Political observers say elections will not be held this year, given PM Browne’s year-end deadline for fixing water situation


REAL NEWS:  Despite the Prime Minister’s broad hints at early polls, political pundits are saying that the elections, which are constitutionally due in 2023, may not be called before that time.

One pundit bases her position on what PM Gaston Browne has been saying about the water situation.

In 2014, the Antigua Labour Party promised to correct the problem – or improve the availability of water – within its first 14 days in office.

Public Utilities Minister Sir Robin Yearwood even advised residents to vote against a government that is unable to provide that basic need.  However, under Yearwood’s leadership, the situation has gotten even worse, the pundit says.

Even political analyst Peter Wickham – seen as an advocate for the Labour Party – has said the country’s water situation could lead to the undoing of the Browne Administration if it is not fixed before the next polls.

Accordingly, Browne is now promising residents that the water problem will be solved by September, barring unforeseen issues.  And if there any setbacks, he says, the solution will be in place by the end of the year.

Based on Browne’s pronouncements, another political observer says that campaigning will be for the long haul this time around. There is no way the Prime Minister will call an election without running water 24 hours every day, she says.

Back in 2020, a confident Browne said he would allow Harold Lovell, Political Leader of the United Progressive Party, to set the date of the polls.  However, he appears to have backed down from this position, with one insider saying the Prime Minister seems afraid to call the elections.

“It’s like he is waiting until everything is in the Party’s favour before [he names the date],” the source says.

“But he cannot run [away] indefinitely, because there is a constitutionally due date by which the elections must be called,” the source adds.  “And whether all is rosy or not … that date must be announced.”

However, based on the time frame given for correcting the water problem, it does not appear that elections will be this year.

Meanwhile – as if forgetting the ALP’s 2014 campaign statements – Browne is now accusing the UPP of making the water situation a political issue.

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  1. The water has definitely improved and will continue to improve…. ABLP inherited a water system from UPP that was poorly managed and not properly maintained… During UPP’s tenure they also promised to improve the water flow…. Bcuz of misappropriation of funds, it was overlooked…… I can assure that we will have atleast 70% to 80% improvement by September. PROMISED MADE ….PROMISE WILL BE KEPT.

    • How about the promise to let Lovell call the election? If he cant keep that one, which one can he keep? None so far.

    • Where exactly has the water improved? My water has been off for over a month and when it does come on for 3 hours it LITERALLY DRIPS. It takes about 45 minutes to fill a bucket. And now you’re talking about September.

    • Hey “Hmmmmm”, Harry and his rag tag group already burn out. They used up all their energy. Let’s see what the DNA have to offer? Some say they will make a good opposition party now that UPP losing steam.

      • Burnt out????
        They are more revitalised than ever especially that the water situation is getting worse.
        Oh how you wished the DNA is a factor to shave some votes from the UPP to give the ABLP and his minions like you and board member who drink from the trough a chance to continue to milk the state.
        Go on wishing

  2. ““But he cannot run [away] indefinitely, because there is a constitutionally due date by which the elections must be called,”


  3. @Bluddy Bloke I suggest you consult with your conscience (if you have one) before making such utterances from your top-rear.

    • Spencer said “ASHE LIED” >>>>> way fu he conscience min day????

      “Mr. Lovell that is NOT TRUE. That is NOT TRUE Mr. Lovell”

    • Which lies? The one about the “NEW” engines??? Or the one little Damani told about the IMF on Observer Radio? Or the lies that the buses would be used to boost the schoolbus fleet, but turned into the Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS 🚌 and end up in Jacquie and Lovell name?????

  4. You are obsessed with stripper poles ,stick record who have nothing constructive to say. When the blind lead the blind it’s destruction

  5. From so many things i realized election will not call until November or early January, but how the upp did not see that i dont understand why upp thought that election was going to call in march its obvious that who ever advising them not good, because to kick off the so early dont make much sense i hope they have the energy and the resources to keep it going until next year, i hope sean Bird peter reds and others will stiĺl be candidates next year.

  6. It does not matter when it is called the result will be the same. Antiguans will be getting rid of the most corrupt government in our history led by Gaston “Odebrecht” Browne.

  7. If election will be next year we have more than enough time to replace Lovell now with a competent unspent opposition leader. Lovell if you love the country do the right thing and step down from being Melford banging post. Let’s heal the party and the country.

    • ‘We’ who, are you pregnant?

      Must be you and your unborn child that you want to bring to exist under this cruel Labour Party who could not even give a stimulus like Barbados and St Kitts to it’s residents because the government presided over an ‘economic poor house’

  8. Slow your roll. Not so fast. All of you who bet no election this year might have to eat your shoes like Max. Chet and Asot coming. The dog is getting scared. With the new radio station and plenty money, this new duo has become a threat. The dog might want to call the elections before they get too powerful and challenge him, like in a convention that he does not want to have? The longer he stays the harder for him.
    Just saying.

    • Pringle, Richard and Damani are patiently awaiting Lovell’s final shelacking!!! They’re just “hanging in there” and putting up a weak ass “united front” in the meantime. Once Lovell Limpy Joe King Lyadd is gone, so will be Gisele and the DICTATORSHIP ELITIST ELEMENTS in the UPP

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