Poll shows Shugy winning despite new opponent


REAL NEWS: With the date of the by-election in St. Mary’s South yet to be
announced, a new poll conducted in the constituency reportedly
shows the United Progressive Party (UPP) candidate, Kelvin “Shugy”
Simon, continuing to lead in spite of the change in political

Previous polls conducted by the Party showed that constituents are
displeased with the Antigua Labour Party and its leader, Prime
Minister Gaston Browne.

They were also not pleased with the performance of Samantha
Marshall, the parliamentary representative of nine years, who
resigned as the candidate, paving the way for UPP defector Dwayne
George to contest the upcoming poll for the Labour Party.

However, according to the most recent data, the switch to George
has not improved the Labour Party’s favorability, says UPP Public
Relations Officer Damani Tabor.

Tabor says that Simon beat George in likeability and he came out
ahead as the person who can be trusted in administering the
concerns of the constituency.

He says the data favourable to Simon reflect the feelings of a wide
cross-section, including men, the youth and, especially, women

Tabor says he believes the people are gravitating to Simon and love
him because of his proven track record in the constituency – even
before he became an elected member of parliament.

Otherwise, the UPP officer says the statistics related to the water
situation, healthcare, and the state of the economy remain
unchanged from when Marshall was the Labour Party candidate.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet says that a date for the by-election has not
 been decided yet.

However, it is aware that the latest date on which
a by-election can be called is October 26.

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  1. This pappy show has been an absolute waste of taxpayers money.

    The ABLP thought up of some sort of age-old legalese to stop the rightfully elected Kelvin Shugy Simon from representing the St Mary’s South constituents.

    What a deflection from focusing on the real issues troubling the country.

    Gaston Browne has already made by-election promises about a 14% public sector pay increase (looks like he magic money tree 🎄 ah bare once more).

    The only way these nefarious devil’s can win St Mary’s South this time around, is if they allow the votes to be diverted or fly in the diaspora again.


    • What a BIG SHAM..Tabor is a BIG Liar. Poll taken by UPP ??? What the hell do you expect.TABOR is a damn liar. George will win that seat.


      BRIXTONIAN still singing for His supper. This polling is a BIG waste of time. DWAYNE GEORGE all the way. When ABLP and Gaston Browne finish with UPP only DUMBEST Pringle , Serpent and Smith will remain .

      BRIXTONIAN will jump ship back to ABLP.

      • @ Eric “the red” I am glad to hear your predictions because if memory served me u were the same person who said ALP will win all seats! Then after the elections, u went into hibernation….. So, we welcome your thoughts again lolol….. what a loser u are! Better start preparing your bed again. Shugy shugy shugy!!!

    • Let’s place for the blame where it belongs–at Shugy’s feet. The ABLP St. Mary’s South Branch had every right to challenge the legality of the nomination. Maybe if more of us in Antigua challenged things in the courts, we’d be better off. The court was tasked with making a ruling. Shugy decided to resign.

  2. “A poll conducted by the Party”. So this was not an independent poll… What would you expect to hear from the UPP, that Shugy is losing?

    As my granny would say, fisherman will never say that he fish ‘tink.

  3. I looked up Pappyshow on Google and can you believe it? Dwayne George’s face came up with his airs sticking out like two antennas. What a joke!

  4. The-love-of-money-is-the-root-of-all-evil Gaston Browne has destroyed ABLP with his cunning, crafty, greedy ways. What a man. So when Shuggy win the by-election, will government workers still get the increase in salary? Enquiring minds would like to know.

  5. Internal Polls always in favor the political party taking the polls. This is not a poll its heresay. A vanity poll which could be very much be the outcome. There is no data such as what percentage is the UPP candidates lead.
    The ABLP who has stayed in power with the political philosohy of: keep them stupid, uneducated, poor, and dumb.”SUPD Party”
    In recent years The ABLP/SUPD party have adopted the Rent-a-Voters-Card as an additional election stratergy. With an unannouced election date with a 60 day deadline; The Rent-A-Voters-Card may be comming into play and make any poll meaningless.

  6. Shugy all the way. I will never vote for ABLP again as long as Gaston is in politics. Sending me home for two months without pay because I refused to take the vaccine that killed so many people. How you sleep at night bass? Enquiring minds would like to know.

    • Just like me @ Enquiring Mind. I was abroad on business at the time of the PLANDEMIC, and was refused re-entry to my country, my family and my home.

      I was made to wear one of those monitoring bracelets on my eventual return, once this useless government realised that they couldn’t put restrictions on passport holding indigenous Antiguans (and don’t forget that many Antiguan overseas students were barred from coming home).

