Inmate was fully masked when he attacked prison officer


Prison officer Grayson Simon was stabbed multiple times while on duty at HMP this morning.

Antigua News Room understands that the prison officer was stabbed by a mentally ill inmate Rashawn Shabbazz.

The officer received medical attention at the scene while awaiting the arrival of an ambulance. 


According to our source, the officer was watching the East Wall of the prison when Shabbazz attacked him over a job he was paid to do by another inmate.


ANR has learnt that the attack was meant for another senior prison officer but Shabbazz attacked the wrong officer.


It is alleged that the prisoner was masked when he attacked the officer.

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  1. A mentally ill inmate 🤔 sounds like you trying to say this case close, we need to know where he got the tool and what Beef he and the officer have, all the while he in dey, how come everything was good? Don’t come tell me bout mentally ill as if that’s an excuse, it’s okay, that’s expected, tory done 😑 me just tell ah you mo dey fi come just this marning, now look ya

  2. Why are mentally ill prisoners with the general population? Whoever is the head of prisons need to reevaluate their census and transfer the mentally ill to the crazy house. There should be an area at the mentally institution for mentally ill prisoners with staffing and services in place. Who is in charge of organization and development of the prison system need to look into staffing, medical and social needs of the prisoners upon intake. Locking up and throwing away the key does not work on this society where individuals need and mental state should be factored in their detention. Someone on the executive level dropped the ball and the staff becomes the sacrificial lambs. The staff need to be adequately trained as well and provided equipment to defend themselves.

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