Prime Minister Gaston Browne speaks at High-Level Meeting

PM Browne

On Monday March 29, Prime Minister Gaston Browne gave one of the featured addresses at the High-Level Meeting with Heads of State and Government on the International Debt Architecture and Liquidity – Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond Initiative.

The main aim of the meeting was to highlight the urgency of the need for more audacious and concrete action to provide liquidity and address debt vulnerability.

In his address PM Browne said, “Vaccines should be regarded as a common global good, and they should be allocated fairly and equitably with priority access for the vulnerable. Yet, more than 5 billion vaccines have been bought by rich countries – in some cases more than twice their needs – while small island states, within their neighborhood, have received minuscule amounts.”

He went on to add that “Hanging above all their heads like the proverbial sword of Damocles are two eminent dangers –unsustainable debt and Climate Change.”

Attached is a video link to the PM’s address:

The meeting was convened by Prime Minister of Canada H.E. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Jamaica H.E. Andrew Holness ON, MP, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres to urge the international community to take additional and urgent action to ensure a robust COVID-19 recovery.

For more information please contact Mr. Daryl George at via email at [email protected]: or Amb. Diann Black-Layne at 462-4625 or 562-2568 or via email: [email protected].


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  1. Mr PM, check what is going on at LIAT. That mad man who is running LIAT has decided that since the union agreements have been put on hold he is firing any and everyone who speaks up, out or even ask for their pay. Persons have five month outstanding pay and he is on a rampage to fire anyone who asks when will they be paid.

    Nothings is being done at LIAT. Everything is failing. No investors are interested in working with him and as far as her cares he is collecting his dues until the end of his court appointed tenure in JUNE. Sadly, there will be no LIAT by June.

    Look, all the qualified skilled staff are leaving…only the ones who have no choice will be left back shortly. World boss, act as a boss and fix that misfit.

  2. Dictator and traitor Gaston and his goon squad all need to be removed from office and all the funds they have pilfered from us need to be returned to treasury.

    Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
    Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
    Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
    Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
    Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
    Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?

    • Àntiguan Citizen I hear you man. Didn’t he make a grand announcement on the 🤡 and 🤡 show about arrest coming by the following week .? It was all hot air I guess

    • Your ranting is beyond foolishness. There will be time for Politicking. Diatribes will not elevate the discussion. Sadly, you guys are blinded with hate, envy and jealousy. Your dirty political games are old relic’s and they wouldn’t be successful with intelligent and decent classy people.

    • Exactly .
      Where are Nigel Christian killers .
      Where is the brokers who defraud the government revenue
      Why the broker name is not published
      Why the broker is not prosecute as yet
      Who is stopping the process.
      So many questions and no Answers.
      Justice will come

    • The man was executed for doing his job and found out what was going on. This stinks of high level person’s involved and had to cover it all up. Traitor and dictator shells out $50k to “assist” in finding the murderers and that looks like someone trying desperately to throw the scent off.

      No PM should ever interfere or have any knowledge of continuing investigations. Yet Gaston inserts himself as he likes and then lies once more telling the public information will be made public in a “few weeks”. To the people involved with Nigel Christian’s execution, I hope you still have a soul and will do the right thing. I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to one of your family members. Do you think it’s worth it?

      Let all involved with Nigel Christian’s murder be brought to justice. If we continue to let shit like this happen, we will become a lawless country.

  3. Once again our Prime Minister makes us and our country veey proud. Leadership reallt matters.
    Lovell could not even defend his stand on the Darren Mathew Ward show with a Kittition journalist that challenged him about being against closing of the beaches for the public holidays.

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