Prime Minister Browne to speak at Launch of Multidimensional Vulnerability Index Report in Morocco


Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne is today in Marrakech, Morocco where he will be one of the main speakers at the launch of the Report of the High-Level Panel on the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) on the margins of the 2023 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


Prime Minister Browne, who is Chair of the High Level Panel of the MVI,  has been working since March 2022 with experts and Co-Chair Ms. Erna Solberg, Former Prime Minister of Norway on developing the MVI framework, which includes the new MVI index – a global-level assessment tool, and the enlightening Vulnerability and Resilience Country Profiles (VRCP), serving as a valuable complement to the MVI. The panel has also outlined governance mechanisms to ensure the MVI’s effectiveness.


Prime Minister Browne said that this is another opportunity for Small Island Developing States to once again engage with developing countries and the international community on the ongoing efforts in support of the MVI within the framework of the World Bank Group and the IMF.


The event brings together participants from the Annual Meetings and the media, providing a platform for robust conversations. The MVI event is expected contribute to another significant gathering focused on the Debt Crisis in SIDS and the imperative for immediate action in the lead up to the fourth International Conference on SIDS, also to be held in Marrakech. According to Prime Minister Browne, the SIDS-focused events will serve as a valuable platform to deliberate on potential areas where developing countries, particularly SIDS, could receive enhanced support.

Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Amina Mohammed said that Prime Minister Browne’s participation in the launch event will add substantial value to the discussions and will also convey a resounding message from the UN system to the broader international community about the urgent need to reconsider the approach to accessing and allocating development assistance, including concessional finance.


Prime Minister Browne has always advocated that measuring a nation’s progress and well-being should not be confined to Gross National Income (GNI) per capita alone. He said the limitations of this traditional metric are especially evident in countries facing substantial external shocks and stressors, compounded by their lack of resilience.


While the international community, including the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), acknowledges the inadequacy of GNI per capita in capturing the multifaceted development challenges of developing nations, the missing piece of the puzzle has been a reliable and universally accepted measure of vulnerability.


The MVI now fills this crucial void. It presents a new quantitative benchmark designed to measure structural vulnerability and lack of resilience across multiple dimensions of sustainable development at the national level. Importantly, the MVI is not intended to replace GNI per capita; rather, it complements it, offering a deeper understanding of a country’s development requirements, including their need for concessional financing.


The launch event on Wednesday of this week will take the form of a High-Level panel which will also include, HE Ms Erna Solberg, Former Prime Minister of Norway, Co-Chair of the High-Level Panel;  HE Mr Chola Milambo, Permanent Representative of Zambia to the United Nations;  Ms Amina Mohammed, Deputy-Secretary General of the United Nations and Dr Louise Fox, Brookings Institute, Technical lead for the High-Level Panel.


Accompanying Prime Minister Browne to the World Bank/IMF Meetings and the Launch of the MVI Report are Debt Manager, Peter Abraham Jr.; Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Aubrey Webson; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Tumasie Blair; and First Secretary Claxton Duberry.

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  1. All this man does is travel the world pretending to care about small states and the environment while Antiguans at home are suffering without water in their pipes for weeks on end. And he accuses Shuggy of flossing and braffing? Gaston travels the world nonstop at our expense for nonsense! WE WANT WATER IN OUR PIPES, not speeches in Morocco that are a waste of time! God damn it man.

  2. Gaston Browne gone to Morocco 🇲🇦???

    Dancing abroad once more. To tell you the truth I’ve lost count of the amount of times he does this; and he seems to do this when the country is in trouble.

    He seems to enjoy interfering with matters abroad instead of dealing with matters at home; like the rise in home invasions, rape, gun crime and the out of control cost of living crisis.

    Sweden’s 🇸🇪 Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson noticed a rise criminal activities and gun violence, and guess what? He’s tackled it head on with more of a police presence and the Swedish army on standby just in case.

    Leadership by example.

    And what does Antigua’s Prime do about our OWN domestic troubles?


    Even the ABLP supporters must admit this way too much now …

      • @Brixtonian
        Envy and jealousy will get you guys nowhere. Our Prime Minister is loved and people all over want him to speak at major conferences. Ever since he came to office and introduced the concept of “entrepreneurial socialism”, he was asked to come and set out that theory in several world economic forums. Now he has been championing the case of MVI and once again they want to hear his thoughts all over the world in every major event. Sorry Antigua has to share him with the world. And that for a Prime Minister of a Small Twin Island State. Remarkable isn’t it. But don’t worry, the country is in good hands. It is a teamwork of very capable men and woman. The economy is growing leaps and bounds every year. This year’s growth is projected at 8.5% to 10%. Let’s see where it will end up.

        • How did I know that you couldn’t/wouldn’t answer anything I actually pointed out in my above ☝🏾response (you never do, because you can’t get away from the truth) @ From The Sideline.

          Always going off on a TANGENT when it comes to being an ardent Gastonite – no surprise at all!


          Out of sinc, out of touch and definitely out of your mind – you nah ready for Brixtonian 😁

          • Remember also, to remove the ABLP PLANK from your eyes, and it will make you see CLEARLY the problems that Gaston Browne 🥸 continues to cause.

  3. Another meaningless trip. Will come back empty handed, but with lots of photos. Chups. You can run but you can’t hide.

  4. I guess Gatson Browne next interview is for to be the chairman of NATO… 😆 😂..what a sellout this man is..just shaking my head.lmao.

  5. I guess if it were Mia Mottley that was invited to speak, you Browne haters would praise her in the sky.

    • The only difference you utter ignoramus, is that the Honourable Mia Mottley from Barbados 🇧🇧 puts homeland affairs and citizens first.

      What a lamentable DIRGE you are Sidey, do you write MOURNFUL songs as a hobby?

  6. @From The Sideline.
    Come on. You know perfectly well this is nothing more than a talking shop and get-together of hot air specialists on an away from home holiday.
    “Multidimensional Vulnerability Index Report”. Eh? What the heck!
    Definition: ‘The Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) is a tool which finally takes the special circumstances of SIDS into account, designed to help us access critical support to drive sustainable development’. The title is meant to impress the easily impressed who will swallow this nonsensical twaddle. What will come of this meeting? Sweet Fanny Adams (S F A, you know what it means in polite circles). Doesn’t the Prime Minister have enough problems on his plate at home that need to be fixed instead of flying to this and that gathering at every opportunity to make soon to be forgotten speeches? Give us all a break!

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