The Honorable Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, will pay an official visit to UNESCO this Wednesday, July 19th, at 11 a.m., alongside the Director-General of UNESCO, Ms Audrey Azoulay.
Discussions will focus on:
The protection of the oceans and the environment as a universal cultural asset of humanity;
The promotion of exchanges and partnerships between countries for education, particularly international university students exchanges;
Access as well as the improvement of access to information technologies (in particular the possibility of connection); an essential cultural and educational vector for developing States or with geographical particularities (small sizes, insularity, etc.);
Future projects of establishing the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States delegation as an observer for Antigua and Barbuda to UNESCO.
The visit is organised on the initiative of H.E. Boris Latour, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, recently appointed as Permanent Delegate of Antigua and Barbuda to UNESCO in Paris.
During the meeting, other present delegates will be H.E. Colin Murdoch, Ambassador of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States to the Words Trade Organisation and other international organisations in Geneva, as well as Timothée Bauer, Deputy Permanent Delegate for Antigua and Barbuda.

Paris, July 17th, 2023
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Once again leadership matters.
We are really well represented internationally by this Gaston Browne administration.
Proud to be an Antiguan and Barbudan.
Gassssston Browne dancing abroad yet again? Don’t come back … PLEASE!
Listen ANR
Observer’s big story is that PM Browne gave a feature address at Oxford University. Now you are saying he will pay an official visit to UNESCO this Wednesday
What is wrong with you journalists? Stop inflating this sh-t. PM Browne addressed an organization which had its VENUE at Oxford University. You hear that? THE VENUE WAS OXFORD UNIVERSITY.
He did not address Oxford University. Once again, in true Trump fashion, he has hoodwinked you all again. Inflated his role. Didn’t any of you at Observer read the story before you printed it and gave it that incorrect headline? Is it you doing the usual lazy thing?
And you ANR are trying to make a big deal about the PM going to UNESCO on Wednesday. All the heads pay official visits to UN organizations when they are at these summits. Stop making like he is the mover and shaker of what is happening there. There’s no there, there.
His way of inflating his importance and influence is to give you all his high sounding press releases.
Your job is to fact check the information and give the public the true account of events.
Tired of this nonsense now. You all need to step up your game.
The public must read the articles in both papers.
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