Price of gov’t land is above struggling people’s pockets, says Simon


Kelvin “Shugy” Simon, the candidate for St. Mary’s South representing the United Progressive Party (UPP), is deeply concerned about the exorbitant prices of government lands in recent times.

Simon highlights instances where struggling residents were informed that acquiring a piece of Crown land would cost them a staggering $60,000. He strongly believes that such a sum is unreasonably high and poses a significant burden on the people.

Furthermore, Simon points out that his political opponent, Senator Samantha Marshall, has been boasting about the distribution of lands in St. Mary’s South to constituents. However, he dismisses her claims as laughable and misleading.

According to Simon, only a fortunate few have managed to gather the funds required to purchase the land, while the majority of people have been unable to meet this financial threshold. Consequently, he urges Marshall to cease deceiving the citizens of this country with false claims about her performance.

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  1. APOSTLE SHUGY SIMON of the NAZARENE CHURCH reach back from Viagra Falls yet???

    LEP Land Empowerment Program caters to individuals who are “low-income earners”

    Apply via CHAPA.

    • What is 60k when they spend on KFC, LOL, BLUE JEANS, RED EYE….ETC?? What is the down payment? How long they have to pay for it? People need to prioritize what they need from what they want. We can all own a purce of the rock.

      I need a piece right now!

      • Anna lie. “Things hard”……..except when it come to fete, food, clothes, makeup, hair, nails, pants, rental cars.

        Save the party money and INVEST it!!!

    • I applied when I was considered a youth (under 35), got accepted and still waiting – that was the election before Lester Bird left office.

  2. LEP allows the low income earners to purchase CHAPA lands at $3.50 per square foot. .. a program designed by ABLP ….. UPP had no such program.

  3. The Honourable Kelvin ‘Shuggy’ Simon is acting like a future leader for the UPP.

    He acts on behalf of Antiguans; he loves his country and a patriot; and you can see that he’s way ahead of his political opponents.

    Furthermore, the Honourable representative for St Mary’s South is also looking out for the citizens of Barbuda regarding their land rights that Prime Minister Browne is trying to take away from them.


      It shows UPP choice for Leadership is very shallow. What the hell can SHUGY do ? This Guy has deceived St. Mary’s South and Antiguans. SHAME SHAME. Shugy please return your 6 Months salary. By the way…Mr. Hurst said to ask you about the COVID cards.

      • Talk sense no man! Stop talking bulldust. I have no idea wha’ you ah chat ’bout @ JB:

        “Mr Hurst said to ask you about COVID cards”



  4. While ministers getting land for $3.00 per sq ft…… when will the advantage of my fellow country men and myself stop …….. wake up Antiguans and Barbudans

  5. The foolish virgin says its too costly (about 5.00 per sq feet). How much should it be? Recall the former MP for that area Brother B, stating the opposite to the follosih virgin, and reminding that those low amounts (5.00 per sq feet) would not even cover the cost of infrastructure. We have something more valuable than a Vitz( max 10 year loan) but with the option of getting a 30 year mortage (eg via ecab) but the follish virgin instead of trying to offer solutions, rubishes an opertunity for persons to enrich themselves and their children. The equivalent land purchased privately will run you atleast 12.00 per sq foot. We need to encourage young people to pursue land ownership early. Speak to them about spending that should be avoided in order to save for things of real value. Unfotunately the foolish virgin wants others to be found, just like him, with no oil.

    • brother B?? thanks to him we have the African Snails plaguing wadadli. watta legacy for UPP agriculture minister. season rice and hoarse voice antics come een a close 2nd

    • Let this By-Election be a referendum on the poor stewardship of the ABLP, Gaston and Samantha-send a strong message Let this By-Election be a referendum on the poor stewardship of the ABLP, Gaston and Samantha-send a strong message

      @ tenman

      You sound so imbecilic. You are always quoting people and passages and 99% of the time you are tone dead wrong…..YOU AND GASTON AND THE OTHER MINIONS ARE THE ONLY WISE ONES IN ANTIGUA – – – AND THAT IS WHY YOU WERE DUPED- AREN’T YOU EMBARASSED TO BE PATRONISING PEOPLE who are much smarter than you are? This man must be brilliant when in only a few months of campaigning he took the seat straight out of the hands of the FAT incumbent who had the seat for two terms. He must be doing something right.
      Your ‘god’ knows his value and that’s why he tried to buy him out, but unfortunately🤣, Shuggy is not for sale like Lamming, Donna, Colin, Winston, and yourself. The top dog offered him Senatorship which he turned down and MONEY.
      Shuggy is a potential leader of the party and he has shown it in so many ways.

      • @Let this By-Election b … forgot family ties would trump logic. The man won nothing hence why we are now having a bi-election. He was found with no oil. You see him as a future UPP leader, would that be in terms of managing the entertainment needs for the party? Suggy was afraid of court, then now afraid of debating Marshall, are you 100 percent certain he will show up come nomination day? As far as your need to body shame marshal, Watch her shortly get a third term in a row (SIR LB ready for you). Must hurt you knowing, Sam winning of losing, ABLLP still maintains the government

        • Let this By-Election be a referendum on the poor stewardship of the ABLP, Gaston and Samantha-send a strong message Let this By-Election be a referendum on the poor stewardship of the ABLP, Gaston and Samantha-send a strong message

          @ tenman

          It does not hurt me because THE ABLP IS AN ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT- YOUR ESTEEMED ‘god’ has confirmed that he stole the elections with the use of the Supervisor of Elections by facilitating the transfer of voters in various constituencies to aid his colleagues in winning their seats.
          How does that make you feel- cheating the electorate out of victory, just so you and all of you who are sucking the blood out of Antiguans with your big board fee. Including the sore foot one who sits on his gallery and receives $9,000 per month from the treasury, you bunch of fraudsters.
          Your words have no value, just as you promised that Samantha would have been ‘granted’ the seat as the second highest vote getter in St Marys South.
          I am not hurt, because I KNOW THE UPP GENUINELY WON THE 18/01/2023 ELECTION. Then again you Gastonites have no conscience- it is all seared.

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