Prime Minister Gaston Browne has told opposition groups protesting the Global Ports deal to stop using the national flag of Antigua & Barbuda.
The coalition of opposition groups has been using the national flag instead of the flags of their various political groups.
However, Browne says he sees the use of the national flag as desecration of the national symbol.
“And they must stop using the Antigua and Barbuda flag, go there with the UPP flag. Don’t bring the Antigua and Barbuda flag in you all politics.”
You want to protest and be protesting with our flag you are defacing the value of our flag,” Browne added.
Opposition groups calling themselves faithful nationals have been protesting almost weekly. They want the 30-year deal for the management of local ports to be rescinded.
The prime minister is again dismissing the protesters, saying that some of them look “hungry.” He claimed their last event last week only had 20 people.
UPP leader Harold Lovell has commenced legal proceedings questioning the Global Ports deal. The government says the legal action is “frivolous and vexatious” and will be defeated.
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[GASP] is that a current photo of Harold Lovell for real??? wow! Who/what is stressing him so? He looks like he has aged significantly and looks tired. Where is the vigor and vitality needed as a LEADER? wow! I’m shocked.
Remind me when you stop aging!
And this is only the beginning of his 28 years in the wildernis
People forget how small Antigua is, we only have the population of a small US city. We are not big enough to see value in these stupid protests.
I wish these ‘opposition’ people would work and meet with PM Browne – he is a PM that listens and takes advice. These opposition people would achieve more if they actually worked as a team with the ruling party (the party that the people super-majority voted for).
Antigua has 100K people, let’s stop fighting about politics and work together for once. If the ‘opposition’ acts dumb, then let’s just ignore them, because they have no power anyways.
Sorry that is a real clarion call but this is Antigua. It’s rule or ruin
This top dawg dictator is the clown of the year. Oh how he wish he could stop the faithful Nationals legally from using the flag. Press on you faithful Nationals.
Mr. PM slavery has done long time. What, he forgot when they’re were in opposition and protesting on “Not our passport for sale” they had the national flag to. Now the table has turned he can’t handle it. If he can’t manage the heat then come out of the kitchen.
Around the world whenever anyone, including political parties, protest for the good of the their country, they always have their national flags plus their political flag.
CIP, Maduro-Browne Alliance, visa requirement for Canada, Gun Running…should i name more that have defaced Antigua’s flag?
“Desecration of national symbol”?..” I thought the PM did this single handedly by selling passports to criminal fugitives?.
Don’t look at Mr Lovell’s body, you will be fooled consistently you nunskull, the vigor and vitality comes from the big heart the man carries you nunskull.
What big heart? LMAO!! Joanne Massiah, Anthony Stuart, Bruce Goodwin, Malaka Parker, Driftwood Athill, Donna Chaia, Richard Lewis, Damani Tabor and countless others would beg to differ.
Such a “big heart” that he encouraged Richard Lewis to run for party leadership, claiming he was not going to run, then turn around and backstab Richard. Joanne Massiah knows this game all too well.
Such a big IMF, Romantic Rhythms, Power Plant heart. You right fu chu.
He is like a FOX.
Your such a fool he’s degrading OUR country You dunce
It is everybody’s flag. Period.
He does indeed look weary in the picture. Maybe that was the end of the march. And where did all those grey hairs pop up from suddenly? Was he using his wife’s hair dye all along?
The UPP & their followers are the most unpatriotic bunch ever compiled. Protesting for Protesting sake is absolutely ridiculous. I’m still waiting to hear a clear concise intelligent argument and objection to GP.
They are trying to cripple our economy by driving away our lo.
Harold has never been effective & successful at anything in his 70 years of life. I’ll be shocked if Gaston Browne allows a man with such failings to beat him now.
Looking weary is a sign of a true Warrior not a Dictator!
Looking weary could be a sign of being bruised, battered and shipwrecked. I believe Melford Nicholas has something to do with that lol.
LOL indeed. Melford bang him so bad. He still cannot catch himself
Melford is the worst thing ever happen to city east, Antigua too sweet and the people so dunce
Do not use the Antigua flag.Use that of Cuba,China,Venezuela,Iran and Russia.Because you protesters are not from Antigua.LOL. Looking back in History.Which desecrated the flag most.Those protesters with the Antigua Flag and or the ALP/ABLP? Selling Antigua and Barbuda Passports to all and sundry.Like the China man under arrest in mainland China.It is said he was given over one hundred plus of the Nation’s Passport to sell.Gaston Browne,could you tell us.How many of those passports were sold and to whom?Did the Chinese Authorities confiscate those Passports?Who is over seeing his shares in West Indies Oil Tank Storage Farm?
Unlike most of the politicians in Antigua who are obese.He looks very fit to me.
He is nowhere near being obese, but he is on the opposite end of the spectrum. Zoom in on the photo and look at him good, something looks different. Perhaps he should schedule a doctor’s appt asap.
Fit!. The Prime Minister looks Fit. Harold looks like a starving person. Underfed. Like he just on a hunger strike
Yet he only won when they were in government because of the blue want to be ALLSTAR ahoe that after they took them off you here how much they feet 🦶 were hurting 😂😂😂 UPP DONE
Knight In shining armour
You are a DISGRACE to the OBSERVER brand. You Guys are raising funds illegally. You can only raise funds for NON PROFIT organizations NOT Private owned Company. Oberver should go on the Stock Market to raise funds. Not from the Citizens of Antigua. Why you Guys would buy a Company knowing that you do not have money to sustain the Company. How many more times can you come to the Public begging for money ????.Please smarten UP.
I said the same thing. The fund raising was done under false pretense. Antigua has Free and Independent Press. The only station that is under government control is ABS Radio and TV.
And yes many popular stations align themselves with a political party, but that is so in every country. Even in the USA. Fox is known to be aligned to the Republican Party while MSNBC and CNN are more aligned to the Democrats. It’s because they are so free the former Observer was allowed to accrue over two million dollars in utility bills that we now will not get paid for. Which means that the people will eventually will pay the bill.
Y’all leave Harry ‘Banging Post’ Lovell alone. Y’all think it easy to lose 2 elections under your leadership. Y’all think Harry had an easy time. Obviously Harry wants his dream of becoming PM to be a reality and it is taking its toll on his body.
So what you saying? Lovell suffers from BWS (Battered Woman Syndrome)? So he running again to get a third beating come next general elections?
We should call the TALK SHOWS in Antigua to advise the Antiguans about the false pretence in which OBSERVER is raising FUNDS. See my post above.
Let them continue giving them (observer) their hard earned money..Its theirs. No matter what they do the UPP is a done deal and i get the feeling that observer isn’t too far behind.. They are Evil and is all about defaming people’s name and spreading slander-just observe some of the comments above. Some people may take bad things people do at face value,but God does not-they time has come to an end..The UPP members and its handful of followers are detached from reality ,reveling in the past glory they once had in the early 2000″s..They are delusional..The PM should just ignore them totally,unless they do not do anything to damage him or the nation personally .Right now,they are laughable..
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