Prime Minister Gaston Browne Offers Support to Injured National Football Player Tevaugh Peter Redz Hariette


**Prime Minister Gaston Browne Offers Support to Injured National Football Player Tevaugh Peter Redz Hariette**

Prime Minister Gaston Browne recently expressed his concern and support for Tevaugh Peter Redz Hariette, a national football player who sustained injuries.

Speaking on Pointe FM Prime Minister Browne mentioned, “We’ve been working with him. I may have to ask him to come back and see me. I would have given instructions for the treasury. In fact, he was involved in a company in which we owed him some money. I had asked the treasury to assist him.”

The Prime Minister acknowledged the challenges Hariette might be facing due to cash flow issues, stating, “I know that the cash flows have not been that strong. I’m also aware that he’s been getting payments. I’m not too sure in what quantum, but I’ll get my secretary to call him in and to see precisely how much money he has had.”

Hariette’s contributions to football and his standing as a national athlete have garnered widespread support, and efforts to aid him during his recovery are being coordinated at the highest levels of government.

Here is the full extend of the prime minister’s comment on the topic:


Community Rallying Behind ‘Peter Redz’ for Urgent Knee Surgery Support

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  1. Trevaughn Harriette, if I were you, I would run as far as possible from anything Gaston Browne. These ALP politicians are no damn good. You can bet your life it will come back to haunt you when they need an angle. Just ask Dave Lester Payne .
    You are a national athlete and should not have to resort to community support for an injury sustained playing the sport you represented your country in. This is just a damn shame. I don’t care which government is responsible. This should not be happening.
    Do not divulge your personal info to the DAWG. Reds, find some other way other than politicians, especially the ones affiliated with ALP.

      • Yall sound so ridiculous,so if your advise is for him not to take the help why don’t you pay for him,that boy need the help he can get,stop mixing politics with health,redz take all the help u get it could come from your worse enemy take it n recove..and thank the Lord

    • If not the government then wtf he going to get the money from?? U going to help pay his medical bills?? He going to wait till 2028 to get the funds from UPP government?? politics have some of yall so damn stupid it ain’t even funny smdh.

    • @Watching,
      Do you have an alternative for the young man, or just your condemnation of the offer?

      First of all, he cannot run that far as he has a ruptured meniscus.
      Only be who feels it, knows it.
      Hev would be ill-advised not to accept the offer because you have not offered him any assistance.

  2. This is a national footballer. I disagree with my countrymen who says that he should not accept help from the Prime Minister and Government. That thinking is narrowing it down to politics. This young man needs assistance from all of us to get well again. We all need to stop politicising the assistance given to our people. This is a time for all of us including our Government and people to do whatever it takes to get him well again.

  3. If the government would pay what they owe to his family he would not be needing help. Gaston pay the people them money that you talked about owing on your radio station on Saturday and they won’t need your money for the red ants to talk about.

    • How you know he wouldn’t need the help. Since you know so much, inform us as to just how much the government owes him. His medical bill is in excess of $100k……… so I guess you know for sure that he is owed that and more

  4. Sometimes, I wonder how you people think in such myopic ways. All you see is politics, not humanitarian acts of genuine interest. It’s such a shame that we can be so narrow-minded.

  5. I am very sorry for Mr Harriet, but I would like the government to pay the security company that he was a part of with his father, there are many workers like myself and my husband who are owed thousand and not been paid, every time we inquiry Mr Harriet says he has meeting with the prime minister, please pay so we too can get our share. Wait long enough

  6. “I may have to ask him to come back and see me. I would have given instructions for the treasury. In fact, he was involved in a company in which we owed him some money. I had asked the treasury to assist him.”

    He sounds so condescending. Why did he have to say all those things about having him come to see him, and owing him money, etc, etc.

    This is so classless and just coarse.

  7. Let me repeat. Gaston Browne and the ALP are no damn good and I don’t give two hoots what you Laborites say. I know Reds personally and if they would simply pay his pops what they have owed him for years, we would not be having this conversation.
    So what? You want to tell me Gaston Browne doesn’t politicize everything? The Laborites I know are always begging in the most shameful way so they would jump at the DAWG’S offer.
    How quickly we forget what they did to DLP. For money the government owed him. How they plastered his name all over parliament with lies mostly. Or have we forgotten the Sir Viv situation?
    @Dave Ray can anyone be more myopic than you? Please. Gaston Browne humanitarian? Anything to kiss the DAWG’S a$$ works for you, huh?

  8. Ok! Here is Gaston admitting the government owes money to Harriet, and he asking them to assist him, as a bigger and he must condescend himself at Gaston instructions to probably one of his paramour as secretary to give him a call to come to his officer where he will have to endure excruciating pains to his injury, for Gaston to enjoy the exploit of been lord of all he survey, Lester bemoaned the fact that he had people from all walks of life visit him while in office and now he lost power he don’t see no one, Gaston will be affected by all this supremacists diatribe he enjoying now. The laws of physics is what goes up comes down.

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