safer communities for all.
5. Border Control:
Strengthening border security would be a priority, ensuring tighter immigration processes and preventing illegal activities. By implementing modern surveillance technology and fostering regional cooperation, we can better protect our borders and maintain national security.
6. Governance Reform:
I would take immediate action to review and streamline the public sector by removing inefficient government workers who contribute little to the nation’s progress. This would pave the way for a merit-based, performance-driven system, ensuring that every public servant is committed to the betterment of the country.
7. Water Issues:
The ongoing water crisis in Antigua and Barbuda is a pressing concern. I would prioritize investing in desalination plants, repairing and upgrading water distribution infrastructure, and implementing water conservation initiatives. Access to a reliable and sustainable water supply is essential for public health, agriculture, and economic development.
8. Public Works Revamp:
The Ministry of Public Works would be completely revamped to ensure efficiency and accountability in maintaining government buildings, roads, and infrastructure. A proactive maintenance schedule would be implemented to reduce costs and avoid long-term deterioration. This would improve the quality of public services, create jobs, and support the overall development of the country.
By addressing these critical areas, we can lay the foundation for a stronger, more sustainable, and prosperous Antigua and Barbuda.
I would invite all the talented artist of different genres to eat at banquet with me and ask what music do you bring to the table than can impact lives, tremendously empower the people and finance the economy in a wonderful way for the people of all colours🙏
If I were Prime Minister for a day, I would make it mandatory that pension age should be an option between the ages of 60 and 65. Because of health reasons and other reasons, everybody can’t make it to 65.
As Prime Minister for a day I will
1.Address the issue of equipping the Police with a state of the art Forensic Lab and pay all outstanding dues to international bodies.
2.Re examination of the Judiciary inclusive of the prison
3. Health is our nation’s wealth
4. Expand the vocational component in all schools to include computer repair, agro-processing, arts and craft.
6 . Re evaluation of the civil service
7. Strength the tax collection system to ensure ALL not just the poor man pay
8. Review all duty free concessions in the name of development
9. Strengthen the social programs to ensure all elderly, single mothers and disabled are equitably served.
10. Reduce the perks of office to sitting Ministers. Let them pay for their own fuel, utilities and other minor expenses ie mobile phone.
WOW people are actually making some solid points here. Im a bit surprised.
I would fix the Water, Electricity Roads and Internet problems. I would stamp out corruption in the government ministries, hotels, unions, police and defense force, hospital, prison, and the justice system.
Put more effort in patrol of the inlets and beaches to prevent drug and human trafficking.
Leave the retirement age at 65 to make room for the younger generation.
Young people with degrees must get work that match what they study for.
Pay all workers a living wage.
All political parties should work together for the good of all citizens and the country.
All born citizen must get a house plot to build their homes as soon as they reach the age of 18 yrs.
Give everyone that is interested a piece of Agricultural land and if they are not utilizing the land give it to someone that will make use of it.
Make it easier for citizens to open a business.
Give all born citizen that is qualify a Scholarship to UWI five islands.
Make more free preschool and daycare for parents that cannot afford to pay.
Leave vehicle licensing as it is.
Eradicate poverty out of this country by doing everything in my power the make it happen.
Let everyone know who the molesters and rapist are.
I would Vet everyone that is coming into the country to eliminate criminals from entering.
Search for the criminals and send them back to their country.
Do something about all these underage girls that is getting pregnant.
Stamp out prostitution houses.
Make one nation music festival a 3 days praise and worship festival.
I would make SPANISH the second official language of Antigua and Barbuda and make it mandatory for persons to be fluent in at least one other language. We would need to implement this in schools. I would also work with the various embassies to make this happen on a wider scale.
If I were PM I would reduce citizenship requirments for OECS National to 4 years because they have indefinite stay anyway.
More affordable housing for low income persons especially government workers. Better wages and working conditions for all. A level field for older persons , acknowledgement of there contribution and what they can still contribute. Address the high cost of living, electricity , water, health care. Harassment, and victimization on the job. Acknowledgement of Antiguan s it’s history and it’s culture. The proper refreshment of old colonial laws. Removing king Charles as head of state forthwith. Changing some of the stipulations of banks and hotels that is considered slavery or manipulation. Tuffer immigration laws and screening. Priority a must for x service men and woman. Soldiers or police ECT.
– Notional’s be automatically in receipt of maternity benefits.
– pension age lowered to 55 years old
– minimum wage for nationals
– Actually provide tax payers with tax returns yearly.
