Prime Minister Browne rejects ‘ghettoized’ housing accusations


Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s detractors, ever hard at work, are now accusing his administration of planning to put low-income families into “ghettoized” housing.

This latest attack followed the prime minister’s announcement over the weekend that his government is well into the development stages of a housing initiative that will give individuals making $3,000 or less monthly the opportunity to own a home.

The avenue for attack, in this case, came with the news that homes will be handed over cosmetically unfinished.

According to Browne, the two-bedroom, one-bathroom homes of between 750 and 800 square feet will likely cost between $110,000.00 and $120,000.00.

However, to keep the properties as affordable as possible, the concrete homes will not be painted or tiled. This will give new homeowners the chance to satisfy the immediate need for shelter they own, while also having a choice regarding the finish of their new home based on what their budget allows.

On Monday, Prime Minister Browne posted a photo of a model home constructed at Paradise Cove in Villa, which accurately represents one of the designs from which a buyer may select.

Taking into consideration the high cost of construction, the prime minister explained that making the homes accessible to low-income families is the priority.

Therefore, the compromise was made to construct sturdy, well built homes that are only incomplete aesthetically.

“We’re saying what we can possibly do is build properties [and] hand them over without them probably being tiled or maybe being painted. So, they would not be quite complete, but liveable – similar to what we’ve done in Barbuda – but to reduce the price down to about $120,000.00. Someone who perhaps borrows over 25, 30 years, $120,000.00 at about 7 percent [interest], the loan repayment will be about $800 a month,” explained Browne.

Based on these figures, the prime minister, a former banker, noted that a suitably qualified person earning $2,400 monthly, would comfortably qualify for a mortgage for one of the government-built homes.

The government recently acquired a block factory which will begin operation in the next two weeks. Building materials produced by the locally operated plant will also help to keep construction cost of the homes low. Sand, which is fundamental in construction, will be sustainably sourced offshore in partnership with Blue Ocean, of which the government is 40 percent shareholder.

This, according to Browne, will further aid in keeping the cost affordable. Other subsidies will be recognised as the government produces its own stone through the Bendals and Burma quarries, cement factory and is prepared to use its heavy equipment to facilitate the project.

“So you can see,” Prime Minister Browne explained, “by virtue of the government supplying the inputs, we will be able to reduce the cost of the buildings and the cost of the infrastructure, primarily roads.”

He said while the project is ambitious in terms of the per unit price point, he is confident in its viability.

“These are basic two-bedroom properties. Again, they may not be tiled, they may not be plastered on the inside and there will be some work to be done to complete those properties, but one thing I can assure you [is] that they will be climate resilient, concrete properties,” he said.

Defending his government’s desire to put people first and ensure that all Antiguans and Barbudans can own their own home, the prime minister retorted at his critics, “If it remains unpainted and untiled to reduce the costs to ensure affordability, this makes it into a ‘ghettoized’ house?” — POINTEXPRESS

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  1. Had this being an initiative by the St Kitts government you would be quick to hear the lamentations that Antigua government aint doing anything to help people own their homes.

    • Right now Tim days are numbered.

      TEAM is no more
      UNITY is no more

      The agreement was 2 terms for Tim then Shawn would take over running as PM. Shawn cares more for SKN than Tim. Mark is a chatterbox but Nevis people strongly support him.

      Tim bad talk Dougie and now look at how things turn out for him. PAM soon take over. It’s just Tim and “juicy” Byron Nesbitt niece that make up Tim’s party.

      So Pearl “FOOTS” Quinn can go ahead and move there. Plenty “tree mutton” awaits. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Why do you insist on comparing our economic powerhouse Antigua [sarcasm] to St. Kitts? Still waiting on some stimulus; some proper health care; some good roads; some water, any water. water please. If the SKB government falls tomorrow at least the country would still have the above!

      • Pearly White and the UPP rejects need to listen to “Stand Up For Antigua” written by Dr. Ramsey and sung by King Onyan 🇦🇬

          • I forgive you for falling prey to how you were cultured. It is not time to emancipate yourself from that reliance mentality. Bout you want stimulus. What you want money to buy weave or gamble?

      • The Antigua people want money to buy food and pay for the air that comes out of government pipes. The Antigua people want money to pay for the high cost of gas. The Antigua people want money to LIVE boss. Stop your pettiness. When you cannot come up with sensible response you attack people with nonsense.

        • You need a 2×4 across your waist. That is is the stimulus you need. Bout you waiting on stimulus. Continue to wait. Emancipate yourself from this dependency syndrome. Didn’t your parents teach you that?

          • Boss read and comprehend. I know that is an oxymoron for someone like you. Don’t be like Master Willie and keep rolling in the mud. I don’t need anything from anyone. But thousands of poor people in Antigua do. Talk to me about emancipation from dependency when your government take their hands out of the public purse. My parents taught me to recognize idiots like you.

  2. Appreciate the additional info on this e.g. expected bank payment amount. I like that they are using government-produced materials to make it more affordable. I think persons are concerned that some neighbours might take a long time to sort out their finishes. So, the area might appear “ghettoized” for a while. Maybe they (or a private company) could offer different finish addons at different prices so that persons will find it easy to complete the house quickly. Ultimately, it would be a good opportunity for a lot of persons who might otherwise have a hard time owning their own home.

  3. Some persons might still have a hard time saving up the deposit. So, other rent to own projects would still be helpful.

    • The PM said on the Saturday show that rental homes will come at some point. But one has to understand the capital layout for rental homes is large. Let’s say you built 100 rental homes at @$100K each, that is $10M capital outlay. If you get to rent all of them out for let’s say the same $800 p/m that gives you per month $80K p/m. You cannot even finance one house a month from that. So, selling the house is the best option in order to stay in business and keep building. And as he explained, they will use the grant funding from China to do rental homes.

      • Thanks for the reply. Some Rent to Own programmes don’t involve paying rent indefinitely. The person pays a slightly higher rent until they have covered the typical bank deposit. Then they receive a regular loan (deposit already paid) that covers the rest of the cost of the house. So, after a short bit of time, more houses could be built as for regular sales.

  4. These houses would be for a SPECIFIC income range. any additions would increase the cost of the house. Thank you for catering to varying income levels.

  5. Dear SMH
    Mrs. Akilah Byron Nesbitt is not the niece of the AG in St. Kitts. Get your familial facts straight. She is the niece of Sam Condor’s wife.
    Those are two different Byron families.

    • Hi babes

      Since you mentioned AG, do you know where the GUN is that SHERFIELD BOWEN USED TO SHOOT TESSA BARTHLEY? 🤔

      As AG should tougher gun laws be passed?

    • well good thing it’s not that “hotel lobby” where “blood and wine” was spilled all over the floor with the “NEW” engines that BS and Harold loveLIE bought WITHOUT PARLIAMENTARY APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. @Just Saying…Your parents teaching might be one thing..but your ideology shows you have strayed rom that philosophy. You waaan you eh…you waaaan you stimulus…come for the 2×4 let me used to that to stimulate you. Lazy set ah people like you relying on government for handhouts. So when you get the $500 stimulus and gamble it off you coming back for more…you coming back to get a whootup with ah 4×4 this time!!! Go look work and stop look for handouts.

    • @Just Saying…. Can you count any higher than 4×4? Your STUPID is showing through the internet. Go learn to read and comprehend.

      • @Just Saying… I have come to realize that you are just a chicken pecking on the ground; trying to an eagle. I cannot come down to your level and you cannot come up to mine. So I am done wasting time. BYE!

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