Prime Minister Gaston Browne Urged to Leverage Negotiating Expertise to Save LIAT’s Legacy and Secure CAS for Antiguans

Wayne Mariette PHOTO of Prime Minister Gaston Browne/ April 23, 2024

Prime Minister Gaston Browne needs to put his negotiating expertise to work in helping save the last remnant of LIAT as we knew it, for the true inheritors, CAS laid-offs workers, and current staff.

Caribbean Airports Services Ltd. is 70+ owned by LIAT with the minor shareholder Massey(Barbados)now transferring their shares to another Barbados company).

In the same way that the Barbados shareholding has been maintained, in like manner the Antiguan shareholding must be maintained. Further, with the horrible impasse with the LIAT (1974) severance, the Hon. Gaston Browne is urged to use his skills to keep CAS Antiguan.

The same commitment where he refused to have our Scotia Bank’s business go outside of Antigua, and his earlier demands, where, with the help of Global Bank of Commerce, Antigua was able to keep the profitable WIOC under Antigua’s control.

The opportunity exists where the staff of CAS have approached the Government, which owns the majority shares, to do a deal with their severance, shares, and granting management control of the Ground Handling operation.

Further negotiations for the handling of LIAT 20 and later Air Peace must also be on the table.

The government has worked and delivered, Antiguans must inherit! LIAT has been the main engine of Caribbean integration, fusing all of the islands, cooperating with the French, Dutch, American and our sister Caricom and OECS territories as one region.

The culture of LIAT has always been inclusive, Caribbean united, and always growing in survival mode, which are all ensconced in the LIAT family values, still alive and willing to continue.

The valiant fight put up by Antigua, and in particular the Prime Minister, has taken us to the heights of promises and praise, and the depths of despair as the last LIAT flight was grounded in St.Vincent, one of its first voices of doom.

If anyone can save CAS for its staff and Antiguan owners it certainly is Hon. Gaston Browne, who did it in the Banking crisis, and the acquisition of WIOC!

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  1. It sounds like this author is drinking all the red Kool aid that the people of St. Phillips North can’t get for their over 50 years of loyalty. Where is the transparency with what’s going on at West Indies Oil? When did the public know that West Indies Oil was selling some of its assets on Friars Hill Road? How much is it costing weekly, monthly, and yearly to maintain Alfa Nero? LIAT workers could have been compensated just like the workers in Barbados. The negotiating skills you spoke of is to let V. C. Bird turn in his grave as he watches his Pro Union Party now employing Union busting measures to avoid treating LIAT workers right. What darn negotiating skills are you talking? Certainly not to benefit average men and women in Antigua and Barbuda.

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