Police Respond to Allegations by MP Michael Browne:
The Police Administration is aware of several allegations levelled against members of the police force by the Member of Parliament for All Saints West Constituency the Hon. Michael Browne, following a recent court case.
His assertions of “Blackmail” and “collusions” by members of the police force in an attempt to have influenced the outcome of criminal proceedings against him are viewed to be very serious.
In light of the allegations, the police administration has requested that the Hon. Michael Browne provide the information; including the names of the officers allegedly involved in the conspiracy, so that an internal investigation can be initiated into the matter.
Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police is assuring the general public that the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda will continue to thrive on the highest level of discipline and will not condone any unethical and unprofessional behavior from any member within that noble organization.
Also Listen to Browne here:
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Michael Browne is a disgrace to the political arena. If I was a woman in his constituency, I would not vote for him.
What if you were living in Bethesda or Freetown who would you vote for?
She would vote for the JAIL BUD SHERFIELD BOWEN and if he were running, UPP frontman and CONVICTED PEDOPHILE IAN MAGIC HUGHES. The little girl had just hit puberty at 13 years old when the then 50-year old UPP frontman and CONVICTED PEDOPHILE Ian Magic Hughes VIOLATED her. The child was so traumatized that she engaged in self-harm wanting to end her life. Ian Magic Hughes has shown NO REMORSE or sought treatment for his actions.
The 13-year old is a friend of his daughters. They too must be negatively affected by their dad’s actions towards their friend.
Two JAIL BUD harboured by Lovell and UPP:
1). Sherfield Bowen (r.i.p TESSA BARTHLEY)
2). Ian Magic Hughes (name of victim withheld)
IF what you say is true, WHY are pedophiles on the loose in this country? IF your information is solid, we really should confine them in the mental hospital. There is no cure. Only confinement works.
You is a disgrace to the human race. You can’t even walk in MP Browne shoes. You are worthless piece shit with no vision for your life
Shut your air hole please
What kind of talk is that? Stupid talk! Watch your mouth, please.
Can someone confirm to me as to whether the PC honestly doesn’t know that the force is corrupt and quite frankly there is no respect for them. I remember growing up and while travelling in my dad’s vehicle there was always this pride and joy to stop and give a police man a ride. Nowadays you haffu mek Dem dey tap ah bus stop.
Shut up. Michael Browne does not need your vote to win. He is already a winner.
LMBAO at the choice of words used by the commissioner of police. LoL at “thrive” “highest level of discipline” “will not condone…unethical and unprofessional behavior….noble organization”.
Was this said with a straight face?
You are an ARSE.!!!! Michael Browne is far more INTELLIGENT than you. Mary Jane you just flap your lips all the time. Get a life.
@JUBO-JUMBO: How do you measure intelligence? How do you know someone is more intelligent than the other.I have met many persons in this life.Some are College and University Graduates and many are not.Some of those who have never been to a College and or University are smarter.Hence my question to you.How do you measure intelligence in one person over another? I am a Beach Bum so please educate me.I am always willing to learn.
Mr. Commissioner: the need of investigations into so many allegations is a VERY LONG ONE. How many times were calls made to the police headquarters about bars that were operating during the lockdown periods. The main patrons of these bars are your officers ( some even bold enough to show up at these bars driving Rescue 911 vehicles and in full uniform. On occasions, the rescue 911 vehicle was parked near the bar for over 10 hours while the officer was inside drinking his time away. All such reports, when made; were ignored.
You speak about internal investigation. Give me an Advil! How retarded do you think the people of this nation are? Police internal investigations are just a BIG SHAM! COVER UP!
You are the head of a corrupt police force. The unit can only be corrupt if the people at the top are corrupt.
Any investigation into officers of the police force must start right at the top and it must be external investigation.
You are a cop..trained, I would believe, and a little common sense would suggest that you never put the rat to guard the cheese. I suggest that if you do not have any common sense then it may be time to use your capital sense. Big Fool !
All of you corrupt politrickians and those associated with them; appear to believe that all Antiguans are foolish and gullible.
