Police express sympathy, give more details following death of Mannie


Police Statement on Shooting Incident. St. Johns, Antigua, and Barbuda, August 1st, 2023

The police are continuing investigations into the circumstances surrounding a shooting incident that left one man dead.

Around 9 pm on Monday, 31st July, the police and members of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force were in the area of Lauchland Benjamin Drive, conducting a joint stop-and-search operation.

While on the scene, a vehicle was spotted with three occupants inside acting suspiciously.

The driver was signaled to stop; however, the vehicle turned around and sped away from the scene. A pursuit immediately ensued.

During the chase, several shots were fired at the police vehicle and the police returned fire.

It was further reported that two occupants alighted from the said vehicle and escaped on foot; one in the Otto’s area, and the other at Gray Hill.

The chase ended at Grays Farm when the driver abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot.

The officers continue pursuing the assailant and he was subsequently apprehended with what appeared to be a gunshot wound to his body.

He was transported to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center and was later pronounced dead. The deceased is a 45-year-old man from Bendals.

The Police Administration is saddened by the unfortunate outcome of this incident and expresses sympathy to the victim’s family.

The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Atlee Rodney is appealing to the general public to continue cooperating with the police in the lawful execution of their duties, especially during these stop-and-search operations.

The commissioner is further assuring the general public that the police will continue working in their best interest in ensuring the safety and security of every citizen and visitor in the country.

The police are asking members of the public for information in connection with this incident. Anyone with information can contact the Criminal Investigations Department at 462-3913 or the Crimestoppers Hotline at 800-Tips (8477).

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    • They did not confirm that they were the ones who shot him. He had the bullet wounds when he was apprehended.

  1. Take them out one by one. The same general public become enraged when the criminals run amuck and ask where is the same police.

    • dunce bat. maybe they should take you out and see how your family would feel. You people forget that other people ARE PEOPLE TOO.

      • Like the couple that was murder in their own home by thugs. The police must show no mercy to criminals.

        • @Antiguanman 8. So the man was a criminal??? Continue upholding this evil police. When they come for you and your family I hope you have the same energy. Right it right and wrong is wrong.

    • Don’t worry they will come for someone in your family hope you have the same energy.

  2. People start complaining why he got shot and call the police murderers even before it was clear what was happening. So well done, they returned fire and didn’t miss…

    • You are an idiot. Believe everything you hear. There were witnesses and everyone said the police were the only ones shooting.

    • @foreigner. Lies lies lies there was a bunch of people who saw exactly what happened.

    • So u really believe what these police said??? SHAME on u. And that is why police get away with murdering people children because they know how to lie for some of you all to believe them.

  3. All lies the chase was witnessed by alot of persons, where the only firearm that was discharged was from the police vehicle …why isn’t there any proof of bullet holes in the police vehicle?? I’m Antiguan and if this was my family those officers would be walking on their hand when I’m finished

  4. Contrary to the police report, the assailant was seen running from the police or defence force personal with his back turned. According to the video, the assailant appears to be running without any injuries to his body at this point. During the chase, a single shot was fired when the assailant collapsed and was subsequently apprehended by the police. This can be confirmed when eyewitnesses was alarmed when the assailant who was unarmed and not a threat to anyone was shot at the back by the police or army personnel. This story the police is putting out there that the assailant along with two other occupants in the vehicle fired shots first at them and during a chase the two occupants alighted from the same vehicle, I just do not believe it. To shoot someone from the back is serious especially if that person is not a threat to you at the time and does not have a weapon on them.

  5. This is FAKE NEWS concocted by the police department.
    So, the police made a decision to report that the deceased friends shot him or he shot himself.
    Classic Police Corruption

  6. From the videos circulated, if they’re uneditted, the police is wrong. The guy was running away from them. Didn’t see anything after he passed the camera but I only heard one gunshot. If they can’t produce a gun or prove that he had one or fired at them, they should be prosecuted.

  7. Antiguans can be too gullible sometimes. Of course there is a need to get criminals off the street but this story makes zero sense. Did no one pay attention to the video? He took off on foot and was fired at while running away on foot. The police was wreckless. Is it okay to put the public at large in danger to catch a man running away? Sad day in our country that uneducated police should be allowed to be judge, jury and executioner. For everyone who is onboard with aggressive policing in public spaces just hope that it’s not your loved one who gets caught in the line of fire.

  8. Like I said many times.. the real benefactors of corruption are politicians and police, so government matters, and society matters.

    It’s only the clean hearted people can root out corruption, so all clean hearted people should know what to do and fight back for your country, because Antigua is in perils.

    I like Shuggy because I think his heart is in the right place, but others got to step up and get these others perpetrators out of office. Vote them out or reveal their nastiness and force them to resign.

    We have a prime minister out here wokingup on his wife in public, instead of addressing the country and try to bring some sought of civility to our island!!

    Enough is enough for crying out loud. I’m all for criminals to be captured and put on trial for theirs crimes, but this man was killed unjustly. From the video I saw, this man was handled like a useless peasant and hauled off in the back of a pickup like I dog.
    The article says “Transported to” but that’s not how you transport a gunshot victim.