Make Antigua and Antiguans proud once again 🇦🇬🇦🇬🇦🇬 if honey in the rocks Antiguans want there share
There is no special thing to do than to do what is right and I woukd open snack and juice factories so that tourism doesn’t remain the main industry
A…engage a well vetted and independent forensic auditing firm to audit ALL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS.
Ministry of Public Works is first in line.
B…Freeze all hiring in the Public Sector for 180 days.
Fire who’s to be fired! Brings charges against those #who’re found liable for any malfeasance and prosecute them. Your employment in the Public Sector and subsequent promotions are based upon merit, not BOBOL, cronyism etc.
Members of Parliament salary will be reduced or relinquish those perks of which they’re numerous! Former members cannot collect retirement until they reach 65years.
Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
De’ole Dutty Peg Foot Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Complete a review of the Constitution.
I hope this inept and feckless government is listening to the many passionate citizens of Antiguan and Barbara on this topic, but I wouldn’t hold my breath, because after 10 years of wasted opportunities to make Antigua a real powerhouse in the Caribbean, instead of some imaginary power by Gatson Browne, what else can one hope for, but more of the same bs, rum-shop radio talk by this prime minister who is clearly out of his league.
So what would I change. I would definitely impose term limits for all politicians, so that we don’t get years and years of this serious nepotism problem we have in this country. Cut out the corruption.
And well said @Ras.
These people go in politics for generational wealth, and nothing else.
I would deport the Hadeeds and all Syrians!!!
honestly, I won’t change anything what I would do is:
If I had the chance to be Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda for a day, I would create a special “Cultural Revival Day.” This would be a day dedicated to celebrating our unique heritage and traditions.
Imagine a vibrant festival where we can come together as a community to enjoy local music, delicious traditional food, and beautiful crafts made by our talented people. Schools would hold special activities, teaching kids about our history and folklore, so they can appreciate the rich culture we all share.
This day would not only bring us closer as a community but also help promote our culture to visitors. It’s important to preserve and celebrate who we are, and I believe this initiative would foster pride and joy in our heritage, ensuring it lives on for future generations. Let’s honor our past while looking forward to a bright future together!
Food price drop.cost of living less cheaper. Provide .land at low cost for his ppl of Antigua. And Barbuda Better healthy care..look out for single mothers n fathers who are will to take care of their children.
I would pass a bill to define the beach as at least 100yards from the high water mark and persons who have land that infringe on this will be compensated and those with structures already infringing will have to pay higher priority tax plus provide proper access to the beaches. I would also pass into law that anyone l caught littering a beach will get 2 months jail and 2 years community service cleaning the road side.
Nice question. Interesting replies. If I were PM I would work on cost of living and quality of life issues. I would
1) prioritize solving the water problem, putting all available resources into it until every resident has regularly running water
2) put CMCs in communities all around the country to sell local produce or give grants to small business owners wanting to provide such a service.
3) sell land at low cost to citizens with no assets
4) provide grants or other incentives to landlords trying to build rentals priced for mid and low income residents.
5) provide grants to owners of wooden homes to put two rooms into concrete in case of storms
6) create websites clearly outlining all government programmes from which residents could benefit and how to apply
7) increase salaries of civil servants regularly until they are in line with costs associated with housing, food etc. in this country and incentivize similar increases in the private sector or decrease the cost of living by encouraging more agriculture to reduce the food import bill and food prices
8) consult civil service workers – nurses, teachers etc. about equipment and infrastructure needs and fund needed improvements
9) add voluntary extracurricular programmes to schools so parents can choose to sign their kids up for different things. These would not be run by the teachers but by paid or volunteer experts on the arts, sports, technology, building, crafting etc. Each programme would run once enough persons signed up. Low demand programmes could be run at one school and kids from another school could attend.
10) improve the transportation system so that every community is accessible by cars via good roads and also buses every day, also improve the East Bus Station and create small parking lots around the city for drivers.
11) incentivize business owners willing to provide wholesome entertainment options for children and teenagers
12) incentivize the development of uplifting local media businesses
13) provide scholarships to persons willing to study to fill important technical positions to allow for long-term sustainable development
14) focus more on educational tourism to diversify the tourism industry
15) incentivize young persons to start businesses in new areas to create employment
16) revitalize the city after developing a comprehensive plan after consulting all stakeholders including the general public
17) create economic opportunities for young people in villages or incentivize the private sector to do so
And maybe a few other things…
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