Your time will come when you will have to give account for all the mess that carry on under your stewardship. Investigate the situation where the PM said that someone forged his signature, Investigate the alleged abduction of Mehul Choksi, Investigate the involvement of public officials in swapping of crown lands. The list goes on ……
In any civilised society, the police commissioner comes before the public on a regular basis and responds to questions from the press. Not so in Antigua, because the nation is a backward, corrupt place.
You bark like a chicken and roar like a turkey! You have fallen into the swamp of corruption that dominates this little island nation.
Heaven helps us all. The day of reckoning is soon.
Why don’t you talk about a “forward, non-corrupt place”. Would that place be your heart or your house?
You will reap what you sow. You sow corruption and you will reap the consequences thereof.
It will not last. It will end and soon shall that end be.
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock!
“The value of etymology, that is, the origin of terms and words is in the proper identification and location of concepts. The Afrocentrist seeks to demonstrate clarity by exposing dislocations, disorientations and decenteredness. One of the simplest ways of accessing textural clarity is through etymology.” – Dr. Molefi Asante, Afrocentricity, The Theory of Social Change!
Having been found innocent of all charges levelled against him and having completed the Privately Funded Child Care and Health Centre, Mr. Michael Browne should show the Political Directorate how important Chronology is as important as location and how closely is the intersection and analysis of those two aspects to a proper understanding of the history, socio-cultural personality of the constituency!
“Fighting for the freedom of one’s people is not the only necessity. As long as the fight goes on you must enlighten not only the people but also, and above all, yourself on the full measure of man. You must retrace the paths of history, the history of man damned by other men, and initiate, bring about, the encounter between your own people and others.” ― Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth
APUA is crying out for a Strategic Plan with input from All Stakeholders, Total Transformation of its Structure, Systems, Policies and Operating Procedures and an All Encompassing Change Management of Personnel and Skills!
Skyewill from Johnson Village wants water to wash his “dutty foot!”
MP Browne, you only get one shot before the next Election!
Mr. Michael Browne, as the Representative from the Center, it is a fact of Nature, which abhors a vacuum, that all relationships are based on centers and margins and the distances from either the center or the margins. APUA is at the center of … History has made you Central and centered you as a true Agent, and Champion with the political and “foundation” financial planning, creation and implementation of the economic and educational experience! From your Central Perch of the Saints, Let Friends and Foes alike know you will settle for none other than APUA! Let All who have ears to hear and eyes to see, be advised that you see that as a fundamental necessity for advancing the political, economic socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental process. As the Ancestors taught, from the rich clays of your birth, “Work The Pestle in The Mortar!
A bourgeoisie that has only nationalism to feed the people fails in its mission and inevitably gets tangled up in a series of trials and tribulations. If nationalism is not explained, enriched, and deepened, if it does not very quickly turn into a social and political consciousness, into humanism, then it leads to a dead end. A bourgeois leadership of the underdeveloped countries confines the national consciousness to a sterile formalism. Only the massive commitment by men and women to judicious and productive tasks gives form and substance to this consciousness.” ― Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth!
“Oh Gad!” as Joanne Hillhouse would say, You have the Capacity to Work The Metaphors! Go Get ’em like da mastah blastah!
“Neither stubborn courage not fine slogans are enough.” – Dr. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth!
Wow! JOHN FRENCH II good to see you are back after a little hiatus. I always enjoy your foray into philosophy and dialectics and the works of Asante and Fanon in particular.
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! Greetings My Brother and “Gud Fren!”
As an undergraduate and graduate student you clearly understood that “The cognitive and structural aspects of a paradigm are incomplete without the FUNCTIONAL aspect. There is something more than KNOWING in the Afrocentric sense; there is also DOING. Afrocentricity holds that all definitions are AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL.” – Dr. Molefi Asante, Afrocentricity, The Theory of Social Change!
“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?” – Shakespeare, Hamlet!
It’s a Noble Act to divert the rabid pack from devouring the fawning, beloved and tender lamb! The Ram can take care of the one-eyed cyclops!
To be both Counsel and Consiglieri is not a workable, worthwhile and sustainable solution!