    Yes laws were broken here, the man ran from the police,fine, but killing the man and now trying to sugar coat the true events of really what happens, speak to the corruption that’s perminating this government and it’s justice system.
    This is no way to handle the proceedings when it comes to policing the public, it sends a terrible message to you citizens and future erodes the confidence of the public in the police force.
    It’s bad already out there in the streets, but trust me, this does not help the police going forward their other cases..people will simply not talk and help the police, because they can’t be trusted, judging from the video now the police trying twist their corrupt plot.

    The entire system needs trampled down and rebuild in Antigua, the entire thing. This has gone to far from this current government and it’s system.

    In the mean time you can’t hear a cranny from the leader of the Nation!!!
    What a bloody shame.

  9. I can’t even write straight right now because I’m so damn mad, so forgive any errors. But this is just sickening that the police are trying to fool the general public as to what really happened in this particular case..smdh.

    lying never fix anything or make people stop asking questions, so I really don’t know the reason for why this lying article was put out there for people to read.. if you got any sense at all Mr commissioner, and I believe you do,get the truth out of these officers and use them as an example to get back the people’s support for the police..

    This blatant lying article is a damn shame..this is tantamount to the George Floyd case for our little small island.. just like the George Floyd video, this one is clear as day light.. throwing a shooting victim in the back of a pickup, regardless of who shoot him, whether himself or you the police, is just wrong on so many levels, just wrong.
    It actually shows that you are no better than the criminals you chase..it’s like criminals chasing criminals from what I see from the videos circulating.

    Mr Commissioner, I implore you to do a proper investigation into this shooting, because this one does not look good on any front at all.

  10. If they don’t cover themselves by giving that story they gonna be in problems. That’s just how the police force works! Let them play with ppl lives still. One day somone will make an example of them but God dnt sleep wat they do fall on their generations.

  11. Deepest sympathies to Mannie’s children and family.

    Fuck sympathy and Fuck the Antiguan Police. Lazy, reckless and trigger happy.

    They’re so happy to say that they have “authority,” and that’s the only reason they took up this profession. This needs to be investigated. No apologies. The police intentionally shot this man.

    The police keep getting away with whatever they please. The Antiguan people need to step up because yesterday, it was him but tomorrow, it could be you and yours.

  12. If shots had been fired by those escaping on foot, passerbys would have not only heard but felt. The death / maim count would be higher.
    I don’t know much, but if you arrive dead/almost dead to hospital with a wound to abdomen after a drive as long or as short as graysfarm to mount, sumtin not rite. Remember the abdomen can expand just like a balloon and help to block the arteryleaks and the heart can continue to pump and the lungs continue to work.
    Nuff bad man survive to talk. Nuff bad man alive thanks to God, doctors and nurses. Nuff bad man will never forget those who put them down and those who brought them around.
    Heaven help us all. Heaven help even now, we live to tell the tale.

  13. A lawyer told me once that the Stop & Search in ANU is not legal. Can any lawyer out there comment on this. Thanks.

  14. It still doesn’t matter to Antiguans and barbudans. They will run their mouths, but do Nat a ting. Carnival will still go on. Protesters will be labeled destabilizes, UPP operatives. And life will go on as usual. In other countries, people will demonstrate for days, months, against injustice. But I guess black lives only matter when the perpetrator is white. Hope the spirits of those who were ever wronged, seek justice.

    • Well said. !!! Antiguans only care about what goes on in AMERICA !! I’ve seen more Antiguans post about the injustice in America but not Antigua .. no one said boo about Bruce Greenaway but they all posted up about George Floyd in a country they need visa to go to but not posting and protesting in their own country .. ANTIGUANS are very self hating and nuff up for other people things … a bunch of cowards

  15. @Islanman26

    We are all the victims of clickbait news. I share empathy with your thoughts about the article.

    Among the many things we suffer from here in Antigua and Barbuda, is the lack of responsibly newspapers or digital news.
    A man is shot dead, two others are on the loose. The police has not reported if the pursued them on foot.

    A vehicle was abandoned with no indication by the police of an any or contraband being found in the abandoned vehicle.

    Until as a society responsible news outlets emerge, that forces the various arms of government to do their jobs, to make the public aware beyond the gossipy misinformation then we are fed each day we will continue to spiral down into chaos.

    What we call news is just clickbait nonsense most time to get engagement and sells advertising.

    We are not just victims of a dysfunctional government, we are victims of the many institutions that are failing our lives.

    • Some people are gullible as f in this country always believing lies. That why some of them stay in abusive relationship for so Long. Always defending bullshit. What goes around comes right back around.

  16. @Aloenso A man is innocent until he or she is proven guilty. People run from the police for different reasons, one being fear. Seeing others running and fear or flight kick in.

    Not even one who runs is guilty of a crime.

    So he runs, and that gives the police the right to shoot him in the back? Antigua is only 108 sq miles, I am sure if they had taken the citizens of Antigua safety into consideration, they would have ended the chase and done their due diligence and still been able to locate and bring this man in for questioning.

    We expect the police to protect us, not kill us innocently. Please explain the shooting in the back. Did you view the video?

    Do we recall the PM’s son and the gun thing in the club?? The whole lot of them know that we only bark, until we start to show our teeth and bite, there will be no change.

    But remember this Aloenso, today for them/us tomorrow may just be yours until injustice hits close to home you/we will never see the effect it has. Good luck.

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