Potter accuses Gov’t of making vaccination a pre-condition for food vouchers, while help for the disabled said to be politicized


Gladys Potter, the United Progressive Party Candidate for St. John’s Rural South, is condemning what appears to be a new pre-condition for receiving food vouchers from the Government:  Reportedly, persons desiring such assistance are now required to present their vaccination card.

Hundreds of workers, especially those employed in the tourism sector, have lost their jobs since the COVID-19 pandemic hit here in March 2020.  And in the absence of any stimulus package, the Browne Administration says it has been distributing food to those in need.

However, it was rumoured that supporters of the ruling Antigua Labour Party were being given priority and that persons had to present their voter-identification card to receive food vouchers.

Potter alleges that the pre-requisites have been taken to another level and persons must now prove they have been vaccinated in order to get a voucher.

Earlier this year, Dean Jonas, the Minister of Social Transformation and Health Minister Sir Molwyn Joseph refuted the allegations about the voter-ID card.  However, REAL News obtained proof that this was being required in Jonas’ constituency of St. George.

Two weeks ago, another complaint was made to our News Room.  This time, relatives reported that Jonas and staff members of the Centre for the Disabled were “politicizing” the distribution of assistance cheques.

According to one woman, the families of  disabled persons enrolled at the Centre were instructed to present themselves at the Potters Primary School one afternoon.

On arrival there, she says, “it was like Carnival.”  She reports that cheques for $150 were being distributed by staff who were “all decked out in their red” and that Jonas, in whose St. George constituency the school sits, “was presiding over the affair.”

The woman says she objects to the distribution taking place at the primary school – located a stone’s throw from Jonas’ constituency office – since two previous cheques, for $100 each, had been given out at the centre.

She further objects to public-sector workers being mandated to wear red, the colour associated with the Labour Party, while performing their jobs.

“If the Government is helping the disabled with this pittance, why does the Minister have to insert politics into it?” she asks, pointing out that the cheques are drawn from taxpayers’ money – and not from Jonas’ pocket.

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  1. I am speaking specifically to the ‘allegation’ that in order for ‘a person’ to benefit from the social programs ‘a person’ would have to be vaccinated.

    Melford Nicholas, during one of his press conference in September 2021 did say so.

    He said: ……..but clearly that assistance is going to come with the additional call and expectation that they still will become vaccinated.

  2. …Papi kum een
    …and, blow de #Conch #Shell
    …’cause, all is not well
    …some is ketching #hell
    …so, let de People know what I mean.

    …de People can’t buy! Oh my!
    …de People can’t eat! Why? Why?
    …the People can’t sleep! ‘cause dem ah cry! Cry! Cry!
    …the People can’t work! At all! At all.
    …Not even manna falling from de sky! Oh god! Gud god!
    …we know this is not a joke! No joke! Joke!
    … ‘cause, since COVID-19 kum een!
    …fu some, it’s an ongoing Nightmare in dem dreams! Dem dreams! Dem dreams!

  3. See no issue with the call that especially workers in the hotel sector provide proof of vaccination. Its now a requirement if they wish to work in the said sector. Those unvaccinated, unless some medical condition warrants it, are not interested in working.

    This claim about voter id cards is a strange one since all it says is I can vote, does not mean I will vote for you. Fact is it is being used as used as an ID (any2 government Issued ID is accepted), and most super markets, money services, banks and such treat it as such. More persons would have a voter id than a drivers license. Also less risky (in terms of getting damaged) in comparison to a passport. Last time I checked red is a color (one that stands out more than most) and simply because a labor party is in government does not mean it should not be worn

  4. Who or what is the entity known as “REAL News”?? Is if Jacquie Quinn-Leandro or Turks Lee a.k.a Mary “Attention Starved” John?

    • 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝 mary starved john YOU could t have said it any better she has no pikney ..no man son all she does is find fault with GASTON & ALP….. I SWEAR SHE EITHER WANT A FCK FROM HIM OR WANTS HIM…SHE IS VERY FIXATED ON HIM…


  5. I realize dat people stray from issues plenty in dis place. De right or wrong of a thing no get discuss. But wud share plenty. Plenty distraction throw pan de page. You labour party kool aid drinkers especially guilty of dat. Me some some uppites do it too but dem no match de number ah labour party kool aid drinkers who refuse to address the issues.

    It is dis blind party followers who mek progress even more difficult fu de country. look pan all the land huffing and self enrichment schemes dem labour party politicians in government have time for. De people business is of lkess importance dan dem feddaring dem nest. Dem dey ah de issues.

    So some all you believe dat name calling going distract people from the current curse of corruption dat killing us instead of starting to hold de politicians dem accountable. Get real. Dis labour party is like a cancer pan de country. If upp do the same dey must get de marching too. Time fu people show dem powa and worth and force all government fu operate right by de country.

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