Government Takes Steps to Ensure 24/7 Water Supply in Antigua and Barbuda within the next year


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has announced significant interventions to address the water supply issues in Antigua and Barbuda.

Speaking on recent developments, Browne highlighted a deal with a US-based firm operating in Trinidad and Tobago, which will provide an additional 3 million gallons of water.

By September, the first million gallons are expected to be available at the Friars Hill facility, with the remaining 2 million gallons scheduled for the first quarter of next year.

Furthermore, a plant operated by Rob Barrett at Crabs will add another million gallons of capacity within a few months.

To expedite the process, Browne suggested installing two new engines at Crabs, given the existing piping infrastructure, rather than waiting another year to build out the necessary facilities at Bethesda.

Additionally, the government is negotiating with a firm experienced in Barbuda to construct a water plant that will supply the University of Five Islands and the surrounding community, adding approximately 2 million more gallons to the supply.

Browne emphasized the progress made in Barbuda, where water capacity has been doubled, ensuring a 24/7 supply, a significant improvement from the previous intermittent service.

He assured that efforts to enhance water distribution are ongoing, with a goal of fully resolving the water issue within the next 12 months, aiming for an excess capacity to prevent any future shortages.

The Prime Minister also praised the improved distribution efforts by the management at the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA), which has alleviated the previous situation where some communities lacked water for weeks.

Browne attributed these improvements to better management and reiterated his commitment to ensuring a consistent and reliable water supply for all residents.

Listen below:

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  1. Yeah! An election proclamation again on water, country please prepare to vote within 9 months general or by election.

  2. Prime Minister Browne has been saying this same said thing ever since coming into office in 2014. He still thinks Antiguans are gullible fools.


    Maybe we are gullible fools!!! 🤪

  3. Wheel and come again. You pointed fingers and ousted Mr Martin, you politicize the issue, yet the water saga continues. Chuptz

  4. Gaston Browne proclaimed, he was going to borrow Antigua and Barbuda out of debt. I am still awaiting the formula to that financial recipe.

  5. We shouldn’t be waiting for a year to get water 24/7 stop wasting our time and ensure that we have what we pay for monthly. Also no company from outside is needed. The old pipes need to be replace to stop wastage of water. It isn’t rocket science.

  6. The Serial does not care one bit about our water issues. His focus is on constructing RO Plants where he can easily hustle money. He outlined on his Radio Station how simple it is to through CONSTRUCTION and that’s the whole purpose of giving his God-daughter the responsibility of National Housing and Public Works.

  7. Yet more empty promises to dupe the population. Antiguans need to put aside partisan politics and remove the present leaders.

  8. Yes more of the same bullshit promises being made up again. That’s what the current govt said before the last elections and the same shit still here. All Gaston does is blame the scapegoat in charge and put in another crony.

    But we know Antigua people stupid nf and will vote them right back in again then bitch about the same shit and more about the poor infrastructure of our island.

    Damn idiats.

  9. What a joke. He fulfills nothing he’s ever promised yet he continues his verbal diarrhea. When you lie incessantly, you have no credibility and only the stupid, cool-aid drinking Labourites will give credence to his utterances.
    Must have forgotten the promise of water in 14 days. SMDH

  10. I’ve just paid my water bill, and I like many Antiguans do not get value for money from the government or APUA.

    I pay when whether or not I get a supply; I pay whether or not APUA engineers promise turn up to replace or repair my meter; and despite the above I’m still hounded to pay if I dare complain.

    Didn’t Gassssston put someone in charge so that matters would improve … however, I could be RIGHT 😉

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