The Ministry of Health & the Environment will be hosting a national consultation on the proposed new public cemetery at Tomlinson.
The consultation will take place on Monday, 18th December at Potters Primary School, starting at 7.00 pm.
The parliamentary representative for St George, Dean Jonas and the residents of the St George constituency, especially those living in the Potters, Potters New Extension, Paynters, Tomlinson, and Gunthorpes communities, are invited to attend and participate.
The preliminary design of the new cemetery will be unveiled at the consultation.
The national consultation is in keeping with the Ministry of Health & the Environment’s policy of informing the nation of its initiatives and promoting the widest possible consultation and community involvement.
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The Spots Where VC Bird & George Walters Are Buried In, By Moody Stewart Pasture In Potter’s; Is An Old British Colononial Era Burying Ground! The Area North Of Paynter’s Estate, Where All Those Mysterious Accidents Always Happen Also! The Elders Of Potter’s, Used To Tell Us Jumby Stories, About That Area; Where They Are Planning To Erect The New Cemetery! Please Choose Carefully!🌴💒❤
No such thing as Jumby! I hope the people will attend the consultations and let their voice be heard. Wise move on the part of the Ministry to talk with people first BEFORE doing anything.
Jumby? You Want To Bet?💀😀🌴
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