Prime Minister Gaston Browne has warned members of the Barbuda Peoples Movement controlled council that it will be no more if councillors stand in the way of development.
“We will dismantle the council” Browne told Pointe FM.
Browne says: “Having the council, it doesn’t matter at this point because they are not in a position to time the development of the island. We govern the country with a firm but fair hand and if the council will try and frustrate our progress; we will dismantle the counsel.”
When asked about the reason for his party failed in the council polls, the Prime Minister responded that it wasn’t his intention to contest the election as the conditions in Barbuda was not
“The condition is such that politically we will not be able to make any headway until the issues in Barbuda are resolved.”
The rebuilding of a home in Barbuda is the major issue for Barbudans but the cost to rebuild homes is approximately US$ 80 million or EC $216 million EC.
Until those homes are built, Browne says Barbudans will continue to blame his government for not rebuilding their homes.
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Omy this man is the best lol
He love break hand nah wake up gaston wake up…… Michael Browne say the global port agreement is bad bad for this country and u call him dumb
Lol….wait mr PM…who woke up this morning and call u hitler? You keep acting like a man that get knuckle..please take your meds am begging u..
Threatening to dismantle the Barbuda council after all the lowlife dirty tricks you and your administration have excercised will see you back at Lancaster House. You got your independence based on the granting of our autonomy to self govern with “advice” where asked for. As a Tri island state we also benefit from Sovereignty and under the UN charter of self determination we also have the legal right to pull away from Antigua.
Alex Deazle, that would be great- however, can u tell me how will Barbuda survive on his own. Talk is free, so speak on
They are pretty much surviving on their own now…. Truth be told what have we really given them? Why are they not giving budget allocations just like every other ministry? I blame the UPP also for not giving them more autonomy in 2007…. Barbuda will be better off if they were able to control their own destiny….
@1man and his opinion-Budget allocation???? Then what are the subsidies they get on a regular basis for??Is it just to collect the subsidies from the Treasury,then pay it all out to the council employee’s because there are no viable Employment on the Island? To what ministry should the allocations be given BTW? The ministry of Barbuda? With no disrespect,but either you people are allowing politics to totally melt your brains,or your levels of intellect are not as great as some would think.Light do travel faster than sound anyway,so its’ okay to perceive someone as been very bright until they open their mouth’s..
Quality wise, more to offer in tourism than Antigua. Revamp agriculture, improve fishing and sand mining.! Done way ahead.
Just need a good port.
Why do you think Antigua doesn’t want to let go? A diamond in the raw with much potentials.
Yea Right Joyrose, building a dolly house right?
Axle, even though I agree that there has been many injustice against the Barbuda people I have an ought against many people in Barbuda and the Council. The art of complaining and taking little actionn needs to stop. So, many people from all over making money hand over fist in Barbuda from the rebuilding of Barbuda and the natives rather hide in Antigua and complain. You have to win from within. Listen, nobody is going to stop the train and say, wait lets hear what the Barbudans have to say. So many Barbudans are settling into life on Antigua thst the few voices left will dwindle off. Listen, do yourself a favor and get in on some of the action going on there so that you can fight from within.
Those whom the God’s will destroy they first make MAD
So Gaston come cause we done we’re protected by the most high God. Barbuda council is and always will be protected by the almighty father. So come 😒
@Lioness Griffin- You,ll need to stop including the Father in your ignorant diatribe.. What has the Barbuda council done or is doing to be protected specially by the most high? God isn’t a God of confusion on any political side-and Confusion is the only thing i see coming out of Barbuda..
So much for democracy under Gaston Browne. The BPM wins all 4 seats on the Barbuda Council in a fair and democratic election and the first thing Gaston does in the face of the ABLP defeat is to immediately threaten to dismantle the Barbuda Council if they do not agree with his plans for Barbuda? WTF??? So, if in the next general election, the ABLP loses seats to the UPP, will Gaston threaten to dismantle and abolish those seats in Parliament if they oppose his government’s direction? We move closer to a dictatorship every day under Gaston Browne.
