At least two applicants that reportedly had their applications for a tavern licence to operate separate bars turned down, have expressed dismay over the discriminatory way the system works for, or against some citizens.
They became even more irate when they learned of an illegal bar being operated at the police Sports complex at Tomlinson’s by a low-ranking serving member of the police force.
They have reportedly conducted checks at the licensing Magistrate’s court and Customs department, and were informed that the name of the officer concerned did not appear in their official records.
It was also reported that the bar operations were exposed when persons that had paid user’s fees for events at the sports complex, had difficulties in obtaining official police receipts from an officer.
Swift action on the part of the police high command saw the immediate removal of the junior rank, said to have had difficulties in accounting for fees reportedly collected on behalf of the police department.
The high command was said to have remained tight-lipped over these revelations.
Recently, a female police officer who was accused of soliciting lunch from a traffic offender, had been suspended from duty for corrupt practice.
She had reportedly let off a male offender who had committed a parking violation at the V.C. Bird International Airport, where the solicitation was alleged to have taken place.
She was reported to be facing disciplinary trial.
Rank and file officers were not only said to be watching the situation at the police sports complex closely, but also how the police high command addressed these reports.
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“The high command was said to have remained tight-lipped over these revelations.”
Same thing with Monya Dwyer and her husband who allegedly stole from Costco. The high command is covering for its own. No wonder ppl are sometimes skeptical of “babylon” in this place.
What has become of Wendell Robinson?
On paid suspension watching the his colleagues who was laughing at him fall into more disgrace?? Question what happen to his alleged ‘victims’.
well said
That is all to it Tan, ‘…Mixed-Up Spelling.’
A ‘…slip of the fingers is really no fault of the mind.’
Even so, it gives you a name, you must learn to spell it correctly.
There is a former National Security Minister in St. Kitts/Nevis name ‘…Dwyer Astaphan.’
True, the comment is not about him
But you do have a point. The surname name in question spells ‘…Dyer.’
Hypocrisy and do you have proof to support ur statement in this forum? first of learn to spell ppl name correctly if u want to put individuals on blast, second get your news correct before doing so as well, seems like everything u hear u obviously believe. Costco????? Really.
Are you a benificiary of the loot? D barrel done come?
My bad. It’s Robert and Monya DYER (not Dwyer). Thank you for pointing that out.
See! Admitting the name spelling error; you are a gentleman.
Sorry Tan, WALMART.
What happen to the back pay that the government was supposed to give public workers since december 2018…some get and some still waiting to get..
If the PM and his ministers are enriching themselves, I guess the police is enriching himself to.
If there is an illegal bar operating just shut it down and arrest those responsible. The court will decide.
Hypocrisy you have something against the young lady and her husband???? You have proof they stole from Costco?? If they did why were they not charged in America??? Why were the alleged robbers/criminals allowed to come back home obviously free of charges ??? Some are ah you chat too dam much and get happiness from the downfall of others.
something about those 2 officers being charged is really bothering you? Are you a family member who likes to condone bad behaviour? The news has been posted for all to see, listen, and read. If you have a problem, them take the media to court.
“The three reportedly filled up three shopping carts with items and only paid for two carts-worth using the store’s self-checkout lane. Police estimate the shoplifted were worth about $900…The three were each CHARGED with fifth-degree larceny and conspiracy to commit fifth-degree larceny.”
Why every time something happen in Antigua some haters seems to involve the Prime Minister and other Ministers of Government in their ignorance Enough is Enough did the Prime Minister or other Members of the Government send those 2 to to steal anything from anywhere? People in Antigua need to stop talking foolishness and look at the big picture!Leave the Prime Minister and Minister of Government Out Of things The Commissioner is right to defend and protect the members of the police Force and some people need to shut up!
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