Prime Minister Gaston Browne Proposes Transformation of One Nation Concert into an International Festival

Sadique Armstrong photo

Prime Minister Gaston Browne Proposes Transformation of One Nation Concert into an International Festival

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has expressed his enthusiasm for the success of the One Nation concert and hinted at plans to elevate it to an international level. The Prime Minister emphasized the significant impact of the event on the country’s economy, trade, and cultural development in a recent interview on Pointe FM.

Prime Minister Browne stated, “The One Nation concert is the most significant event in the calendar of events in this country.” He urged political opponents to cease criticism of the event, highlighting the positive outcomes for vendors, artists, and the overall entertainment value enjoyed by the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda.

The Prime Minister disclosed that the government had invested approximately 450,000 EC dollars in the event, but he is confident that the taxes collected from the spending would far exceed this amount. The success of the concert, both economically and culturally, has prompted Prime Minister Browne to consider expanding it into an international festival.

“We’re even thinking that next year, for the 10th edition of The One Nation concert, we ought to make it bigger and better,” Browne declared. He suggested the possibility of extending the event to two days, incorporating international artists, and addressing any airline issues that may hinder the influx of visitors from the Caribbean islands.

Prime Minister Browne outlined a vision for the future, proposing a transition from the One Nation concert to an International Festival. He envisioned attracting attendees from across the Caribbean, emphasizing the unique composition of Antigua and Barbuda’s population as representative of the entire region.

“If we say that we’re hosting a One Caribbean concert in Antigua, there’s no other country that can carry that brand of One Caribbean better than Antigua and Barbuda,” Prime Minister Browne asserted during the interview. He highlighted the strength of the country’s diverse population, which includes people from various Caribbean nations.

Despite potential opposition, Prime Minister Browne is determined to position Antigua and Barbuda as a hub for cultural exchange and celebration in the Caribbean.


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  1. Surprise surprise, more dead cat narratives from one of the most out of touch Prime Minister’s in living memory.

    If this super clown 🤡 paid as much attention to the woes and wherewithal plaguing our economy, like he’s doing with this “International Festival” One Nation concert (which is just a lame excusecl to promote the ABLP), maybe Antigua might become an economic powerhouse.

    However, I could be wrong 😉

    • BRIXTONIAN has positioned Himself as the BIGGEST clown in Antigua. This Guy home must be a funeral home.BRIXTONIAN is a very sad , ill mannered person. I begin to feel sorry for him. BRIXTONIAN should check himself in the mental home.

      • … And here we have another out-and-out ABLP nutcracker who cannot respond or answer the RELEVANT points that I’ve mentioned about Gassssston’s poor and shoddy governance of this great country of ours.



  2. You on the rite path sir. Continue to do what is best for Antigua and Barbuda. For some people, last in class is there mindset. They have know sight of vision, but just criticize. If it’s up to them Antigua and barbuda stay behind. Jokers!!

    • Explain yourself properly @ Independent Thinker, instead of just saying “you on the rite path”; and I doubt if you really can!

      Tell the readers of ANR exactly the path that has Antiguans paying for the high cost of living; increased taxes; the utter waste and misdirection of our hard earned money; and also explain how many citizens are still awaiting wages, overtime and late pension payments.

      If you cannot explain the above issues, then I suggest that YOU @ Independent Thinker are the ORIGINAL JOKER 🃏

    • And furthermore, can someone please tell me why Gaston Browne supporters just cannot tell us CLEARLY what he has done to benefit Antigua & Barbuda after 13 years in office?

      @ Independent Thinker, don’t criticise others when Gaston Browne has major faults of his own.

      Remember, bucket wid whole a battam nu have no business ah riverside …

  3. One caribbean concert sounds great. NOT FOR FREE. THERE MUST BE TICKETS SOLD FOR VIP, GROUNDS etc. Artists needs to be paid , venue to set up etc etc etc. BRING IT ON PM. Use the proceedings to upgrade ARG.

    Make it an annual event.

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