A hotel is coming under scrutiny for allegedly not paying into a retirement fund after deducting from workers
The Antigua Barbuda Workers Union has asked the police to look into the matter and based on media reports an investigation is ongoing.
The union claims that the 2.5 percent deducted from the pay of the plus the other 2.5 percent as the employer’s contribution has not been paid so much so that the bank has closed the account.
The union says the actions of the hotel is tantamount to some sort of fraudulent conversion.
The hotel was not named.
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These Unions are so PRETENTIOUS the ABWU represents the workers at the Coolidge whose Thrift monies are deducted and are not being paid into an account, workers keep asking and you guys don’t seem to be a hurry to sort it out but I guess you pick and choose what you want Publicity for. Give me a break!!!!
The hotel payroll accountant(s) is/are responsible to deduct these retirement funds the same as Medical Benefit, Social Security, Union Dues, and Education Levy. The managers will approval the payroll. The payroll is rewire to the different staffs banking accounts, and the tax deductions are paid to the different statutory government bodies. The union dues paid to the Union. So why not the retirement funds go into the bank account that is set up for it? Haven’t the staffs noticed that their retirement funds were not being bank from the statement received…if any were sent out by the bank? In other company the bank that holds the retirement funds normally sent out quarterly statement to each employees showing the deposit from both the employees and employer, and interest earn added. Why didn’t they tackle this situation before it escalated this far? It should not have reach this high as $2.5 or $1.5 million. I hope the authority can get this sort out for the employees.
Why not call the name of the hotel.
When poor picky head people are caught trying to catch their hand selling agricultural products you plaster their name, address and picture all over the media but the hotel that is defrauding their staff of pension you want to protect their privacy???
I jolly well am pissed off at this policy. You guys jolly well know the hotel name and there is no reason why the public should not be informed. The workers are not having a jolly good day here.
All the unions in this country are full of shit and are don’t concerned about workers only what they can gain from these big companies.
So the monies werededucted and not put unto the account ?
Whose responsibility was it to ensure that the deductions were submitted to the account?
Was it management who instructed the withholding or what?
Any which way this is downright …
Why ebbrybady want rab poor people so!?
Notwithstanding, whether somebody pilfered overtime or the hotel failed then or now to submit that fund, it is responsible, in my view, hence still owes the workers and should replace it.
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