      When this ABLP circus rectified their obvious mistake, Antiguans were out of pocket by 1000s of dollars.

      However, on a positive note, we don’t have problems with Pericarditis, Myocarditis or any adverse reactions to ANY Covid-19 vaccines.

      We dodged a bullet …

  7. Just completed my polling in St. Mary’s South .The following is the result

    DWAYNE GRORGE leading SHUGY by 5 points.

    • @ ERIC (THE RED)

      Just like the same poll you were taking 12 months before the January 18th election which said ABLP would win ALL 17 SEATS. SUCH A FOOL.


  8. This whole by-election in my opinion is just a waste of time and money. Win or lose it doesn’t change a thing. ABLP remains the government and if Shuggy wins he has some work to do in parliament, while Dwayne has work to do in the Upper house and in the ministry of Finance. Rasona will have to train him a lot. Cause I heard his first delivery and he is making some grave mistakes. But experience will teach him.

    • So he was chosen ONLY because of his 💪💪🏋️‍♀️? —
      Too many SOFT men with bellies in the ALP camp, eh?

    • You see as far as your nose but Gaston knows just what he’s facing. According to you; if Simon wins that seat,nothing changes for the Government. What if St. Philips North is lost to the UPP? There’s where Gaston is looking and that scenario is as realistic as it can be.

    • @From The Sidelines…
      The #Rattling_Bones of Mami_Wata and Papa_Legba did reveal right after the 18th January, 2023, that there’ll be two(2) By-Elections before the Constitutionally due General Elections in 2028.
      One is now being held and ABLP will lose this seat, again!
      The other By-Election will be in St. Phillips North. Robin Yearwood has had enough, and would like to exit before ODEBRECTH conspirators are arrested and charged. The IHI matter may be silent, but it’s still behaving like an active volcano which can erupt at any time.(Asot is playing it safe with his revelations, thinking his INDEPENDENT CANDIDACY in the Parliament will advance him into a more powerful position, once ABLP loses the two(2) by-elections).
      Then, there’s the Abena St. Luce WILD_CARD play, to oust Melford Nicholas(the Bastard_Child of ABLP). If ABLP is not careful, there could be a WAR between Chet Greene and Melford Nicholas for the Leadership of the ABLP, since, ODEBRETCH will push Gaston Browne out.

      Lest you forget, and have a brain aneurysm, a US Citizen wanted for THIRTEEN(13) years who has being using Antigua as his home base to hide out, just got arrested.
      Time is longer, than rope.

      Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
      De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

      Vere C. Edwards

      • @Ras Smood, Asot is front and center in the IHI matter. The upcoming by-election has no bearing on governance and on which party commands the majority. It was an unnecessary election brought on by the incompetence of the Candidate, Kelvin Simon, and the Leadership of the Party he represents. All this bi-election is doing is giving the ABLP another bite at the cherry. They are in a stronger position, given they are the government. This move by Shugy may backfire terribly. Only time will tell.

        I will end by saying, the By-election will expose the weakness in the UPP, because while Mr. Simon may more than likely win the seat, the margin will be far less than the 199 he had back in January.

  9. What a laugh….. we all know that Tabor is well known to plant flowers and water his own garden to garner attention

  10. Is Peter Wickham an independent pollster? He’s a paid propagandist and of course, a mercenary. We are anticipating his appearance very soon .

    • Wickham’s polls have consistently been more consistent than any poll the UPP has commissioned and made public. Wickham’s polls leading up to 2014 were saying the ABLP would win at least 14 seats, while UPP’s polls (Winter for example) were saying the UPP were winning at least 9 seats. 2018, same thing. Wickham correctly predicted the UPP’s big loss,, while the likes of Winter had UPP winning at least 5 seats. His poll were also showing St. Mary’s South could have gone either way. Samamtha won by 31.

  11. Some of you who are saying that this polling results are misleading, are failing to recognize this blaring fact that any party that changes a condition the middle of an election is showing it’s weakness, that’s what you all are failing to admit, but instead jumping on the latest poll showing Shuggy winning.

    The ABLP is a weak party, and its leader is as corrupt as they come, and to be honest, I really do not know how on earth they won this last election.

    But like my good friend @Ras Smood said so powerfully ” time is longer then rope”.

    This current administration is a failure to the people of Antigua, and that’s the sentiment of the majority of Antiguans.

    So whether by polling or by the attitude of the people, Shuggy will not loose this seat, because this Got failed the people of SMS with a dead beat like Samantha and have delivered on their promises to the people of SMS and Antigua on a whole..

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