Police are asking All Saints resident Delano Forbes to turn himself in, in connection with the death of Swetes man Wilfred ‘Bongo’ Williams.
According to a source familiar with the ongoing police investigation, Williams recently reported Forbes to the police.
It is alleged that the 59-year-old taxi driver saw Forbes breaking into the home of a police officer.
It is also alleged that a death threat was made to the deceased.
Forbes is well known to the police and they are asking him to turn himself in for questioning at any police station.
Any member of the public with information as to his whereabouts can contact the Criminal Investigations Department at 462-3913 or 462-3914.
Williams was found dead on Tuesday after family members reported him missing on Saturday.
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find him before i do! going to be a body bag anyway you put it !
hope he really didnt do it
After the report was made about Forbes WHAT DID THE POLICE DO?
Jamaica again. …these people are just criminals
He’s an Antiguan
@mgtow:we are also the best :runners,singer,dancers,miss world,black revolutionary leader etc.etc.etc.can you say the same NO.Put dat in u pipe and smoke um.
hey sorry if i hurt your feelings @ the real deal ..just a joke Jamaicans are the best when it comes to any of that what u said trust me they are the best in the world. ….one down side to it the are the most evil not all but they just believe in killing trust me on that one no pun intended. …just finish watch soulflow TV you tube when this youtube blogger from Jamaica was highlighting the fact that Jamaica is the murder capital of the world and you should see the comments the people was so upset that he was saying that but it was the truth, until the good ones stand up and fight that evil it will never stop. ….we are in this together my brothers and sisters just accept truth. ..one love we are one
@pi nnaple he is Jamaican if his parents jamaican first generation it takes a couple more to really wash that down….read deep into this the idolgy is in him …..you ever speak to a nice Jamaican that was law abiding and here them get vex listen what you will here them say” only if this was Jamaica I would kill him them lucky “member now this is the same one that left his country because of violence but now carries the stigma of his country on his shoulder, just like we now think that all Jamaicans can run fast play football. ….guess what being a criminal is also a modus. bless up my Jamaican brothers be good
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhn. Penny for your thoughts?
@Mgtow, please get the nationality correct and stop plastering Jamaicans on a whole…that’s where you went wrong. He committed a crime and should be caught and swiftly dealt with. Crime has no nationality regardless of what people thing, we just have humans who do despicable things.
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