Prime Minister Browne praised for Leadership role by UNSG

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Hon. Gaston Browne connects with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres at the closing of SIDS Global Business Network Forum

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, the Hon. Gaston Browne has been praised by United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres for his leadership in the Caribbean and within Small Island Developing States grouping.

SG Guterres was speaking at a reception for Heads of Delegations attending the SIDS4 conference taking place in Antigua and Barbuda.

“You are a sounder voice of the Caribbean and the sounder voice of the Caribbean that has been a leader not only in the region but globally, not only defending the vital interests of SIDS, but defending a world order that is more fair and that is more able to support developing countries everywhere in the world,” said Guterres of Prime Minister Browne who is chair of the four-day conference.

The UN Secretary General also spoke personally of the impact of Prime Minister Browne on his work at the United Nations.

“Your leadership has been felt by me since I started as secretary general in so many places around the world and in so many essential moments in order to make sure that the climate action, in order to make sure that the impacts of climate change are properly addressed with justice; and in order to make sure that the financial reforms that are necessary are implemented in order to guarantee that SIDS finally find justice in the way the international community deals with SIDS –  a justice that has not yet been found,” he said.

SG Guterres said that Prime Minister Browne needs to continue the work he started in addressing the problems of SIDS.

“The sounder voice needs to go on roaring in order to make sure that the next steps will allow us to move forward more decisively, because it’s important to say that this Conference is a success; and that this conference registers important steps forward; the initiatives you refer that are initiatives of Antigua and Barbuda at the center of excellence of the forum which are extremely important are achieved,” he said.

“There is still a long way to go to have financial justice in relation to the SIDS and in relation to the developing world in general and so your voice, your leadership in promoting the reforms and the changes that are necessary, that voice of leadership I am absolutely sure will continue to guide us in our strong commitment to support the SIDS to fight climate change and to have more justice in international relations,” he said.

The UN leader also spoke of the country’s determination to have a successful conference, outlining that Antiguans and Barbudans need to be proud of their efforts, having organized a conference with over 3500 persons in a way that is “absolutely exemplary.”  He said that organizing a conference of this magnitude was not an easy task and even more daunting considering Antigua and Barbuda’s size and resources.

Antonio Guterres also pledged the support of the United Nations outlining that SIDS represent an essential battle in the struggle for a better world.  “Your countries are countries that face challenges that are enormous compared with my own country for instance.  We will be at your side fighting for justice, fighting to make sure that we are able to reverse this climate chaos for which we are slowly walking towards and you can count on us in order to tell those that have the capacity and the resources to support you, that support is not a matter of generosity it is a matter of justice,” he concluded. 

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  1. I now understand the hatred many on this site have for this man and our country. I few days ago the Bimshaw PM Motley was given an award and immediately as always praises upon praises, on the flip side nothing but negativity for our PM. “A yah me born”.

  2. Praise to the Prime Minister from outsiders means absolutely nothing to autochthonous Antiguans… these locksteppers nah live here. Tarl!

  3. The dogs barking behind the bandwagon on 911 were yesterday arguing as to whether any taxi drivers got a job.

  4. Only at home the haters will not recognize his leadership. But that is ok. We cannot please them. No matter what we do. Why worry about them when we can pray them off. Whom God Bless No man curse. And for sure he Gaston Alphonso Browne is blessed. His entire life story tells it all. And he is even more blessed with a very beautiful wife and children.

  5. @Carvaa…interestingly I noted the same Mia donning her sneakers while particiapting in a panel. I said can you imagine how the dogs would have been up in arms had that been Gaston.

  6. These people from away don’t live here.
    Smoke and mirrors, sweet talk, it’s the political way of things.

    Let’s see how fast the power and water pop off after Friday!!!

  7. USA / China / India worlds greatest carbon polluters –
    You hear the UNSG or anyone calling them out?
    Demanding the action from them that they are fine to agree SIDS must take?
    It’s political sweet talkshop fer true.

  8. Carvaa@
    how can you put a different prime minister from another country in the same bracket as the prime minister of Antigua when IRS two different country????
    does that make sense to you I person like Mr brown I have nothing against him or how hes running the country but I jus dnt understand how yu gonna compare two different ppl who run two different countries two different rules come on where is ur every countries has a prime minister that some ppl like an some dnt like its all over it ain’t personal its politics

  9. @Less We Forget, how ignorant and inarticulate of you.

    We can also “pray you lovers of Gaston Browne ‘off’ as well”. You all think that praying 🙏🏽 only works for Browne supporters?

    Bwoi, you all mek me laugh so till … 😁

    Never forget, that many conflicts or disagreements over the centuries, there was much prayer from opposing sides.

    Sometimes I wonder how the thought process of Gaston Browne supporters work – if at all!


  10. What leadership? Evidently this guy didn’t see the rankings showing the DAWG close to the bottom of the pack. Evidently he didn’t see St. Kitts/Nevis being called an economic powerhouse.
    This same DAWG, who degrades women, unveils private citizens banking info, called the Barbudans deracinated imbeciles because the would not sit idle and allow him to steal their land. The same “great leader,” who mandated poisonous, deadly, now shelved jabs on his people, denying school children access to school and workers access to jobs and pay?
    Who clandestinely brought hundreds of “wealthy Africans,” here in the dead of night only to have them disappear in days, using Antigua as a transshipment point for human trafficking?
    I see no leader here sir. Just a nepotistic, unscrupulous, egotistical wannabe tyrant.

  11. Dear Mr Guterres
    Time to stop smooching up Gaston, get out of your posh hotel room and surroundings and take a trip around Antigua. You will see things that don’t mesh with what you are hearing from him.
    For instance, do you know that the money he spent to build that fancy conference center was really for making the lives of some citizens better?
    Those like you would leave here singing his praises while the people spew their contempt for him.
    BTW, we could not afford this conference. We the people will pay dearly for it in the near future.
    I suggest you get the websites for local newspapers and read at your convenience.

  12. @Less We Forget, I wish I could agree with you but it is not so at all. Gaston is a lover of himself and a lover of money, therefore he is not “blessed.”

    Wherefore, O Gaston, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.

    He already made his millions, now for him to take care of the needs of the less fortunate and the country.

    Gaston needs to pray this prayer to the Almighty God:-
    “Search me, O God, and know my heart today
    Try me, O Saviour, know my thoughts, I pray
    See if there be some wicked way in me
    Cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.”

    Will you pray that prayer Gaston? Enquiring minds would like to know. You can be a much better leader if you allow God to guide you.

  13. The only great leader in the history of mankind, is the great leadership of Jesus Christ himself, who washed the feet of his disciples and lay down his life for the redemption of mankind.

    For the rest of us, we can only wish to get someone in office that will govern our affairs with humility and fairness, which this Pompous Man we have here in Antigua is certainly not, and far far from even righteous, much less great.

    So calling this man a “Great Leader” is blasphemy from the pit of hell.

    Y’all gots to be joking.

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