REAL NEWS: Jamale Pringle, the Member of Parliament for All Saints East and St. Luke, will be launching an initiative aimed at benefitting families who find themselves in need of legal advice but are not able to afford it.
As of next Saturday, October 31, persons in need will be able to access the Free Legal Clinic organized by MP Pringle. It will be conducted in the last week of every month at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, on Market and South Streets, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Clinic will be facilitated by five of Antigua and Barbuda’s legal luminaries, professional men and women who are experienced in a wide scope of legal issues.
“This is an effort to further demonstrate to the people of my constituency that I am not only community-minded but country-focused,” says MP Pringle, who is affectionately referred to as ‘The Black Panther of the South.”
“There are many persons who have legal questions that they would like answered, or need advice on certain matters, but cannot afford the consultation costs. This venture will give them the opportunity to do that,” Pringle explains.
“And, with the unfortunate effects of COVID-19, where personal finances have seen better days, this Free Legal Clinic is predicted to be timely and very beneficial to the people of Antigua and Barbuda,” he adds.
Those attending the Clinic in person are reminded that all COVID-19 protocols will be observed. Registration details will be shared in the coming week, the MP’s Office says.
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Hopefully Tabor is not there offering persons so called free advice that will only make things worse
I won’t be surprised though. Who else do they have as competent lawyers; Lovell, Bowen? Oh yes Bowen has experience being himself a felon at one time. He’d be able to give good advice to the UPP supporters. Something they’ll need in the days ahead with their reckless behavior. And don’t forget to also cater for the BPM Barbudans nd their leaders, Trevor and Frank.
Good Initiative.
NEIL COCHRANE really have the One Single Pringle hopping.
I think this guys Pringle is a genius. He knows exactly what his supporters need in this Covid time. I guess they all run the risk of getting entangled with the law. So it is best to educate them of what they should know when the time comes. I means these are trying times. People are hungry and may result to crime. Is the crime rate up by the way? Well if they cannot come to his office they should perhaps watch Bar talk. And perhaps Tabor doesn’t know but anyone that cannot afford a lawyer the court will appoint one to you Pro-Bona. I don’t think many of the criminals have money to pay their lawyer. It’s only the non criminal cases where lawyers present you with a large bill.
Take for example Cutie, he has been providing free legal services for his constituents for many years. That is why he and them are like family.
Anyway he trying to think of something meaningful to do for his supporters. Perhaps he thinks his supporters don’t need any food assistance or monetary assistance. He could do like the PM and start a Credit Union for his supporters. That way he can give them financial support which he has been claiming the government lacks. Just an idea Pringle. If you can pull it off to give financial aid while in opposition, something Gaston did while in opposition. In case you forget he went to Barbuda and paid the wages to the tune of $500K. I mean just find an investor to lend you the money or use some of your own money> At least you got paid very handsomely for the collection of death dogs. I mean you guys like to sit on money rather then to spend it on your supporters. Can you account for all the monies you received to provide Covid relief to your supporters? How much did you got and how was it spend. A little transparency won’t hurt. It would show that at least you are a transparent organization.
FROM THE SIDELINE just to educate a little bit, even though you act as if you are omniscient, the State only provides legal assistance to persons charged for murder who are unrepresented. The payment for this assistance comes from the Treasury so it is not pro bono.
As the saying goes there’s nothing like a free lunch someone has to pay it. Therefore Cutie should be commended with all the free legal services he provide his constituents.
Can you tell us how many free legal services you are providing?
Only “free” legal advice them so called lawyers give is to tell a man plea guilty and get one reduced sentence. All of them is a brotherhood and lawyer nah love see lawyer go jail. Just like how police nah lock up police. Tabor knows that all to well.
Do you think Gaston would pay barbudans 500k out of his hard earned money?
Find out who was the financier and post the truth.
Smh, from the sideline.
Great job Jamal Pringle and please ignore the negative comments under here 👏🏿👏🏿👍🏿👏🏿👏🏿👍🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿❤❤
Neil? Is he still in the race? Commendable move, Pringle. Just keep those female viragos out of this one. Such a program is long overdue in Antigua and Barbuda. Best wishes, young man.
Good move …it is really hard to pay some lawyers $500 when they then say I am too busy or too lazy to take the case
Weak initiative.
What people of the community need is free or reduced representation in court.
This promotion will benefit the lawyers giving the information because when persons at the session has an actual situation they are likely to go to the promotee and be charged a ridiculous fee.
I have seen this movie many times.
Remember HAVE YOUR SAY many so called professionals flocked to that program and became quite accomplished afterwards because they sounded bright.
Big up to RALPH FRANCIS a man of stature, good will, and has a heart for people.
He will not only give free advice but represent you in court free or at a reduced fee. And he is an outstanding legal mind high above many.
RALPH FRANCIS should be given his flowers too.
That I agree with. He has always been that kind of person that gives back to the society.
Melchesidec you are so dam right I remember that my son run into the law and he was sentence to three years in prison and he was represented by one of thoes so-call lawer. he then in turn told me if i want to appeal it i would have to pay $10,000.00
A good political move by party/lawyers under the disguise of the LO; however as some other bloggers have suggested….it can be a ploy to drum up their business if and when any of the attendees get into trouble with the law. What will they think of next?
Pringle himself needs an English class. Hope he sets up one to improve on his linguistic skills. That leaves a lot to be desired!!!
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