Police to enforce new quarantine rules


Police will play a key role in enforcing new quarantine rules announced today, Information Minister Melford Nicholas has said.

Unvaccinated travellers are now being told that they must make their own quarantine arrangements for 14 days at an approved facility.

Home quarantine will no longer be permitted.

Nicholas was asked to explain how the government intends to monitor those on quarantine of their own.

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  1. Since both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can catch, spread, become hospitalized or even die from COVID, why are only the unvaccinated that must be tested twice a month? We will end up like BVI if we don’t change our course of action.

    The vaccinated will be allowed a free pass to enter without restrictions and spread COVID. The unvaccinated must test before entering, test after entering, do full quarantine and cannot attend major functions.

    Guess who will get the blame when the spread starts? THE UNVACCINATED!!

    We will loose our level 1 rating by CDC, we will loose the greenlist rating by the UK and we may have to go back into lockdown.

    STOP IT NOW! We know how to reduce the spread. Stop making the issue about vaccinated or unvaccinated. DO WHAT WORKS!

      • Have you really been looking at the statistics? In Seychelles, over 40 percent of the surge were persons who were fully vaccinated. In UK, deaths were 50 percent

      • Not anymore. In the UK the vaccinated now comprise the majority of new Covid cases and Covid deaths.

        The vaccine isn’t a vaccine. It does not stop persons catching or spreading the covid. Even the UK’s double jabbed Health Minister tested positive for Covid today!

        The Covid jabs are experimental, emergency use only treatment that assist in keeping infected persons from needing hospitalisation or dying. However, other treatments like Ivermectin achieve better results, more cheaply and are safer. These are being withheld as there is no money for big Pharma in repurposed out of patent drugs, and politicians are covering their mistakes by vaxing as money persons as possible.

        Also, as vaccines go the Covid vaccines have a higher injury and death rate and death count that all other vaccines combined – in the UK Covid vac deaths are 7x all others.

  2. Like the Police do not have enough on their plates. They are having their hands full at this time. With the increase in real crimes, especially those involving guns. The Nation has been under a State of Emergency since last year. What you,the Cabinet should have done. Meet with the leaders of the Defense Force and Police Force. Create a contingent Force of retired personnel from both Forces. Have them sworn in as Special Constables to assists with matters such as quarantine protocols. They should have the powers to issue summons. When it comes to arresting others the Defense Force and Police Force should be doing that.

  3. The same spirit that controlled Hitler is the same spirit our leaders are operating under, but we shall see them self destruct soon. Their reasoning does not make no sense with their agenda: A negative test is a negative test whether vaccinated or unvaccinated
    Does wearing mask help? If the mask works and both vaccinated and non vaccinated has a negative test why quarantine the unvaccinated and let the vaccinated walk free

  4. I have a dream that one day vaccinated and unvaccinated will be able to sit together in buses, schools,churches and socialise.

    “To divide and rule is their only plan “if your eyes are not open to the plot and plan of the enemy you are living in a sealed mackerel tin, totally unaware of your surroundings, you have mastered the art of gullibility, being a good listener and unable to think for yourselves

  5. Let’s see how many of them get COVID now. Maybe they can spread it to Gaston Browne

  6. The discrimination continues;
    Unvax pcr neg TOURISTS inc diaspora, told to enjoy hotel, Antigua & their vacation, no restrictions

    Unvax pcr neg NATIONALS/RESIDENTS told to lock down & pay at a certified property, wear bracelet & be monitored by police using whatever necessary from their ‘armoury’ .

    but that’s wishful thinking because the Tourism Flexibility rules have been with us since last year.

  7. So if those unvaccinated persons cannot afford to facilitate their own quarantine except there own home,what would the government do to assist? This nonsense 😡. Not everyone can afford to go stay at a guess house or resort,not everyone have a place they can go except to where they live.

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