Local Police Appeals to Parents for Support

Atlee Rodney

In light of the recent violent attacks among young people, the Police Administration is calling upon parents to shoulder their responsibilities and get more involved in the supervision of their children.

The administration is of the firm view that the recent upsurge of violent behavior among young people is a result of some parents failing to provide proper support and nurturing to their child\children.

This lack of involvement on the part of some parents in the lives of our youths is reprehensible, and should no longer be tolerated.

In an effort to have the matter properly addressed, the police will be collaborating with the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders; including some of the parents to assist our youths in fulfilling their potential to become positive citizens in Antigua and Barbuda.

Members of the public are also asked to get involved and report any suspicious gatherings or disorderly behavior among young people to the police without delay.

The police will be expecting the full cooperation of everyone going forward.

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  1. Well said, but we need to study Christmas Eve that is around the corner, and put out heavy orders before the Christmas Eve that is upon us. The nation needs prayer.

  2. The police are there to uphold the law. Not to make statements of a social nature. After all we have professionals for that. If the law is broken do something and charge the perpetrators. Without fear or favor. And the police should also be involved in crime prevention. We can only ask the law makers to make such laws to strengthen the efforts of the police. We have seen the police dropping the ball big time lately when it comes to fighting crime. Well fighting crime is not the right word. They should be protecting the citizens against criminals. So that we can feel safe in this country. Do you job Mr. Rodney. protect the citizens of this country and don’t let lawlessness rule. We see it also in the traffic. People park where the hell they want. Drivers drive how they want. Traffic police are missing in action at all corners. If you don’t keep your cool in traffic you will have a fight every day with someone. You park somewhere and someone just feels like blocking you and go about their business. And when they come back, they don’t care and just leave. I mean, there are no traffic police to police these things in town. You come to a four-way corner like by Dees Service Station, and it is literally the one that has more courage that has the right of way. The police seem to be disgruntled about something, but they are not saying it. Their non-action is proof of it.

  3. @From The Sideline

    Yes the police are there to uphold the law… BUT, don’t you think there would be a lot less law to uphold if (those rogue) children were educated better at home? Children become adults, and if they don’t have a moral compass, they become bad adults. As crime rises, we are ALL affected by it! There is only so much the police can do. As a society, we have to take control of this situation, before it gets out of hand. Reach one, teach one!

    • One of the best way to curve Youth Violence is to develop child friendly community Youth Clubs, with activities that everyone can take part in, because we have alot of talented children out there….

    • I agree with all of that, but it’s not in the purview of the police to make comments in public of that nature. He sits on a different seat. He can hire a consultant to come to the public and speak on these matters. The Department of Social Transformation have people that are qualified to speak on these matters. All he needs to do is tell us how he will address the issue from a law enforcement perspective. We all have our opinion on how to solve this issue. As you yourself have voiced yours. But again, you have people that have studied the social behavior of young people and can give their qualified opinion on the matter. The police in Antigua are doing a poor job in Crime Fighting. Mr. Truehart Smith and Edric Potter were no joke when it came to fighting crime. That is why we could say in those days, Antigua was so safe you could leave your door open, go to town and come back and no one would dare go inside. Crimes were solved in rapid time. Actually, criminals used to surrender voluntarily to the police, because they didn’t want to be tracked down like dogs. Rodney is a failure in his job if you ask me. he doesn’t command the respect of all the top cops.

  4. Well I heard police on radio other morning saying parents will come and say they cannot control their children and he just cannot understand that. Talk about out of touch.

    So, no village to help, no social nets, police na understand and just going berate you. Finances tight like ants bxide….what does one do?
    No foster parents dey
    Maybe when the parents dead, then the kids can get some help.

    Police say they don’t understand being able to control your child. But if you kick dem down ah grung, dem bex too.

    How passing the buck back to the parents who clearly are struggling makes any sense?? And do you have any guarantee that these children can have a decent life if they are removed from these “awful parents”?

    Beg you: think bigger, wider, better.

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