Quarantine bracelets to arrive next week


Cabinet Notes:

Bracelets, to be worn by those ordered to quarantine upon arrival, will arrive Antigua next week. They will be utilized shortly thereafter in order to discourage those ordered to quarantine from leaving the borders of the home or Center where they have been ordered to remain, for two weeks.

The case of a young returning national, placed in quarantine, but seen in her own Facebook posts visiting many places in Antigua, was discussed by the Cabinet.

The vast majority of those who have been placed in quarantine, remain confined for the 14 days in order to keep from infecting others, should they be carriers of the virus.

The management of this pandemic has been superbly handled by the various frontline workers, it was agreed, and the bracelets will be very helpful.

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  1. Oh lord they at it again with these shifting dates. When next week comes it is going to be another story or maybe another week, then another week and yeah another week!!!

    • @Just Saying
      November 3, 2020 at 7:06 am
      Likely is the key word for those seeking blood.

      Likely according to MP Nicholas and Sir Molwyn means:
      before week end,
      next week,
      bythe end of the week,
      in less than no time,
      before you know it,
      In a few days,
      In a relatively short time,
      Its practically done,
      In the near future,
      Just about completed
      Let me pause here so likely take on all these political terms that in reality has no accurate meaning.

  2. Remember, remember the 5th of November……….!

    The government has once again extended the LOCKDOWN of Antigua and Barbuda, this time until December 31st. How much longer are YOU going to tolerate this insanity?

    First it was the useless MANDATORY MASK orders (without any scientific evidence). This was their attempt to instill FEAR into your mind and make you willing to follow their arbitrary edicts that they roll out in endless procession.

    The ABLP PARTY is betting everything on your ignorance, passivity and political divisions to sweep away ALL YOUR liberty and take total control over your lives. Their NEXT MOVE will be to declare a NEW SECOND WAVE of the fake pandemic to further eliminate your ability to stand up against their draconian control. Then will come the MANDATORY VACCINES. They are hoping to limit you ability to travel, go to school, work and buy food with this fake scare tactic. They will tell you that everyone MUST OBEY or you are a health risk to the public. they will use this as an excuse to sanction you with huge fines and imprisonment if you dare to object to their totalitarianism.

    Isn’t there any freedom loving Antiguans left in our country?
    I feel that a huge backlash is building here that is hidden from the eyes of our leaders. They can’t see it because they are blinded by their own corruption and greed for more and more power. I predict that the current leadership will be swept from power in the next election (if we will even be allowed to have another election).

    We need a new political party to challenge these PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS. We need to start a new grassroots movement of people to create a local nationalistic party that represents the true will of the people. These GLOBALIST POLITICAL ELITES need to be removed from power. They do not care about the people, they only care about their own power, influence and money. It is time to create a NEW government that SERVES THE PEOPLE’S needs and desires.

    • Fake pandemic? How do you account for the thousands/millions of death globally? All in our minds is it? Or fake news?

  3. The Prime Minster said “most visitors do not adhere to the quarantine protocols” now this article is saying most do. I’ travel to Àntigua every other month on business and take every protocol serious but will not hàve a tag on me and white folks who lives in the same country as me go and mingle as the choose. Trying to set up a business and eventual return to Àntigua this selective discrimination will have me rethinking all plans . Twice when in Antigua I saw white folks walking without mask and didn’t even see it under their chin as some people do. Supermarkets , restaurants ,retail business and hotels workers all go home to their families and friends people this a mad mad policy .It takes two of them to put the money I put in the economy on every trip. So many people on here disagree with this discriminatory policy and YES IT IS but these guys only hear the dollar bell. ÀNTIGUA ONE LOVE !

  4. Once the tourists are required to wear one as well, I’m all good. If they can be allowed to wander, so should any returning National. COVID is global. The rules should apply to all

  5. Plain and simple, the Government hands are tied with the policies, of the #GLOBALISTS, and agendas like rawhide used to lasso, and hogtie a pig ready for the slaughter.
    If, the Government is going to continue receiving #Funding in the form of loans, grants, trinkets, crumbs from their #PuppetMasters tables, they(Our Government) MUST comply, otherwise, the mayhem(what is happening in Cities and states around the rest of the World) will reach, Our shores as People begin to die, like fumigated flies.

    Once, these #TrackingDevices and their use are implemented, under the guise, of this #Pan? #Plan? #Epi? DEMIC, to corral and herd the #Sheeple(people), there will be no turning back the clock, they’ll be used for other reasons as well, and as is the case with #ClassifiedInformation, we’ll never know until it’s too late.
    Example…these devices are being used in tandem, with the MANDATORY VACCINES, to speed up the Herd Immunity process, as they Globalists resest their World Money Markets, as in the 1920’s to 1940’s for continued World domination.
    This #Pan? #Plan? Epi? DEMIC is not going anyplace, anytime soon. It’s the New Norm!

    #NoamChompsky the American dissident has being preaching, teaching and WARNING the World, about these times which we are living in. He, Noam should know, since, he lived and thrived amongst them for over seventy years.

    • Plain and simple, the Government hands are tied with the policies, of the #GLOBALISTS, and agendas like rawhide used to lasso, and hogtie a pig ready for the slaughter.
      If, the Government is going to continue receiving #Funding in the form of loans, grants, trinkets, crumbs from their #PuppetMasters tables, they(Our Government) MUST comply, otherwise, the mayhem(what is happening in Cities and states around the rest of the World) will reach, Our shores as People begin to die, like fumigated flies.

      Once, these #TrackingDevices and their use are implemented, under the guise, of this #Pan? #Plan? #Epi? DEMIC, to corral and herd the #Sheeple(people), there will be no turning back the clock, they’ll be used for other reasons as well, and as is the case with #ClassifiedInformation, we’ll never know until it’s too late.
      Example…these devices are being used in tandem, with the MANDATORY VACCINES, to speed up the Herd Immunity process, as they Globalists resest their World Money Markets, as in the 1920’s to 1940’s for continued World domination.
      This #Pan? #Plan? Epi? DEMIC is not going anyplace, anytime soon. It’s the New Norm!

      #NoamChompsky the American dissident has being preaching, teaching and WARNING the World, about these times which we are living in. He, Noam should know, since, he lived and thrived amongst them for over seventy years.

  6. An independent nation that are govern by outsiders to make all the decisions internally . No one should be force to have sex, force to work, force to worship and force to wear no bracelet. The Almighty give everyone a choice the moment there is force people have the right to fight for there freedom. There is no freedom in force!

  7. They are coming.They are surely taking a long time to come.They would be here next week.I thought I heard those same words before.The differences,that next week was over 2 months ago.So the next week that is now being mentioned.Would that be next week,next month and or next year.Melford Nicholas,where are you.No one should believed anything coming from your Cabinet Notes.You would say one thing.Then another Member of said Cabinet would come and say something completely different to your information.Are there different meetings of the Cabinet,weekly?

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