The composition of the Senate on the government’s side of the aisle will change drastically for in the new parliamentary term.
Mary Claire Hurst replaces newly elected MP Lennox Weston as leader of Government’s business in the House.
Barbuda Council chairman Knacyntar Nedd will replace the embattled former Senator Adrian Lee who had several charges pressed against him in October of 2016 concerning store owner Linton Thomas. Many of the charges were later dropped.
After a near 5 year hiatus from the Upper House, Senator Gail Christian makes her return to the government’s bench. Christian had previously been minority leader but had resigned in August of 2013.
Despite the saga which eventually led to former MP Eustace Teco Lake bowing out of the recently concluded General Elections citing health concerns, we see him make a return to Parliament, but this time as a senator.
Pointe FM radio personality Colin O’Neal makes his way into the Senate for the very first time. The other first-time senator named by the government is businessman and President of the Antigua & Barbuda Sports Fishing Association Philip Shoul.
Other returning senators are Alincia Williams-Grant as President of the Senate; Osbert Frederick who will also remain as Deputy President of the House; Maureen Payne-Hyman; Shanella Govia and Aziza Lake.
Colin “Tin Tin” James, the lone ABLP candidate to lose his seat on mainland Antigua finds his way out of the Senate on this go around.
There are still six outstanding appointees to the Senate: one more senator from Barbuda is yet to be named. The Governor General is still to appoint his independent senator to the House as is the main opposition United Progressive party yet to name its four Senate appointees.
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Should be shame of him self.. (lanniebozo) Gaston still want to sell out Antigua it no change and u now bigging him up .The thing u guys do for two extra dollars. And money no fit are u..smh
Calling out Colin Oneal , biggest Traitor Ever. Do us a favour Leave your Trash talk on Ponte FM.
What the heck would be Colin Oneal’s contribution be to the Senate, and the people of Antigua. biggest Haha ever. We will be paying attention, Forget Barbuda , Trevor Walker will have his Senate whip right up in there , will make ppl like you Colin insignificant.
Let us see if you would have any objections, but say yes to everything. Thanks to the United Progressive Party for giving you the opportunity to be on Crusader Radio, . Ungratefulness carn done..
Remember practice Loyalty, this determines your character.
That’s right! Put cheese in his mouth Gaston. He won’t have a thing to say about you (lannibozo) making your wife minister of lands. SMH…. same script… different cast.
😂 well I thought joke season was over but I guess not. Look ah sour grapes. You think after that brutal beating the clowns would retire and go in peace. But now there cussing one of their own. If Mr. O’Neal wants to switch wah aru bex for. When Eraol Cort switch y’all welcome him with open arms and gave him some of the biggest positions. Even when he lost in 2009 y’all still.made him a minsiter and a senator so the man have his right to back any political party he chooses.
Ohhhh, so you are a ohhh person you also bring nothing, except for a pause !! No comparison between the two, leave Colin at Pointe FM , trash talk radio.
Lol what a joke. A person can express themself now. It is the man right to support whatever party he want of you nah like he nah listen to pointe fm. Watch ya pressure Jack. 😅😅😅
What a Judas ! I hope the 30 pieces of silver won’t finish before they kick you out.
Look at sour grapes in here. Is it the beating that y’all party suffered have y’all so. Why y’all vex with the guy. He obviously saw that the UPP was a lost cause and perfered not to waste time on a sinking ship.
My dear people, you’ll are missing the real reason why Colin O’Neal is now Senator. He works at Point FM ok? What is his salary? Do you know? Well being a Senator takes the load off of cunning Gaston paying him anything substantial. All you must learn to read that cunning fox. Get the government to pay his radio host. But mark my word, one day he will be outdone by his own cunning tricks.
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