PM: ‘The guy is just a louse’


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    • And you’re like a parrot just regurgitating BS. Sure u na even know wha TF a charlatan is thank God for smart phone that help u spell it right. Louse vs tief who would u choose Alex?? OPEN UP UR EYES MAN THAT MAN IS NO GOOD FOR ANU G-angsta B must go

    • And an IMPRESSIONATE & FAILURE who has lost his night and now trying to catch up with his morning….. we cannot expect better. When he lie with the UPP dogs then he will definitely rise with their fleas.

      • I would rather lie with any other dog than your ABLP Top darg.

        Even a real dog don’t want to be associated with the darg. Notice that it’s only the UPP rejects that he keeps around him to boost his ego!

        His days are numbered and he is found wanting.

      • @Bluddy Bloke…don’t you just love, when The Fockers show their family loyalty.
        I, love the fact, that you can find humor and be facetious when PM Browne uses demeaning and derogatory statements, tovdescribe his opponent(s), yet you’re the same one #WHO’RE crying like #BI^CHES, when karma and nature shows up at the PM’s door and some of Us highlights his dilemma with our own humour, you #Bluddy Bloke and the other drones and worker bees and Wanna Bees, fly to his defence like #Bees protecting their Queen.
        Life is really and truely made up of all kinds of #Fuc^ers, #Suckers and /#Bi^ches.
        Yep, I choose being a #Fuc^er, not a sucker nor bi^ch.
        Now, you can go to the mountains, and tell the gud god to send KARMA to my door.

    • How Alister wants to be trusted with the FINANCE of Antigua and Barbuda and He has NOT paid His rent for years ? How can UPP Executive condone this type of behaviour ? I heard this on several MEDIA OUTLETS. Alister should be ASHAMED of Himself.

      UPP can do better. Why UPP is harbouring persons like..




      UPP get rid of the above mentioned names before 2023 election. If Not DNA will be the Official Opposition.

  1. They always say a liar worse than a theif.
    You are both .
    I am neither here nor there right now with my voting desicion. I listen to everyone and then come to a desicion .
    I can say this much I will never vote for you again .
    Yours is the most dishonest and theifing family I have known.

    • Poor Alister?
      You should be pooring for Gaston.
      I bet any money that the City West seat will not be in the ABLP’s bracket after the next election. No wonder he’s dragging it out so he can hold on a bit longer.

      My advice to him is to call the election now for the longer he waits the worse it will be for him.

      • yes yes yes the PM is shaking in his boots. Alister will do what Papa Lazy and Wilmoth Daniel couldn’t do. yes yes yes the sky is pink and glittery too. Alister will beat him 2:1 in City West. yes yes yes BEGGY BEGGY Franz can spell G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L

        • Don’t you’ll just love how I eat up the shit which my PM spew!
          Well well well, tell them our PM shit is like old fashion BoBoy rice-pudding sweet sweet bad that I’m Just Saying this is why we eat his shit so.

      • The last time the UPP called the PM out to call the election, they got only one seat. This time around the PM promises you guys 17:0. So be careful what you ask for.

  2. How Alister wants to be trusted with the FINANCE of Antigua and Barbuda and He has NOT paid His rent for years ? How can UPP Executive condone this type of behaviour ? I heard this on several MEDIA OUTLETS. Alister should be ASHAMED of Himself.

    UPP can do better. Why UPP is harbouring persons like..




    UPP get rid of the above mentioned names before 2023 election. If Not DNA will be the Official Opposition.

  3. Allister Thomas DROPOUT is the Shadow Minister of HOUSING, but he is yet to present his TITLE DEED for the house he currently occupies.

  4. The 🐍is the Shadow Minister of Agriculture and has 26 ACRES of land with one single pupah tree (a bird dropped the seed there).


  5. he not the same “ALI” from back in the day. Gone are his glory days of Ali and Associates and miss BIG n BEAUTIFUL. nothing going on for Ali deez days. He gunning for harold head. Da young ppl take over the wire bending and knock out ali. nothing to show for himself

    no wife
    no house
    no baby

  6. all alister needs to do is submit proof of his high school diploma from PMS. Call up the principal Mr. Greene to secure the document then publicize the certificate of completion. Tabor can help him with getting it notarized.

  7. Gaston, as the Master Blaster would say, ” Shut UP, Just Shut Up.”
    Well, Top Dawg, it’s time for you to put up. You have made it abundantly clear that graduating from high school or having a tertiary education do not automatically qualify someone for a career in politics. You are truly lost when it comes to running the affairs of Antigua. It is quite evident that your only goal in politics is to get rich. Now that you have accomplished your only goal, just do the honorable thing and walk away now that you and yours have become millionaires.
    You are nothing but a CON MAN.

  8. louse – noun
    1. Either of two small wingless parasitic insects that live on the skin of mammals and birds.

    What does louse mean in slang?
    a contemptible person
    Slang. a contemptible person, especially an unethical one. verb (used with object), loused, lous·ing. to delouse. Verb Phrases.

    Is Lousy a bad word?
    The slang word lousy is the perfect way to describe something particularly awful or rotten. When you’re sick, you feel lousy, and when someone is mean or rude, they treat you in a lousy way. The original, literal meaning of lousy is “infested with lice,” those creepy crawly parasites that hang out on people’s scalps.

    • I am sorry I made these references because since the PM is the Top Dawg and a female dog is referred to as a bitch then some people may say Maria is a bitch and that’s not cool. Even though I found out she’s a real bitch.

    • I am sorry I made these references because since the PM is the Top Dawg and a female dog is referred to as a bitch then some people may say Maria is a bitch and that’s not cool. Even though I found out she’s a real bitch. Ok!

      • @FAKE From the Sideline”

        Get your own username and tap try to impersonate other bloggers.


        • #Smh
          How do you know the post is fake if you are not From the SideLine. Are you giving up your cover?Ha Ha

  9. I like parasitic insect. I also like a contemptible person, especially an unethical one.
    We have a country to clean out of the lice, and some thieves to jail. We are tired of having blood suckers in government.

  10. So far, every name that the PM has called his opponents are decent words in the English Language. The problem is that people react to those words without looking up the meaning.
    I have put the meaning of the word louse here above. Perfectly decent use of the word. And what about the word “deracinated imbeciles”.
    deracinated – adjective
    uprooted from one’s natural geographical, social, or cultural environment.
    imbecile -noun
    a stupid person.
    So please educate yourself. Don’t get hot under the collar for nothing.
    if you do not know the meaning of the words the PM uses, google them.

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