So that it becomes legitimate to ask, “Where is the brotha at?” “Are you down with overcoming oppression?” These are assessment and evaluative questions that allow the interrogator to accurately pinpoint the responder’s location, whether it be a cultural or psychological location. As a paradigm Afrocentricity enthrones the centrality of the African, that is, black ideals and values, as expressed in the highest forms of African culture, and activates consciousness as a functional aspect of any revolutionary approach to phenomena.” – Asante!
Counsel, Why engage political speeches if you wish to educate the People! Consiglieri, Given all of the self hate, it is most obvious that dissonance and lost coherence will be the outcomes! The resultant division creates opposing parties and communities in which you must either remain terrified or become terrifying! Your PESTLE was not visioned, designed and built for such an empty MORTAR! Either you ask others to pay no attention to your legal counsel, or else you may wish that they are made aware of your legal findings and explanations in other forums! In Nation Building and Creating A Caribbean Civilization, it is necessary to find Value not only for the Good but also the Bad without casting them into Dantes Inferno! “In order to terminate this neurotic situation, in which I am compelled to choose an unhealthy, conflictual solution, fed on fantasies, hostile, inhuman in short, I have only one solution: to rise above this absurd drama that others have staged around me, to reject the two terms that are equally unacceptable, and through one human being, to reach out for the universal. When (People of African Descent) dive–in other words, goes under–something remarkable occurs.” – Dr. Frantz Fanon!
JOHN FRENCH II I am really enjoying your writings. “The cognitive and structural aspects of a paradigm are incomplete without the functional aspects”. That is absolutely correct and is the concept of PRAXIS i.e., the realization of ideas in practice. This concept has been discussed throughout philosophy by Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Heidegger, Sarte, Kierkegaard and Karl Marx. My introduction to this concept came mainly from my study of Marxism.
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock!
“A government or a party gets the people it deserves and sooner or later a people gets the government it deserves.” ― Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth!
From NS undergrad to AB Graduate studies and “My introduction to this concept came mainly from my study of Marxism.! Nuff Said!
Let The Budding Politico find his way!
To be both Counsel and Consiglieri is not a workable, worthwhile and sustainable solution!
Think of a loftier Contribution to Nation Building and Creating A Caribbean Civilization!
“The basic confrontation which seemed to be colonialism versus anti-colonialism, indeed capitalism versus socialism, is already losing its importance. What matters today, the issue which blocks the horizon, is the need for a redistribution of wealth (and Sustainable Development given the inevitable Climatic Changes, Brother as you would demonstrate in critical thinking discussions when abroad, you have a lot more to offer given your humble colonial beginnings). Humanity will have to address this question, no matter how devastating the consequences may be.” ― Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth!
This matter should be fully Investigated to arrive at the truth. If it turned out to be truthful and or untruthful,so be it. Then proceed to the next levels.
Every Governmental Institution in and of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda is PREGNANT WITH CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM. waiting to see which one will go into Labour first. Labour pains have started!!!!
Mike, just give the guy the names. We need to get to the bottom of this. Thank you sir.
But the the head of the snake, PM GASTON BROWN was in a relationship with his current wife and other underage girls before he married her. So I guess the leader shall be followed. And before you ask, yes I know this for a fact. She wasn’t the only under age girl Gaston was involved with she was in school. They had a relationship which was inappropriate because her and one other girl was underage. But that’s the norm in Antigua. And the country accepts it the Society does because he’s now the prime minister
As the Greo said “ain’t what is said is who said it”. Pooh and all of a sudden the police is surprised, shell shocked and dumfounded to hear they are CORRUPT and there is little confidence in them. They need a whole crate of eggs thrown in their face to behaving as if they are surprised….
There are many cases like Mr. Browne where the police set up business men and tourists and hold them for ransom. This con is as old as the hills and yes they are many corrupt police in the force doing this. I am glad Mr. Browne stood his ground. Good luck to him.
Mp browne. Not only u can’t trust the police force… it is being allege that your accuser has gotten a scholarship from the ministry if education that Daryll is in charge of!! The Pm and himself wouldn’t want u back there to see that it was approved by the minister….
That was her alleged pay back since for bringing this charge against u.
U shouldn’t go back into that party!
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