Prime Minister is Correct if the Council stands in the way of progress He is correct to dismantle the Council. I cannot believe how most People DON’T want to see Barbuda develop. What is wrong with progress ? Mr Prime continue your Delopment program in Barbuda. When the Development is completed The Barbudans will see your vision. Next ELECTION ABLT will win the Barbuda seat. You are on the right tarck Mr. Prime Minister. Don’t let Anyone deter your vision for Barbuda. The UPP, Observer, GO Green , DNA , THE MOVEMENT .They will keep complaining and remain in OPPOSITION for EVER.
Your an idiot
Only the word of God will last forever. Every earthly kingdom will see its reign come to an end, even that of the ABLP.
Money talk or investor walk.
I have since the last election made that suggestion. Dismantle the council. We do not need any local government. Suppose each parish had a local council. What we need is a branch of each department of the government in Barbuda. And each minister is responsible to have their staff their executing their policies. Simple as that. The government in Antigua is the government for Barbuda as well. Period. Too many small kingdoms in Barbuda.
Poor FTS lol. dismantle when you cant get your way
Realest…. You don’t have to be soooo CRUDE. You appear to be ANTI-DEVELOPMENT. Hope you will see the light. Mr. Knight from the Observer Radio refer to your party UPP is OLD WINE IN BROKEN BOTTLE.
We are just so partisan in this country and it is not doing any good for us. The continued bickering on both sides serves no useful purpose and will only further alienate and make things increasing difficult for both sides. Barbuda will never be allowed to secede from Antigua and so it is in the interest of the nation to mend the relationship and work harmoniously together. Both the government and the people of Barbuda are contributing to the “heat” that is currently existing and meaningful dialogue is required in order to bridge the gap and bring the parties together.
Sometimes I really wonder if this man consider himself to be God. SMH. I now see why Barbudans behave this way to you and your government. You want to be gangster and they are stubborn as hell. This is a never ending war unless you change your approach. Your intentions may be right but your approach is definitely wrong.
I am for development, but one thing we know for sure is not to trust this government here for that. Look at what the Yida project has amounted to. Total destruction of the environment, all being done in broad daylight with no shame.. Where is our government to control this? Probably in their penthouse in Miami or wherever, because they got their “share” of the investment, and then don´t give 2 shits about the rest. What happened to all the funds raised for Barbuda right after the hurricane hit? I am all for development, but SUSTAINABLE development… not no I dont give a F development, as long as I get a few bucks in my own pocket.
Audley Phillip,your writings are of an Intelligent and bi-partisan nature,but been fair and Bi-Partisan do not mean that someone should not say things as it is,that is been fair and Un-basis and do not make you appear political. The ABLP,especially this present administration has extended the Olive vine to its length to Barbuda,not much more they can.I do not know what you are seeing to indicate that the Government is contributing to the bickering,that’s entirely false..There are the government and they must do what governments are there to do,that is run the affairs of the nation that elected them. All forms of attempts has been extended to the Barbudan’s for peace and integration as one nation,it is clear that they do not want it..So what else can the Government do? except to ignore the rancor and confusion and continue doing what it was elected to do.It is an unfair statement to claim that they are contributing to the confusion,could not be farther from the truth..
The last member of Parliament for Barbuda is responsible for the debacle there. Too much greed and one sided affairs has lead to his demise…..and as long as the now representative is elected under a Labour Party government there will be continued destabilization in Barbuda. The BLM is in cohorts with the UPP and their bitter defeat which they will continue to inflict on themselves for a very long time. Yes the people or opposition should see to it that the land is not given away and dibby up to the politicians and their cronies, however those who try to prevent economic progress for political mileage should be dealt with accordingly. For many to think that opposition parties are acting in their best interest should consider what has happened over the past fifteen years.
Ok. Honestly, there is alot of uniqueness in how Barbuda is handled. There lies the request to help me while leaving me alone. However, what you will find is that both the BLM and ABLP are aftwr the same prize. Its a matter of , when the investors cut the check, who are they making it out to. Ultimately, this does little for the average Barbudan.
People, there is alot of money to be made in Barbuda. Do yourself a favor and get in on the action now. Get a piece of the pie while you still can. There is abour ro be all kind of jobs over there and busibess entrapeneur opportunity. Dont get left behind, get your piece of the pie now.
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