Police Queen, Keriann Thomas to represent Antigua and Barbuda at Miss OECS 2022


Ms. Police Queen, Keriann Thomas to represent Antigua and Barbuda at Miss OECS 2022

After a brief hiatus on the regional and international pageant circuit, due the robust COVID-19 pandemic, Antigua and Barbuda will grace the stage at a regional pageant, set to be held in Dominica next month.

21-year-old Keriann Thomas will carry Antigua and Barbuda’s flag as she represents our twin island state at the Miss OECS Pageant to be held in Dominica on November 5, 2022.

Talent Incorporated Limited, a non-profit performing arts and events production organization, headed by Gilbert Laudat, and also synonymous for the production of the Hal Jackson Talented Teen, the Miss Antigua Teen Pageant and the National Song Contest, among others, secured the exclusive rights to submit a delegate to this show.

The Executive Body decided to select   Ms. Thomas because of her level of preparedness, (having successfully captured a title just a month ago), and her ability to stand toe to toe with other regional beauties.

Ms. Thomas, who is the reigning Ms. Police Queen, and a constable in the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda, has started comprehensive and intense rehearsals to prepare her for the big night.

This is the first time in the history of pageantry here in Antigua that a police officer is the national delegate in an overseas ‘civilian’ pageant competition.

This accomplishment would not have been possible had it not been for the blessing and overwhelming support of the Deputy Commissioner of Police of RPFAB.

Her preparation team, led by Creative Director for Talent Incorporated Limited Ckhuerckh Vhann-Kellte, is confident that she will receive the training that is required to steer her to victory. Mr. Vhann-Kellte is also the designer of her competitive wardrobe for the night of competition.

The Miss OECS Pageant 2022 will be hosted under theme “The Caribbean- A Tropical Utopia” and will feature five competitive segments:  National Cultural Costume, Swimwear, Performing Talent, Evening Gown and Interview.    Ms. Thomas and her delegation departs for Dominica on November 1.

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  1. This is the better way to select a queen as opposed to having the Cabinet select the Labour queen.

  2. She LOOK De PART
    Stability she Imparts.
    Her Kinda Looks
    She Should Be Promoted
    Seargeant Income & Increment
    Scholarship to UWI.
    OECS ??You feel me ????

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